Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 70A.205 - Solid Waste Management—Reduction and Recycling.
70A.205.700 - Develop and establish objectives and strategies for the reuse and recycling of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials.

RCW 70A.205.700
Develop and establish objectives and strategies for the reuse and recycling of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials.

(1) The department of transportation and its implementation partners must collaboratively develop and establish objectives and strategies for the reuse and recycling of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials. This process must include the development of criteria for the successful and sustainable long-term recycling of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials in Washington state transportation, roadway, street, highway, and other transportation infrastructure projects.
(2) The department of transportation must, unless construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials are not readily available and cost-effective, specify and annually use a minimum of twenty-five percent construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials on its cumulative transportation, roadway, street, highway, and other transportation infrastructure projects.
(3)(a) All local governmental entities with a population of one hundred thousand residents or more must, as part of their contracting process, request and accept bids that include the use of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials for each transportation, roadway, street, highway, or other transportation infrastructure project.
(b) Prior to awarding a contract for a transportation, roadway, street, highway, or other transportation infrastructure project, the local governmental entity must compare the lowest responsible bid proposing to use construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials with the lowest responsible bid not proposing to use construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials, and award the contract to the bidder proposing to use the highest percentage of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials if that bid is the same as, or less than, a bidder not proposing to use construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials or proposing to use a lower percentage of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials.
(4) Any local governmental entity with a population of less than one hundred thousand residents must:
(a) Review and determine the capacity for recycling and reuse of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials for roadway, street, highway, and other transportation infrastructure projects in its jurisdiction;
(b) Establish practical and applicable strategies to recycle and reuse construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials for roadway, street, highway, and other transportation infrastructure projects in its jurisdiction; and
(c) Upon the completion of the review and strategy development, begin implementing the strategies to achieve the recycling and reuse objectives established for its jurisdiction.
(5) The applications and related specification standards for state and local transportation and infrastructure projects that reuse and recycle construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials to be used in the implementation of this section are outlined in the department of transportation's standard specifications for road, bridge, and municipal construction, section 9-03.21, table 9-03.21(1)E.
(6) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) "Construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials" means reclaimed coarse and fine aggregate cement and concrete mixtures as commonly defined by the American public works association, the federal highway administration, and department of transportation specifications.
(b) "Implementation partners" means local governmental entities and interested Washington-based associations representing the appropriate sectors of the construction industry.
(c) "Local governmental entities" means cities or counties.

[ 2015 c 142 § 2. Formerly RCW 70.95.805.]

Findings—2015 c 142: "(1) The legislature finds that the Washington state highway system is extensive, with over one hundred seventy-five thousand miles of public, city, county, and state highway pavements and over eight thousand seven hundred built structures, built using large quantities of construction aggregates, asphalt, concrete, steel, and cement. Much of our transportation and infrastructure system is in need of major rehabilitation or total reconstruction. These natural resource construction materials used to build our existing system are too valuable to be wasted and landfilled. Some of the best natural construction materials produced in Washington state are already in use for highways, bridges, and building construction. Effective and responsible recycling is an effective life-cycle strategy to reuse these construction materials in the construction of new state and local transportation and infrastructure projects as well as to repair, reconstruct, and maintain them.
(2) The legislature further finds that the recycling of aggregates and other transportation construction materials makes sound economic, environmental, and engineering sense and is in keeping with meeting Washington state's greenhouse gas reduction priorities. The economic benefits from the reuse and recycling of these valuable, finite, and nonrenewable materials can be very effective in reducing the cost of designing, engineering, and construction of new transportation projects and will make greater use of limited state and local transportation funds for additional highway construction, rehabilitation, preservation, or maintenance projects.
(3) The legislature further finds that the reuse of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials into new transportation and infrastructure structure projects is known to:
(a) Promote the conservation and protection of permitted and unpermitted construction aggregate resources;
(b) Reduce the need for the consumption of new construction aggregate materials;
(c) Encourage the reuse and recycling of currently classified waste materials and discourage landfilling of valuable natural resources;
(d) Reduce waste, preserve finite landfill space, and reduce illegal dumping by encouraging reuse and recycling through sound and practical environmental best management and handling practices;
(e) Reduce truck trips and related transportation emissions;
(f) Reduce greenhouse gases related to the construction of new transportation projects, reduce embodied energy, and improve and advance the sustainable principles and practices of the state of Washington and its transportation system;
(g) Reduce project material and construction costs for state and local level projects; and
(h) Be consistent with the governor's executive order No. 13-04 (September 2013), the state department of transportation sustainability executive order No. E1082.00 (August 2012), and presidential executive order No. 13423 (January 2007)." [ 2015 c 142 § 1.]

Effective date—2015 c 142: "This act takes effect January 1, 2016." [ 2015 c 142 § 4.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 70A - Environmental Health and Safety

Chapter 70A.205 - Solid Waste Management—Reduction and Recycling.

70A.205.005 - Legislative finding—Priorities—Goals.

70A.205.007 - Landfill disposal of organic materials—Goal.

70A.205.010 - Purpose.

70A.205.015 - Definitions.

70A.205.020 - Environmental excellence program agreements—Effect on chapter.

70A.205.025 - Standards for solid waste handling—Areas—Landfill location.

70A.205.030 - Inert waste landfills.

70A.205.035 - Implementation of standards—Assessment—Analyses—Proposals.

70A.205.040 - County comprehensive solid waste management plan—Joint plans—Requirements when updating—Duties of cities.

70A.205.045 - County and city comprehensive solid waste management plans—Contents.

70A.205.050 - County and city comprehensive solid waste management plans—Levels of service, reduction and recycling.

70A.205.055 - County and city comprehensive solid waste management plans—Review and approval process.

70A.205.060 - County and city comprehensive solid waste management plans—Review by department of agriculture.

70A.205.065 - Utilities and transportation commission to review local plan's assessment of cost impacts on rates.

70A.205.070 - Technical assistance for plan preparation—Guidelines—Informational materials and programs.

70A.205.075 - Maintenance of plans—Review, revisions—Implementation of source separation programs.

70A.205.080 - Financial aid to counties and cities.

70A.205.085 - Matching requirements.

70A.205.090 - Contracts with counties to assure proper expenditures.

70A.205.100 - Local board of health regulations to implement the comprehensive plan—Section not to be construed to authorize counties to operate system.

70A.205.105 - Local health departments may contract with the department of ecology.

70A.205.110 - Solid waste disposal facility siting—Site review—Local solid waste advisory committees—Membership.

70A.205.115 - Private businesses involvement in source separated materials—Local solid waste advisory committee to examine.

70A.205.120 - Permit for solid waste handling facility—Required.

70A.205.125 - Permit for solid waste handling facility—Applications, fee.

70A.205.130 - Permit for solid waste disposal site or facilities—Review by department—Appeal of issuance—Validity of permits issued after June 7, 1984.

70A.205.135 - Permit for solid waste handling facility—Renewal—Appeal—Validity of renewal—Review fees.

70A.205.140 - Permit for solid waste disposal site or facilities—Suspension.

70A.205.145 - Exemption from solid waste permit requirements—Waste-derived soil amendments—Application—Revocation of exemption—Appeal.

70A.205.150 - Exemption from solid waste permit requirements—Medication disposal.

70A.205.155 - Hearing—Appeal—Denial, suspension—When effective.

70A.205.160 - Solid waste collection companies—Notice of changes in tipping fees and disposal rate schedules.

70A.205.165 - Landfill disposal facilities—Reserve accounts required by July 1, 1987—Exception—Rules.

70A.205.170 - Waste generated outside the state—Findings.

70A.205.175 - Waste generated outside the state—Solid waste disposal site facility reporting requirements—Fees.

70A.205.180 - Financial aid to jurisdictional health departments—Applications—Allocations.

70A.205.185 - Financial aid to jurisdictional health departments—Matching funds requirements.

70A.205.190 - Diversion of recyclable material—Penalty.

70A.205.195 - Unlawful to dump or deposit solid waste without permit—Penalties—Litter cleanup restitution payment.

70A.205.200 - Name appearing on waste material—Presumption.

70A.205.205 - Disposal of sewage sludge or septic tank sludge prohibited—Exemptions—Uses of sludge material permitted.

70A.205.210 - Duties of department—State solid waste management plan—Assistance—Coordination—Tire recycling.

70A.205.215 - Additional powers and duties of department.

70A.205.220 - Department to cooperate with public and private departments, agencies, and associations.

70A.205.225 - Department authorized to disburse referendum 26 (RCW 43.83.330) fund for local government solid waste projects.

70A.205.230 - Department authorized to disburse funds under RCW 43.83.350 for local government solid waste projects.

70A.205.235 - Hazardous substance remedial actions—Procedural requirements not applicable.

70A.205.240 - Determination of best solid waste management practices—Department to develop method to monitor waste stream—Collectors to report quantity and quality of waste—Confidentiality of proprietary information.

70A.205.245 - Solid waste stream analysis.

70A.205.250 - Solid waste stream evaluation.

70A.205.255 - Analysis and evaluation to be incorporated in state solid waste management plan.

70A.205.260 - Solid waste—Beneficial uses—Permitting requirement exemptions.

70A.205.265 - Solid waste handling permit—Exemption from requirements—Application of section—Rules.

70A.205.270 - Composting of bovine and equine carcasses—Guidelines—Exemption from solid waste handling rules.

70A.205.275 - Rules—Department "deferring" to other permits—Application of section.

70A.205.280 - Penalty.

70A.205.285 - Construction.

70A.205.290 - Qualified anaerobic digesters exempt from permitting requirements of chapter—Definitions.

70A.205.300 - Transporters—Definition—Registration required—Penalties.

70A.205.310 - Transporters—Delivery of recyclable materials to transfer station or landfill prohibited—Records—Penalty.

70A.205.320 - Damages.

70A.205.330 - Solid waste recyclers—Notice—Report—Penalty.

70A.205.340 - Financial assurance requirements.

70A.205.400 - Disposal of vehicle tires outside designated area prohibited—Penalty—Exemption.

70A.205.405 - Fee on the retail sale of new replacement vehicle tires.

70A.205.410 - Fee on the retail sale of new replacement vehicle tires—Failure to collect, pay to department—Penalties.

70A.205.415 - Waste tire removal account.

70A.205.420 - Waste tire removal account—Use—Information required to be posted to department's website.

70A.205.425 - Waste tire removal account—Use of moneys—Transfer of any balance in excess of one million dollars to the motor vehicle account.

70A.205.430 - Disposition of fee.

70A.205.435 - Cooperation with department to aid tire recycling.

70A.205.440 - Waste tires—Definitions.

70A.205.445 - Waste tires—License for transport or storage business—Requirements.

70A.205.450 - Waste tires—Violation of RCW 70A.205.445—Penalty.

70A.205.455 - Waste tires—Contracts with unlicensed persons prohibited.

70A.205.460 - Limitations on liability.

70A.205.500 - Educational material promoting household waste reduction and recycling.

70A.205.505 - Battery disposal—Restrictions—Violators subject to fine—"Vehicle battery" defined.

70A.205.510 - Identification procedure for persons accepting used vehicle batteries.

70A.205.515 - Requirements for accepting used batteries by retailers of vehicle batteries—Notice.

70A.205.520 - Retail core charge.

70A.205.525 - Vehicle battery wholesalers—Obligations regarding used batteries—Noncompliance procedure.

70A.205.530 - Department to distribute printed notice—Issuance of warnings and citations—Fines.

70A.205.535 - Rules.

70A.205.540 - Organic solid waste collection services—Fees—Exceptions.

70A.205.545 - Certain businesses must arrange for organic materials management services—Requirements—Limitations of this section—Definitions.

70A.205.550 - Data to support the goals of the Washington center for sustainable food management—Voluntary reporting protocols.

70A.205.600 - Solid waste incineration or energy recovery facility—Environmental impact statement requirements.

70A.205.605 - Incineration of medical waste.

70A.205.610 - Sharps waste—Drop-off sites—Pharmacy return program.

70A.205.615 - Closure of energy recovery and incineration facilities—Recordkeeping requirements.

70A.205.620 - Paper conservation program—Paper recycling program.

70A.205.700 - Develop and establish objectives and strategies for the reuse and recycling of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials.

70A.205.710 - Composting food and yard wastes—Grants and study.

70A.205.715 - Food waste reduction—Goal—Plan—Definitions.

70A.205.900 - Authority and responsibility of utilities and transportation commission not changed.

70A.205.901 - Application of chapter—Collection and transportation of recyclable materials by recycling companies or nonprofit entities—Reuse or reclamation.

70A.205.902 - Application of chapter—Steel slag.