Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 69.25 - Washington Wholesome Eggs and Egg Products Act.
69.25.290 - Assessment—Exclusions.

RCW 69.25.290

The assessments provided in this chapter shall not apply to:
(1) Sale and shipment to points outside of this state;
(2) Sale to the United States government and its instrumentalities;
(3) Sale to breaking plants for processing into egg products;
(4) Sale between egg dealers.

[ 1975 1st ex.s. c 201 § 30.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 69 - Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, and Poisons

Chapter 69.25 - Washington Wholesome Eggs and Egg Products Act.

69.25.010 - Legislative finding.

69.25.020 - Definitions.

69.25.030 - Purpose—Certain federal rules adopted by reference—Hearing, notice by director—Adoption of rules by director.

69.25.040 - Application of administrative procedure act.

69.25.050 - Egg handler's or dealer's license and number—Branch license—Application, fee, posting required, procedure.

69.25.060 - Egg handler's or dealer's license—Late renewal fee.

69.25.065 - Egg handler's or dealer's license—Renewal applications—Commercial egg layer operation requirements—Proof.

69.25.070 - Egg handler's or dealer's license—Denial, suspension, revocation, or conditional issuance.

69.25.080 - Continuous inspection at processing plants—Exemptions—Condemnation and destruction of adulterated eggs and egg products—Reprocessing—Appeal—Inspections of egg handlers.

69.25.090 - Sanitary operation of official plants—Inspection refused if requirements not met.

69.25.100 - Egg products—Pasteurization—Labeling requirements—False or misleading labels or containers—Director may order use of withheld—Hearing, determination, and appeal.

69.25.103 - Eggs or egg products—In-state production—Associated commercial egg layer operation compliance with applicable standards.

69.25.107 - Commercial egg layer operations—Requirements.

69.25.110 - Prohibited acts and practices.

69.25.120 - Director to cooperate with other agencies—May conduct examinations.

69.25.130 - Eggs or egg products not intended for use as human food—Identification or denaturing required.

69.25.140 - Records required, access to and copying of.

69.25.150 - Penalties—Liability of employer—Defense.

69.25.155 - Interference with person performing official duties.

69.25.160 - Notice of violation—May take place of prosecution.

69.25.170 - Exemptions permitted by rule of director.

69.25.180 - Limiting entry of eggs and egg products into official plants.

69.25.190 - Embargo of eggs or egg products in violation of this chapter—Time limit—Removal of official marks.

69.25.200 - Embargo—Petition for court order affirming—Removal of embargo or destruction or correction and release—Court costs, fees, administrative expenses—Bond may be required.

69.25.210 - Embargo—Order affirming not required, when.

69.25.220 - Embargo—Consolidation of petitions.

69.25.230 - Embargo—Sampling of article.

69.25.240 - Condemnation—Recovery of damages restricted.

69.25.250 - Assessment—Rate, applicability, time of payment—Reports—Contents, frequency—Exemption.

69.25.260 - Assessment—Prepayment by purchase of egg seals—Permit for printing seal on containers or labels.

69.25.270 - Assessment—Monthly payment—Audit—Failure to pay, penalty.

69.25.280 - Assessment—Use of proceeds.

69.25.290 - Assessment—Exclusions.

69.25.300 - Transfer of moneys in state egg account.

69.25.310 - Containers—Marking required—Obliteration of previous markings required for reuse—Temporary use of another handler's or dealer's permanent number—Penalty.

69.25.320 - Records required, additional—Sales to retailer or food service—Exception—Defense to charged violation—Sale of eggs deteriorated due to storage time—Requirements for storage, display, or transportation.

69.25.900 - Savings.

69.25.910 - Chapter is cumulative and nonexclusive.

69.25.930 - Short title.