Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 70A.125 - Public Water Systems—Penalties and Compliance.
70A.125.900 - Short title—1989 c 422.

RCW 70A.125.900
Short title—1989 c 422.

This act shall be known and cited as the "Washington state safe drinking water act."

[ 1989 c 422 § 1. Formerly RCW 70.119A.900.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 70A - Environmental Health and Safety

Chapter 70A.125 - Public Water Systems—Penalties and Compliance.

70A.125.010 - Definitions.

70A.125.020 - Environmental excellence program agreements—Effect on chapter.

70A.125.030 - Public health emergencies—Violations—Penalty.

70A.125.040 - Additional or alternative penalty—Informal resolution unless a public health emergency.

70A.125.050 - Enforcement of regulations by local boards of health—Civil penalties.

70A.125.060 - Public water systems—Mandate—Conditions for approval or creation of new public water system—Department and local health jurisdiction duties.

70A.125.070 - Department contracting authority.

70A.125.080 - Drinking water program.

70A.125.090 - Operating permits—Findings.

70A.125.100 - Operating permits—Application process—Annual fee—Adoption of rules—Phase-in of implementation—Satellite systems.

70A.125.110 - Organic and inorganic chemicals—Area-wide waiver program.

70A.125.120 - Safe drinking water account.

70A.125.130 - Local government authority.

70A.125.140 - Report by bottled water plant operator or water dealer of contaminant in water source.

70A.125.150 - Authority to enter premises—Search warrants—Investigations.

70A.125.160 - Drinking water assistance account—Administrative subaccount—Program to provide financial assistance to public water systems—Responsibilities.

70A.125.170 - Water use efficiency requirements—Rules.

70A.125.180 - Water system acquisition and rehabilitation program—Created.

70A.125.190 - Measuring chlorine residuals.

70A.125.200 - Fire sprinkler systems—Shutting off—Liability.

70A.125.900 - Short title—1989 c 422.