RCW 70A.125.100
Operating permits—Application process—Annual fee—Adoption of rules—Phase-in of implementation—Satellite systems.
(1) No person may operate a group A public water system unless the person first submits an application to the department and receives an operating permit as provided in this section. A new application must be submitted upon any change in ownership of the system.
(2) The department may require that each application include the information that is reasonable and necessary to determine that the system complies with applicable standards and requirements of the federal safe drinking water act, state law, and rules adopted by the department or by the state board of health.
(3) Following its review of the application, its supporting material, and any information received by the department in its investigation of the application, the department shall issue or deny the operating permit. The department shall act on initial permit applications as expeditiously as possible, and shall in all cases either grant or deny the application within one hundred twenty days of receipt of the application or of any supplemental information required to complete the application. The applicant for a permit shall be entitled to file an appeal in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW if the department denies the initial or subsequent applications or imposes conditions or requirements upon the operator. Any operator of a public water system that requests a hearing may continue to operate the system until a decision is issued after the hearing.
(4) At the time of initial permit application or at the time of permit renewal the department may impose such permit conditions, requirements for system improvements, and compliance schedules as it determines are reasonable and necessary to ensure that the system will provide a safe and reliable water supply to its users.
(5) Operating permits shall be issued for a term of one year, and shall be renewed annually, unless the operator fails to apply for a new permit or the department finds good cause to deny the application for renewal.
(6) Each application shall be accompanied by an annual fee.
(7) The department shall adopt rules, in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW, necessary to implement this section.
(8) The department shall establish by rule categories of annual operating permit fees based on system size, complexity, and number of service connections. Fees charged must be sufficient to cover, but may not exceed, the costs to the department of administering a program for safe and reliable drinking water. The department shall use operating permit fees to monitor and enforce compliance by group A public water systems with state and federal laws that govern planning, water use efficiency, design, construction, operation, maintenance, financing, management, and emergency response.
(9) The annual per-connection fee may not exceed one dollar and fifty cents. The department shall phase-in implementation of any annual fee increase greater than ten percent, and shall establish the schedule for implementation by rule. Rules established by the department prior to 2020 must limit the annual operating permit fee for any public water system to no greater than one hundred thousand dollars.
(10) The department shall notify existing public water systems of the requirements of RCW 70A.125.030, 70A.125.060, and this section at least one hundred twenty days prior to the date that an application for a permit is required pursuant to RCW 70A.125.030, 70A.125.060, and this section.
(11) The department shall issue one operating permit to any approved satellite system management agency. Operating permit fees for approved satellite system management agencies must be established by the department by rule. Rules established by the department must set a single fee based on the total number of connections for all group A public water systems owned by a satellite management agency.
(12) For purposes of this section, "group A public water system" and "system" mean those water systems with fifteen or more service connections, regardless of the number of people; or a system serving an average of twenty-five or more people per day for sixty or more days within a calendar year, regardless of the number of service connections.
[ 2020 c 20 § 1357; 2011 c 102 § 1; 2003 1st sp.s. c 5 § 18; 1991 c 304 § 5. Formerly RCW 70.119A.110.]
Severability—2003 1st sp.s. c 5: See note following RCW 90.03.015.
Requirements effective upon adoption of rules—1991 c 304: See note following RCW 70A.125.090.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 70A - Environmental Health and Safety
Chapter 70A.125 - Public Water Systems—Penalties and Compliance.
70A.125.020 - Environmental excellence program agreements—Effect on chapter.
70A.125.030 - Public health emergencies—Violations—Penalty.
70A.125.050 - Enforcement of regulations by local boards of health—Civil penalties.
70A.125.070 - Department contracting authority.
70A.125.080 - Drinking water program.
70A.125.090 - Operating permits—Findings.
70A.125.110 - Organic and inorganic chemicals—Area-wide waiver program.
70A.125.120 - Safe drinking water account.
70A.125.130 - Local government authority.
70A.125.140 - Report by bottled water plant operator or water dealer of contaminant in water source.
70A.125.150 - Authority to enter premises—Search warrants—Investigations.
70A.125.170 - Water use efficiency requirements—Rules.
70A.125.180 - Water system acquisition and rehabilitation program—Created.
70A.125.190 - Measuring chlorine residuals.
70A.125.200 - Fire sprinkler systems—Shutting off—Liability.