Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 70.74 - Washington State Explosives Act.
70.74.191 - Exemptions.

RCW 70.74.191

The laws contained in this chapter and regulations prescribed by the department of labor and industries pursuant to this chapter shall not apply to:
(1) Explosives or blasting agents in the course of transportation by way of railroad, water, highway, or air under the jurisdiction of, and in conformity with, regulations adopted by the federal department of transportation, the Washington state utilities and transportation commission, and the Washington state patrol;
(2) The laboratories of schools, colleges, and similar institutions if confined to the purpose of instruction or research and if not exceeding the quantity of one pound;
(3) Explosives in the forms prescribed by the official United States Pharmacopoeia;
(4) The transportation, storage, and use of explosives or blasting agents in the normal and emergency operations of United States agencies and departments including the regular United States military departments on military reservations; arsenals, navy yards, depots, or other establishments owned by, operated by, or on behalf of, the United States; or the duly authorized militia of any state; or to emergency operations of any state department or agency, any police, or any municipality or county;
(5) A hazardous devices technician when carrying out normal and emergency operations, handling evidence, and operating and maintaining a specially designed emergency response vehicle that carries no more than ten pounds of explosive material or when conducting training and whose employer possesses the minimum safety equipment prescribed by the federal bureau of investigation for hazardous devices work. For purposes of this section, a hazardous devices technician is a person who is a graduate of the federal bureau of investigation hazardous devices school and who is employed by a state, county, or municipality;
(6) The importation, sale, possession, and use of fireworks as defined in chapter 70.77 RCW, signaling devices, flares, fuses, and torpedoes;
(7) The transportation, storage, and use of explosives or blasting agents in the normal and emergency avalanche control procedures as conducted by trained and licensed ski area operator personnel. However, the storage, transportation, and use of explosives and blasting agents for such use shall meet the requirements of regulations adopted by the director of labor and industries;
(8) The storage of consumer fireworks as defined in chapter 70.77 RCW pursuant to a forfeiture or seizure under chapter 70.77 RCW by the chief of the Washington state patrol, through the director of fire protection, or his or her deputy, or by state agencies or local governments having general law enforcement authority;
(9) The transportation and storage of explosive actuated tactical devices, including noise and flash diversionary devices, by local law enforcement tactical response teams and officers in law enforcement department-issued vehicles designated for use by tactical response teams and officers, provided the explosive devices are stored and secured in compliance with regulations and rulings adopted by the federal bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives; and
(10) Any violation under this chapter if any existing ordinance of any city, municipality, or county is more stringent than this chapter.

[ 2013 c 140 § 1; 2002 c 370 § 2; 1998 c 40 § 1; 1993 c 293 § 5; 1985 c 191 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 137 § 5.]

Severability—2002 c 370: See note following RCW 70.77.126.

Severability—1993 c 293: See note following RCW 70.74.010.

Purpose—1985 c 191: "It is the purpose of this 1985 act to protect the public by enabling ski area operators to exercise appropriate avalanche control measures. The legislature finds that avalanche control is of vital importance to safety in ski areas and that the provisions of the Washington state explosives act contain restrictions which do not reflect special needs for the use of explosives as a means of clearing an area of serious avalanche risks. This 1985 act recognizes these needs while providing for a system of regulations designed to ensure that the use of explosives for avalanche control conforms to fundamental safety requirements." [ 1985 c 191 § 1.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 70 - Public Health and Safety

Chapter 70.74 - Washington State Explosives Act.

70.74.010 - Definitions.

70.74.013 - Funds collected by department.

70.74.020 - Restrictions on manufacture, sale, or storage—Users—Reports on storage—Waiver.

70.74.022 - License required to manufacture, purchase, sell, use, possess, transport, or store explosives—Penalty—Surrender of explosives by unlicensed person—Other relief.

70.74.025 - Magazines—Classification, location and construction—Standards—Use.

70.74.030 - Quantity and distance tables for storage—Adoption by rule.

70.74.040 - Limit on storage quantity.

70.74.050 - Quantity and distance table for explosives manufacturing buildings.

70.74.061 - Quantity and distance tables for separation between magazines—Adoption by rule.

70.74.100 - Storage of caps with explosives prohibited.

70.74.110 - Manufacturer's report—Inspection—License.

70.74.120 - Storage report—Inspection—License—Cancellation.

70.74.130 - Dealer in explosives—Application—License.

70.74.135 - Purchaser of explosives—Application—License.

70.74.137 - Purchaser's license fee.

70.74.140 - Storage license fee.

70.74.142 - User's license or renewal—Fee.

70.74.144 - Manufacturer's license fee—Manufacturers to comply with dealer requirements when selling.

70.74.146 - Seller's license fee—Sellers to comply with dealer requirements.

70.74.150 - Annual inspection.

70.74.160 - Unlawful access to explosives.

70.74.170 - Discharge of firearms or igniting flame near explosives.

70.74.180 - Explosive devices prohibited—Penalty.

70.74.191 - Exemptions.

70.74.201 - Municipal or county ordinances unaffected—State preemption.

70.74.210 - Coal mining code unaffected.

70.74.230 - Shipments out of state—Dealer's records.

70.74.240 - Sale to unlicensed person prohibited.

70.74.250 - Blasting near fur farms and hatcheries.

70.74.270 - Malicious placement of an explosive—Penalties.

70.74.272 - Malicious placement of an imitation device—Penalties.

70.74.275 - Intimidation or harassment with an explosive—Class C felony.

70.74.280 - Malicious explosion of a substance—Penalties.

70.74.285 - "Terrorist act" defined.

70.74.295 - Abandonment of explosives.

70.74.297 - Separate storage of components capable of detonation when mixed.

70.74.300 - Explosive containers to be marked—Penalty.

70.74.310 - Gas bombs, explosives, stink bombs, etc.

70.74.320 - Small arms ammunition, primers and propellants—Transportation regulations.

70.74.330 - Small arms ammunition, primers and propellants—Separation from flammable materials.

70.74.340 - Small arms ammunition, primers and propellants—Transportation, storage and display requirements.

70.74.350 - Small arms ammunition, primers and propellants—Primers, transportation and storage requirements.

70.74.360 - Licenses—Fingerprint and criminal record checks—Fee—Licenses prohibited for certain persons—License fees.

70.74.370 - License revocation, nonrenewal, or suspension.

70.74.380 - Licenses—Expiration—Extension of storage licenses.

70.74.390 - Implementation of chapter and rules pursuant to chapter 49.17 RCW.

70.74.400 - Seizure and forfeiture.

70.74.410 - Reporting theft or loss of explosives.