Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 70A.02 - Environmental Justice.
70A.02.130 - Appeals.

RCW 70A.02.130

(1) Except as specified in subsection (2) of this section, the actions and duties set forth in chapter 314, Laws of 2021 are not subject to appeal.
(2)(a) Only the following agency actions undertaken pursuant to chapter 314, Laws of 2021 are subject to appeal:
(i) Decisions related to the designation of significant agency actions pursuant to RCW 70A.02.060(3)(a); and
(ii) Environmental justice assessments prepared pursuant to RCW 70A.02.060, only for environmental justice assessments for which there is an associated agency action that is appealable.
(b) Appeals of environmental justice assessments allowed under (a)(ii) of this subsection must be of the environmental justice assessment together with the accompanying agency action, as defined in RCW 34.05.010.
(3) Nothing in chapter 314, Laws of 2021 may be construed to create a new private right of action, other than as described in this section, on the part of any individual, entity, or agency against any state agency.
(4) Nothing in chapter 314, Laws of 2021 may be construed to expand, contract, or otherwise modify any rights of appeal, or procedures for appeal, under other laws other than the availability of the appeal process described in this section.

[ 2021 c 314 § 22.]

Conflict with federal requirements—2021 c 314: See note following RCW 70A.02.005.