Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 69.28 - Honey.
69.28.440 - Sample of honey or product may be obtained—Procedure.

RCW 69.28.440
Sample of honey or product may be obtained—Procedure.

The claimant in any proceeding by petition under this chapter, as now or hereafter amended, shall be entitled to receive a representative sample of the honey or product subject to such proceeding, upon application to the court of jurisdiction made at any time after such petition and prior to the hearing thereon.

[ 1975 1st ex.s. c 283 § 6.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 69 - Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, and Poisons

Chapter 69.28 - Honey.

69.28.020 - Enforcement power and duty of director and agents.

69.28.025 - Rules and regulations have force of law.

69.28.030 - Rules prescribing standards.

69.28.040 - Right to enter, inspect, and take samples.

69.28.050 - Containers to be labeled.

69.28.060 - Requisites of markings.

69.28.070 - "Marked" defined—When honey need not be marked.

69.28.080 - Purchaser to be advised of standards—Exceptions.

69.28.090 - Forgery, simulation, etc., of marks, labels, etc., unlawful.

69.28.095 - Unlawful mutilation or removal of seals, marks, etc., used by director.

69.28.100 - Marks for "slack-filled" container.

69.28.110 - Use of used containers.

69.28.120 - Floral source labels.

69.28.130 - Adulterated honey—Sale or offer unlawful.

69.28.133 - Nonconforming honey—Sale or offer unlawful.

69.28.135 - Warning-tagged honey—Movement prohibited.

69.28.140 - Possession of unlawful honey as evidence.

69.28.170 - Inspectors—Prosecutions.

69.28.180 - Violation of rules and regulations unlawful.

69.28.185 - Penalty.

69.28.190 - "Director" defined.

69.28.200 - "Container" defined.

69.28.210 - "Subcontainer" defined.

69.28.220 - "Section box" defined.

69.28.230 - "Clean and sound containers" defined.

69.28.240 - "Pack," "packing," or "packed" defined.

69.28.250 - "Label" defined.

69.28.260 - "Person" defined.

69.28.270 - "Slack-filled" defined.

69.28.280 - "Deceptive arrangement" defined.

69.28.290 - "Mislabeled" defined.

69.28.300 - "Placard" defined.

69.28.310 - "Honey" defined.

69.28.320 - "Comb-honey" defined.

69.28.330 - "Extracted honey" defined.

69.28.340 - "Crystallized honey" defined.

69.28.350 - "Honeydew" defined.

69.28.360 - "Foreign material" defined.

69.28.370 - "Foreign honey" defined.

69.28.380 - "Adulterated honey" defined.

69.28.390 - "Serious damage" defined.

69.28.400 - Labeling requirements for artificial honey or mixtures containing honey.

69.28.410 - Embargo on honey or product—Notice by director—Removal.

69.28.420 - Embargo on honey or product—Court order affirming, required—Order for destruction or correction and release—Bond.

69.28.430 - Consolidation of petitions presenting same issue and claimant.

69.28.440 - Sample of honey or product may be obtained—Procedure.

69.28.450 - Recovery of damages barred if probable cause for embargo.

69.28.900 - Severability—1939 c 199.

69.28.910 - Short title.