Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 70A.02 - Environmental Justice.
70A.02.090 - Reporting requirements.

RCW 70A.02.090
Reporting requirements.

(1) By September 1st of each year, each covered agency must annually update the council on the development and implementation of environmental justice in agency strategic plans pursuant to RCW 70A.02.040, budgeting and funding criteria for making budgeting and funding decisions pursuant to RCW 70A.02.080, and community engagement plans pursuant to RCW 70A.02.050.
(2)(a) Beginning in 2024, as part of each covered agency's annual update to the council under subsection (1) of this section, each covered agency must include updates on the agency's implementation status with respect to the environmental justice assessments under RCW 70A.02.060.
(b) By September 1st of each year beginning in 2024, each covered agency must publish or update a dashboard report, in a uniform dashboard format on the office of financial management's website, describing the agency's progress on:
(i) Incorporating environmental justice in its strategic plan;
(ii) The obligations of agencies relating to budgets and funding under RCW 70A.02.080; and
(iii) Its environmental justice assessments of proposed significant agency actions, including logistical metrics related to covered agency completion of environmental justice assessments.
(3) Each covered agency must file a notice with the office of financial management of significant agency actions for which the agency is initiating an environmental justice assessment under RCW 70A.02.060. The office of financial management must prepare a list of all filings received from covered agencies each week and must post the list on its website and make it available to any interested parties. The list of filings must include a brief description of the significant agency action and the methods for providing public comment for agency consideration as part of the environmental justice assessment.
(4) Each covered agency must identify overburdened communities, as required by RCW 70A.02.050, in such a way that the performance effectiveness of the duties created by this chapter can be measured, including the effectiveness of environmental justice assessments required by RCW 70A.02.060. Each covered agency may identify and prioritize overburdened communities as needed to accomplish the purposes of this chapter.

[ 2021 c 314 § 17.]

Conflict with federal requirements—2021 c 314: See note following RCW 70A.02.005.