Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 51.32 - Compensation—Right to and Amount.
51.32.190 - Self-insurers—Notice of denial of claim, reasons—Procedure—Powers and duties of director.

RCW 51.32.190
Self-insurers—Notice of denial of claim, reasons—Procedure—Powers and duties of director.

(1) If the self-insurer denies a claim for compensation, written notice of such denial, clearly informing the claimant of the reasons therefor and that the director will rule on the matter shall be mailed or given to the claimant and the director within thirty days after the self-insurer has notice of the claim.
(2) Until such time as the department has entered an order in a disputed case acceptance of compensation by the claimant shall not be considered a binding determination of his or her rights under this title. Likewise the payment of compensation shall not be considered a binding determination of the obligations of the self-insurer as to future compensation payments.
(3) Upon making the first payment of income benefits, the self-insurer shall immediately notify the director in accordance with a form to be prescribed by the director. Upon request of the department on a form prescribed by the department, the self-insurer shall submit a record of the payment of income benefits including initial, termination or terminations, and change or changes to the benefits. Where temporary disability compensation is payable, the first payment thereof shall be made within fourteen days after notice of claim and shall continue at regular semimonthly or biweekly intervals.
(4) If, after the payment of compensation without an award, the self-insurer elects to controvert the right to compensation, the payment of compensation shall not be considered a binding determination of the obligations of the self-insurer as to future compensation payments. The acceptance of compensation by the worker or his or her beneficiaries shall not be considered a binding determination of their rights under this title.
(5) The director: (a) May, upon his or her own initiative at any time in a case in which payments are being made without an award; and (b) shall, upon receipt of information from any person claiming to be entitled to compensation, from the self-insurer, or otherwise that the right to compensation is controverted, or that payment of compensation has been opposed, stopped or changed, whether or not claim has been filed, promptly make such inquiry as circumstances require, cause such medical examinations to be made, hold such hearings, require the submission of further information, make such orders, decisions or awards, and take such further action as he or she considers will properly determine the matter and protect the rights of all parties.
(6) The director, upon his or her own initiative, may make such inquiry as circumstances require or is necessary to protect the rights of all the parties and he or she may enact rules and regulations providing for procedures to ensure fair and prompt handling by self-insurers of the claims of workers and beneficiaries.

[ 1996 c 58 § 2; 1982 1st ex.s. c 20 § 3; 1977 ex.s. c 350 § 54; 1972 ex.s. c 43 § 25; 1971 ex.s. c 289 § 47.]

Effective date—1982 1st ex.s. c 20: See note following RCW 51.32.075.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 51 - Industrial Insurance

Chapter 51.32 - Compensation—Right to and Amount.

51.32.010 - Who entitled to compensation.

51.32.015 - Time and place of coverage—Lunch period.

51.32.020 - Who not entitled to compensation.

51.32.025 - Payments for children cease at age eighteen—Exceptions.

51.32.030 - When compensation payable to employer or member of corporate employer.

51.32.040 - Protection of awards—Payment after death—Time limitations for filing—Confinement in institution.

51.32.045 - Direct deposit or electronic payment of benefits.

51.32.050 - Death benefits.

51.32.055 - Determination of permanent disabilities—Closure of claims by self-insurers.

51.32.060 - Permanent total disability compensation—Personal attendant.

51.32.067 - Permanent total disability—Death benefit options—Election.

51.32.072 - Additional payments for prior pensioners—Children—Remarriage—Attendant.

51.32.073 - Additional payments for prior pensioners—Premium liability of worker and employer for additional payments.

51.32.075 - Adjustments in compensation or death benefits.

51.32.080 - Permanent partial disability—Specified—Unspecified, rules for classification—Injury after permanent partial disability.

51.32.090 - Temporary total disability—Partial restoration of earning power—Return to available work—When employer continues wages—Limitations—Finding—Rules.

51.32.095 - Vocational rehabilitation services—Benefits—Priorities—Allowable costs—Performance criteria.

51.32.096 - Vocational rehabilitation benefits and options—Advisory committee—Procedures—Requirements—Definitions—Costs.

51.32.098 - Vocational rehabilitation services—Applicability.

51.32.099 - Vocational rehabilitation pilot program—Vocational plans.

51.32.100 - Preexisting disease.

51.32.110 - Medical examination—Refusal to submit—Traveling expenses—Pay for time lost.

51.32.112 - Medical examination—Standards and criteria—Special examinations by chiropractors—Compensation guidelines and reporting criteria.

51.32.114 - Medical examination—Department to monitor quality and objectivity.

51.32.120 - Further accident after lump sum payment.

51.32.130 - Lump sum for death or permanent total disability.

51.32.135 - Closing of claim in pension cases—Consent of spouse.

51.32.140 - Nonresident alien beneficiary.

51.32.150 - Lump sum to beneficiary outside state.

51.32.160 - Aggravation, diminution, or termination.

51.32.180 - Occupational diseases—Limitation.

51.32.181 - Occupational diseases—Public health emergencies—Infectious or contagious diseases.

51.32.185 - Occupational diseases—Presumption of occupational disease for firefighters and fire investigators—Limitations—Exception—Rules—Advisory committee on occupational disease presumptions.

51.32.187 - Exposed workers—Prima facie presumption of certain occupational diseases—Rebuttal—Definitions.

51.32.1871 - Annual report on claims.

51.32.190 - Self-insurers—Notice of denial of claim, reasons—Procedure—Powers and duties of director.

51.32.195 - Self-insurers—Information to department.

51.32.200 - Self-insurers—Enforcement of compensation order against.

51.32.210 - Claims of injured workers, prompt action—Payment—Acceptance—Effect.

51.32.215 - Payment of compensation after appeal—Enforcement of order—Penalty.

51.32.220 - Reduction in total disability compensation—Limitations—Notice—Waiver—Adjustment for retroactive reduction in federal social security disability benefit—Restrictions.

51.32.225 - Reduction in total disability compensation—Offset for social security retirement benefits.

51.32.230 - Recovery of overpayments.

51.32.240 - Erroneous payments—Payments induced by willful misrepresentation—Adjustment for self-insurer's failure to pay benefits—Recoupment of overpayments by self-insurer—Penalty—Appeal—Enforcement of orders.

51.32.242 - Self-insured employer overpayment reimbursement fund—Withholding from worker earnings—Use of funds—Exception.

51.32.250 - Payment of job modification costs.

51.32.260 - Compensation for loss or damage to personal effects.

51.32.300 - State employee vocational rehabilitation coordinator.

51.32.350 - Chemically related illness—Criteria and procedures for claims—Claims management.

51.32.360 - Chemically related illness—Centers for research and clinical assessment.

51.32.370 - Chemically related illness—Research projects—Implementation plan—Funding—Deductions from employees' pay.

51.32.380 - Injured offenders—Benefits sent in the care of the department of corrections—Exception—Liability.

51.32.390 - Health care employees—Presumption of occupational disease for infectious or contagious diseases which are the subject of a public health emergency—Rebuttal—Limitations—Costs.