RCW 60.24.160
Errors in claim, effect of.
No mistake or error in the statement of the demand, or of the amount of credits and offsets allowed, or of the balance asserted to be due to claimant, nor in the description of the property against which the claim is filed, shall invalidate the lien, unless the court finds that such mistake or error in the statement of the demand, credits and offsets or of the balance due was made with intent to defraud, or the court shall find that an innocent third party without notice, direct or constructive, has, since the claim was filed, become the bona fide owner of the property liened upon, and that the notice of claim was so deficient that it did not put the party upon further inquiry, in any manner.
[ 1893 c 132 § 15; RRS § 1176.]
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 60.24 - Lien for Labor and Services on Timber and Lumber.
60.24.020 - Liens on saw logs, spars, piles, cord wood, shingle bolts, or other timber.
60.24.030 - Lien on lumber—"Lumber" defined.
60.24.033 - Lien on real property for labor or services on timber and lumber.
60.24.035 - Lien for stumpage.
60.24.040 - Period covered by labor liens.
60.24.070 - Period covered by stumpage lien.
60.24.075 - Claims—Contents—Form.
60.24.080 - Filing claim for stumpage lien.
60.24.100 - Recording claims—Fees.
60.24.110 - Limitation of action.
60.24.130 - Sheriff as receiver—Deposit to recover possession—Costs.
60.24.140 - Pleadings by defendant—Amendments—Hearing.
60.24.150 - Enforcement against all or part of property.
60.24.160 - Errors in claim, effect of.
60.24.170 - Purchase of property subject to lien—Presumption of notice.
60.24.190 - Judgment—Sale—Disposition of proceeds.
60.24.195 - Sale of property subject to lien—When.
60.24.200 - Damages for eloigning, injuring, destroying, or removing marks, etc.—Recovery.