Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 69.25 - Washington Wholesome Eggs and Egg Products Act.
69.25.900 - Savings.

RCW 69.25.900

The enactment of this chapter shall not have the effect of terminating or in any way modifying any liability, civil or criminal, which shall already be in existence on July 1, 1975.

[ 1975 1st ex.s. c 201 § 35.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 69 - Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, and Poisons

Chapter 69.25 - Washington Wholesome Eggs and Egg Products Act.

69.25.010 - Legislative finding.

69.25.020 - Definitions.

69.25.030 - Purpose—Certain federal rules adopted by reference—Hearing, notice by director—Adoption of rules by director.

69.25.040 - Application of administrative procedure act.

69.25.050 - Egg handler's or dealer's license and number—Branch license—Application, fee, posting required, procedure.

69.25.060 - Egg handler's or dealer's license—Late renewal fee.

69.25.065 - Egg handler's or dealer's license—Renewal applications—Commercial egg layer operation requirements—Proof.

69.25.070 - Egg handler's or dealer's license—Denial, suspension, revocation, or conditional issuance.

69.25.080 - Continuous inspection at processing plants—Exemptions—Condemnation and destruction of adulterated eggs and egg products—Reprocessing—Appeal—Inspections of egg handlers.

69.25.090 - Sanitary operation of official plants—Inspection refused if requirements not met.

69.25.100 - Egg products—Pasteurization—Labeling requirements—False or misleading labels or containers—Director may order use of withheld—Hearing, determination, and appeal.

69.25.103 - Eggs or egg products—In-state production—Associated commercial egg layer operation compliance with applicable standards.

69.25.107 - Commercial egg layer operations—Requirements.

69.25.110 - Prohibited acts and practices.

69.25.120 - Director to cooperate with other agencies—May conduct examinations.

69.25.130 - Eggs or egg products not intended for use as human food—Identification or denaturing required.

69.25.140 - Records required, access to and copying of.

69.25.150 - Penalties—Liability of employer—Defense.

69.25.155 - Interference with person performing official duties.

69.25.160 - Notice of violation—May take place of prosecution.

69.25.170 - Exemptions permitted by rule of director.

69.25.180 - Limiting entry of eggs and egg products into official plants.

69.25.190 - Embargo of eggs or egg products in violation of this chapter—Time limit—Removal of official marks.

69.25.200 - Embargo—Petition for court order affirming—Removal of embargo or destruction or correction and release—Court costs, fees, administrative expenses—Bond may be required.

69.25.210 - Embargo—Order affirming not required, when.

69.25.220 - Embargo—Consolidation of petitions.

69.25.230 - Embargo—Sampling of article.

69.25.240 - Condemnation—Recovery of damages restricted.

69.25.250 - Assessment—Rate, applicability, time of payment—Reports—Contents, frequency—Exemption.

69.25.260 - Assessment—Prepayment by purchase of egg seals—Permit for printing seal on containers or labels.

69.25.270 - Assessment—Monthly payment—Audit—Failure to pay, penalty.

69.25.280 - Assessment—Use of proceeds.

69.25.290 - Assessment—Exclusions.

69.25.300 - Transfer of moneys in state egg account.

69.25.310 - Containers—Marking required—Obliteration of previous markings required for reuse—Temporary use of another handler's or dealer's permanent number—Penalty.

69.25.320 - Records required, additional—Sales to retailer or food service—Exception—Defense to charged violation—Sale of eggs deteriorated due to storage time—Requirements for storage, display, or transportation.

69.25.900 - Savings.

69.25.910 - Chapter is cumulative and nonexclusive.

69.25.930 - Short title.