Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 70A.205 - Solid Waste Management—Reduction and Recycling.
70A.205.520 - Retail core charge.

RCW 70A.205.520
Retail core charge.

Each retail sale of a vehicle battery shall include, in the price of the battery for sale, a core charge of not less than five dollars. When a purchaser offers the seller a used battery of equivalent size, the seller shall omit the core charge from the price of the battery.

[ 1989 c 431 § 40. Formerly RCW 70.95.640.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 70A - Environmental Health and Safety

Chapter 70A.205 - Solid Waste Management—Reduction and Recycling.

70A.205.005 - Legislative finding—Priorities—Goals.

70A.205.007 - Landfill disposal of organic materials—Goal.

70A.205.010 - Purpose.

70A.205.015 - Definitions.

70A.205.020 - Environmental excellence program agreements—Effect on chapter.

70A.205.025 - Standards for solid waste handling—Areas—Landfill location.

70A.205.030 - Inert waste landfills.

70A.205.035 - Implementation of standards—Assessment—Analyses—Proposals.

70A.205.040 - County comprehensive solid waste management plan—Joint plans—Requirements when updating—Duties of cities.

70A.205.045 - County and city comprehensive solid waste management plans—Contents.

70A.205.050 - County and city comprehensive solid waste management plans—Levels of service, reduction and recycling.

70A.205.055 - County and city comprehensive solid waste management plans—Review and approval process.

70A.205.060 - County and city comprehensive solid waste management plans—Review by department of agriculture.

70A.205.065 - Utilities and transportation commission to review local plan's assessment of cost impacts on rates.

70A.205.070 - Technical assistance for plan preparation—Guidelines—Informational materials and programs.

70A.205.075 - Maintenance of plans—Review, revisions—Implementation of source separation programs.

70A.205.080 - Financial aid to counties and cities.

70A.205.085 - Matching requirements.

70A.205.090 - Contracts with counties to assure proper expenditures.

70A.205.100 - Local board of health regulations to implement the comprehensive plan—Section not to be construed to authorize counties to operate system.

70A.205.105 - Local health departments may contract with the department of ecology.

70A.205.110 - Solid waste disposal facility siting—Site review—Local solid waste advisory committees—Membership.

70A.205.115 - Private businesses involvement in source separated materials—Local solid waste advisory committee to examine.

70A.205.120 - Permit for solid waste handling facility—Required.

70A.205.125 - Permit for solid waste handling facility—Applications, fee.

70A.205.130 - Permit for solid waste disposal site or facilities—Review by department—Appeal of issuance—Validity of permits issued after June 7, 1984.

70A.205.135 - Permit for solid waste handling facility—Renewal—Appeal—Validity of renewal—Review fees.

70A.205.140 - Permit for solid waste disposal site or facilities—Suspension.

70A.205.145 - Exemption from solid waste permit requirements—Waste-derived soil amendments—Application—Revocation of exemption—Appeal.

70A.205.150 - Exemption from solid waste permit requirements—Medication disposal.

70A.205.155 - Hearing—Appeal—Denial, suspension—When effective.

70A.205.160 - Solid waste collection companies—Notice of changes in tipping fees and disposal rate schedules.

70A.205.165 - Landfill disposal facilities—Reserve accounts required by July 1, 1987—Exception—Rules.

70A.205.170 - Waste generated outside the state—Findings.

70A.205.175 - Waste generated outside the state—Solid waste disposal site facility reporting requirements—Fees.

70A.205.180 - Financial aid to jurisdictional health departments—Applications—Allocations.

70A.205.185 - Financial aid to jurisdictional health departments—Matching funds requirements.

70A.205.190 - Diversion of recyclable material—Penalty.

70A.205.195 - Unlawful to dump or deposit solid waste without permit—Penalties—Litter cleanup restitution payment.

70A.205.200 - Name appearing on waste material—Presumption.

70A.205.205 - Disposal of sewage sludge or septic tank sludge prohibited—Exemptions—Uses of sludge material permitted.

70A.205.210 - Duties of department—State solid waste management plan—Assistance—Coordination—Tire recycling.

70A.205.215 - Additional powers and duties of department.

70A.205.220 - Department to cooperate with public and private departments, agencies, and associations.

70A.205.225 - Department authorized to disburse referendum 26 (RCW 43.83.330) fund for local government solid waste projects.

70A.205.230 - Department authorized to disburse funds under RCW 43.83.350 for local government solid waste projects.

70A.205.235 - Hazardous substance remedial actions—Procedural requirements not applicable.

70A.205.240 - Determination of best solid waste management practices—Department to develop method to monitor waste stream—Collectors to report quantity and quality of waste—Confidentiality of proprietary information.

70A.205.245 - Solid waste stream analysis.

70A.205.250 - Solid waste stream evaluation.

70A.205.255 - Analysis and evaluation to be incorporated in state solid waste management plan.

70A.205.260 - Solid waste—Beneficial uses—Permitting requirement exemptions.

70A.205.265 - Solid waste handling permit—Exemption from requirements—Application of section—Rules.

70A.205.270 - Composting of bovine and equine carcasses—Guidelines—Exemption from solid waste handling rules.

70A.205.275 - Rules—Department "deferring" to other permits—Application of section.

70A.205.280 - Penalty.

70A.205.285 - Construction.

70A.205.290 - Qualified anaerobic digesters exempt from permitting requirements of chapter—Definitions.

70A.205.300 - Transporters—Definition—Registration required—Penalties.

70A.205.310 - Transporters—Delivery of recyclable materials to transfer station or landfill prohibited—Records—Penalty.

70A.205.320 - Damages.

70A.205.330 - Solid waste recyclers—Notice—Report—Penalty.

70A.205.340 - Financial assurance requirements.

70A.205.400 - Disposal of vehicle tires outside designated area prohibited—Penalty—Exemption.

70A.205.405 - Fee on the retail sale of new replacement vehicle tires.

70A.205.410 - Fee on the retail sale of new replacement vehicle tires—Failure to collect, pay to department—Penalties.

70A.205.415 - Waste tire removal account.

70A.205.420 - Waste tire removal account—Use—Information required to be posted to department's website.

70A.205.425 - Waste tire removal account—Use of moneys—Transfer of any balance in excess of one million dollars to the motor vehicle account.

70A.205.430 - Disposition of fee.

70A.205.435 - Cooperation with department to aid tire recycling.

70A.205.440 - Waste tires—Definitions.

70A.205.445 - Waste tires—License for transport or storage business—Requirements.

70A.205.450 - Waste tires—Violation of RCW 70A.205.445—Penalty.

70A.205.455 - Waste tires—Contracts with unlicensed persons prohibited.

70A.205.460 - Limitations on liability.

70A.205.500 - Educational material promoting household waste reduction and recycling.

70A.205.505 - Battery disposal—Restrictions—Violators subject to fine—"Vehicle battery" defined.

70A.205.510 - Identification procedure for persons accepting used vehicle batteries.

70A.205.515 - Requirements for accepting used batteries by retailers of vehicle batteries—Notice.

70A.205.520 - Retail core charge.

70A.205.525 - Vehicle battery wholesalers—Obligations regarding used batteries—Noncompliance procedure.

70A.205.530 - Department to distribute printed notice—Issuance of warnings and citations—Fines.

70A.205.535 - Rules.

70A.205.540 - Organic solid waste collection services—Fees—Exceptions.

70A.205.545 - Certain businesses must arrange for organic materials management services—Requirements—Limitations of this section—Definitions.

70A.205.550 - Data to support the goals of the Washington center for sustainable food management—Voluntary reporting protocols.

70A.205.600 - Solid waste incineration or energy recovery facility—Environmental impact statement requirements.

70A.205.605 - Incineration of medical waste.

70A.205.610 - Sharps waste—Drop-off sites—Pharmacy return program.

70A.205.615 - Closure of energy recovery and incineration facilities—Recordkeeping requirements.

70A.205.620 - Paper conservation program—Paper recycling program.

70A.205.700 - Develop and establish objectives and strategies for the reuse and recycling of construction aggregate and recycled concrete materials.

70A.205.710 - Composting food and yard wastes—Grants and study.

70A.205.715 - Food waste reduction—Goal—Plan—Definitions.

70A.205.900 - Authority and responsibility of utilities and transportation commission not changed.

70A.205.901 - Application of chapter—Collection and transportation of recyclable materials by recycling companies or nonprofit entities—Reuse or reclamation.

70A.205.902 - Application of chapter—Steel slag.