Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 69.28 - Honey.
69.28.240 - "Pack," "packing," or "packed" defined.

RCW 69.28.240
"Pack," "packing," or "packed" defined.

The term "pack", "packing", or "packed" shall mean the arrangement of all or part of the subcontainers in any container.

[ 1939 c 199 § 7; RRS § 6163-7.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 69 - Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, and Poisons

Chapter 69.28 - Honey.

69.28.020 - Enforcement power and duty of director and agents.

69.28.025 - Rules and regulations have force of law.

69.28.030 - Rules prescribing standards.

69.28.040 - Right to enter, inspect, and take samples.

69.28.050 - Containers to be labeled.

69.28.060 - Requisites of markings.

69.28.070 - "Marked" defined—When honey need not be marked.

69.28.080 - Purchaser to be advised of standards—Exceptions.

69.28.090 - Forgery, simulation, etc., of marks, labels, etc., unlawful.

69.28.095 - Unlawful mutilation or removal of seals, marks, etc., used by director.

69.28.100 - Marks for "slack-filled" container.

69.28.110 - Use of used containers.

69.28.120 - Floral source labels.

69.28.130 - Adulterated honey—Sale or offer unlawful.

69.28.133 - Nonconforming honey—Sale or offer unlawful.

69.28.135 - Warning-tagged honey—Movement prohibited.

69.28.140 - Possession of unlawful honey as evidence.

69.28.170 - Inspectors—Prosecutions.

69.28.180 - Violation of rules and regulations unlawful.

69.28.185 - Penalty.

69.28.190 - "Director" defined.

69.28.200 - "Container" defined.

69.28.210 - "Subcontainer" defined.

69.28.220 - "Section box" defined.

69.28.230 - "Clean and sound containers" defined.

69.28.240 - "Pack," "packing," or "packed" defined.

69.28.250 - "Label" defined.

69.28.260 - "Person" defined.

69.28.270 - "Slack-filled" defined.

69.28.280 - "Deceptive arrangement" defined.

69.28.290 - "Mislabeled" defined.

69.28.300 - "Placard" defined.

69.28.310 - "Honey" defined.

69.28.320 - "Comb-honey" defined.

69.28.330 - "Extracted honey" defined.

69.28.340 - "Crystallized honey" defined.

69.28.350 - "Honeydew" defined.

69.28.360 - "Foreign material" defined.

69.28.370 - "Foreign honey" defined.

69.28.380 - "Adulterated honey" defined.

69.28.390 - "Serious damage" defined.

69.28.400 - Labeling requirements for artificial honey or mixtures containing honey.

69.28.410 - Embargo on honey or product—Notice by director—Removal.

69.28.420 - Embargo on honey or product—Court order affirming, required—Order for destruction or correction and release—Bond.

69.28.430 - Consolidation of petitions presenting same issue and claimant.

69.28.440 - Sample of honey or product may be obtained—Procedure.

69.28.450 - Recovery of damages barred if probable cause for embargo.

69.28.900 - Severability—1939 c 199.

69.28.910 - Short title.