Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 59.20 - Manufactured/mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act.
59.20.180 - Moneys paid as deposit or security for performance by tenant—Statement and notice of basis for retention.

RCW 59.20.180
Moneys paid as deposit or security for performance by tenant—Statement and notice of basis for retention.

Within fourteen days after the termination of the rental agreement and vacation of the mobile home space, the landlord shall give a full and specific statement of the basis for retaining any of the deposit together with the payment of any refund due the tenant under the terms and conditions of the rental agreement. No portion of any deposit shall be withheld on account of wear resulting from ordinary use of the mobile home space.
The statement shall be delivered to the tenant personally or by mail to the last known address. If the landlord fails to give such statement together with any refund due the tenant within the time limits specified above such landlord shall be liable to the tenant for the full amount of the refund due.
Nothing in this chapter shall preclude the landlord from proceeding against, and the landlord shall have the right to proceed against a tenant to recover sums exceeding the amount of the tenant's damage or security deposit for damage to the property for which the tenant is responsible.

[ 1984 c 58 § 11; 1979 ex.s. c 186 § 13.]

Severability—1984 c 58: See note following RCW 59.20.200.

Severability—1979 ex.s. c 186: See note following RCW 59.20.030.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 59 - Landlord and Tenant

Chapter 59.20 - Manufactured/mobile Home Landlord-Tenant Act.

59.20.010 - Short title.

59.20.020 - Rights and remedies—Obligation of good faith required.

59.20.030 - Definitions.

59.20.040 - Chapter applies to rental agreements regarding mobile home lots, cooperatives, or subdivisions—Applicability of and construction with provisions of chapters 59.12 and 59.18 RCW.

59.20.045 - Enforceability of rules against a tenant.

59.20.050 - Written rental agreement for term of one year or more required—Waiver—Exceptions—Application of section.

59.20.060 - Rental agreements—Required contents—Prohibited provisions.

59.20.070 - Prohibited acts by landlord.

59.20.073 - Transfer of rental agreements.

59.20.074 - Rent—Liability of secured party with right to possession.

59.20.075 - Presumption of reprisal or retaliatory action.

59.20.080 - Grounds for termination of tenancy or occupancy or failure to renew a tenancy or occupancy—Notice—Mediation.

59.20.090 - Term of rental agreements—Renewal—Nonrenewal—Termination—Armed forces exception—Notices.

59.20.095 - Short-term rental agreements for recreational vehicles.

59.20.100 - Improvements.

59.20.110 - Attorney's fees and costs.

59.20.120 - Venue.

59.20.130 - Duties of landlord.

59.20.134 - Written receipts for payments made by tenant.

59.20.135 - Maintenance of permanent structures—Findings and declarations—Definition.

59.20.140 - Duties of tenant.

59.20.145 - Live-in care provider—Not a tenant—Agreements—Guest fee.

59.20.150 - Service of notice on landlord or tenant.

59.20.155 - Seizure of illegal drugs—Notification of landlord.

59.20.160 - Moneys paid as deposit or security for performance by tenant—Written rental agreement to specify terms and conditions for retention by landlord.

59.20.170 - Moneys paid as deposit or security for performance by tenant—Deposit by landlord in trust account—Receipt—Claims.

59.20.180 - Moneys paid as deposit or security for performance by tenant—Statement and notice of basis for retention.

59.20.190 - Health and sanitation standards—Penalties.

59.20.200 - Landlord—Failure to carry out duties—Notice from tenant—Time limits for landlord's remedial action.

59.20.210 - Landlord—Failure to carry out duties—Repairs effected by tenant—Bids—Notice—Deduction of cost from rent—Limitations.

59.20.220 - Landlord—Failure to carry out duties—Judgment by court or arbitrator for diminished rental value and repair costs—Enforcement of judgment—Reduction in rent.

59.20.230 - Defective condition—Unfeasible to remedy defect—Termination of tenancy.

59.20.240 - Payment of rent condition to exercising remedies.

59.20.250 - Mediation of disputes by independent third party.

59.20.260 - Arbitration—Authorized—Selection of arbitrator—Procedure.

59.20.270 - Arbitration—Application—Hearings—Decisions.

59.20.280 - Arbitration—Fee.

59.20.290 - Arbitration—Completion of arbitration after giving notice.

59.20.300 - Manufactured/mobile home communities—Notice of sale.

59.20.305 - Manufactured/mobile home communities—Good faith negotiations.

59.20.310 - Unlawful detainer action—Limited dissemination.

59.20.901 - Effective date—1999 c 359.

59.20.902 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.