Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 49.60 - Discrimination—Human Rights Commission.
49.60.500 - Community athletics programs—Sex discrimination prohibited—Definitions.

RCW 49.60.500
Community athletics programs—Sex discrimination prohibited—Definitions.

(1) No city, town, county, or district may discriminate against any person on the basis of sex in the operation, conduct, or administration of community athletics programs for youth or adults. A third party receiving a lease or permit from a city, town, county, district, or a school district , for a community athletics program also may not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex in the operation, conduct, or administration of community athletics programs for youth or adults.
(2) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section.
(a) "Community athletics program" means any athletic program that is organized for the purposes of training for and engaging in athletic activity and competition and that is in any way operated, conducted, administered, or supported by a city, town, county, district, or school district other than those offered by the school and created solely for the students by the school.
(b) "District" means any metropolitan park district, park and recreation service area, or park and recreation district.

[ 2009 c 467 § 2.]

Findings—Declarations—2009 c 467: "The legislature finds and declares:
On June 23, 1972, President Richard Nixon signed into law Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This landmark legislation provides that: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance...." Title IX has expanded opportunities for males as well as females in educational programs and activities, including ensuring access to athletic opportunities for girls and women in educational institutions and to male and female staff to coaching and athletics administrative positions in educational institutions. The dramatic increases in participation rates at both the high school and college levels since Title IX was passed show that when doors are opened to women and girls, they will participate.
Further, ensuring equality in the state of Washington, the legislature passed an amendment to the state Constitution, ratified by the voters in November 1972, providing "Equality of rights and responsibilities under the law shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex." In 1975, Washington continued to be at the forefront of this issue by adopting legislation that established our own statutory version of the federal Title IX law that prohibited "inequality in the educational opportunities afforded women and girls at all levels of the public schools in Washington state."
Athletic opportunities provide innumerable benefits to participants, including greater academic success, better physical and psychological health, responsible social behaviors, and enhanced interpersonal skills. Athletic scholarships make it possible for some young people to attend college. The Washington state legislature, recognizing the importance of full participation in athletics, has passed numerous bills directed at achieving equity and eliminating discrimination in intercollegiate athletics in the state's institutions of higher education.
Despite advances in educational settings and efforts by some local agencies to expand opportunities in community athletics programs, discrimination still exists that limits these opportunities. It is the intent of the legislature to expand and support equal participation in athletics programs, and provide all sports programs equal access to facilities administered by cities, towns, counties, metropolitan park districts, park and recreation service areas, or park and recreation districts.
Nothing in this act is intended to affect the holding in the Washington state supreme court's ruling in Darrin v. Gould, 85 Wn.2d 859, 540 P.2d 882 (1975) and its progeny that held it is not acceptable to discriminate in contact sports on the basis of sex." [ 2009 c 467 § 1.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 49 - Labor Regulations

Chapter 49.60 - Discrimination—Human Rights Commission.

49.60.010 - Purpose of chapter.

49.60.020 - Construction of chapter—Election of other remedies.

49.60.030 - Freedom from discrimination—Declaration of civil rights.

49.60.040 - Definitions.

49.60.050 - Commission created.

49.60.051 - Board name changed to Washington State Human Rights Commission.

49.60.060 - Membership of commission.

49.60.070 - Compensation and reimbursement for travel expenses of commission members.

49.60.080 - Official seal.

49.60.090 - Offices of commission.

49.60.100 - Reports of commission.

49.60.110 - Commission to formulate policies.

49.60.120 - Certain powers and duties of commission.

49.60.130 - May create advisory agencies and conciliation councils.

49.60.140 - Commission may hold hearings and subpoena witnesses.

49.60.150 - Witnesses compelled to testify.

49.60.160 - Refusals may be punished as contempt of court.

49.60.170 - Witness fees—Deposition fees.

49.60.172 - Unfair practices with respect to HIV or hepatitis C infection.

49.60.174 - Evaluation of claim of discrimination—Actual or perceived HIV or hepatitis C infection.

49.60.175 - Unfair practices of financial institutions.

49.60.176 - Unfair practices with respect to credit transactions.

49.60.178 - Unfair practices with respect to insurance transactions.

49.60.180 - Unfair practices of employers.

49.60.190 - Unfair practices of labor unions.

49.60.200 - Unfair practices of employment agencies.

49.60.205 - Age discrimination—Limitation.

49.60.208 - Unfair practice—Religious affiliation disclosure.

49.60.210 - Unfair practices—Discrimination against person opposing unfair practice—Retaliation against whistleblower.

49.60.214 - Misrepresentation of an animal as a service animal—Civil infraction—Investigation and enforcement—Miniature horse.

49.60.215 - Unfair practices of places of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, amusement—Trained dog guides and service animals.

49.60.220 - Unfair practice to aid violation.

49.60.222 - Unfair practices with respect to real estate transactions, facilities, or services.

49.60.223 - Unfair practice to induce sale or rental of real property by representations regarding entry into neighborhood of persons of particular race, disability, etc.

49.60.2235 - Unfair practice to coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere regarding secured real estate transaction rights.

49.60.224 - Real property contract provisions restricting conveyance, encumbrance, occupancy, or use to persons of particular race, disability, etc., void—Unfair practice.

49.60.225 - Relief for unfair practice in real estate transaction—Damages—Penalty.

49.60.226 - Cooperative agreements between units of government for processing complaints.

49.60.227 - Declaratory judgment action to strike discriminatory provision of real property contract—Restrictive covenant modification document as alternative.

49.60.230 - Complaint may be filed with commission.

49.60.240 - Complaint investigated—Procedure—Conference, conciliation—Agreement, findings—Rules.

49.60.243 - Complaint investigated—Action taken against whistleblower—Written findings of fact—Required notice.

49.60.250 - Hearing of complaint by administrative law judge—Limitation of relief—Penalties—Order—Arbitration.

49.60.260 - Enforcement of orders of administrative law judge—Appellate review of court order.

49.60.270 - Appeal from orders of administrative law judge.

49.60.280 - Court shall expeditiously hear and determine.

49.60.310 - Misdemeanor to interfere with or resist commission.

49.60.320 - Governor may act on orders against state or political subdivisions.

49.60.330 - First-class cities of over one hundred twenty-five thousand population—Administrative remedies authorized—Superior court jurisdiction.

49.60.340 - Election for civil action in lieu of hearing—Relief.

49.60.350 - Temporary or preliminary relief—Superior court jurisdiction—Petition of commission.

49.60.360 - Refueling services for disabled drivers—Violation—Investigation—Intentional display of plate or placard invalid or not legally issued prohibited—Fine—Notice to disabled persons.

49.60.370 - Liability for killing or injuring dog guide or service animal—Penalty in addition to other remedies or penalties—Recovery of attorneys' fees and costs—No duty to investigate.

49.60.380 - License waiver for dog guide and service animals.

49.60.390 - Rule-making authority—Deadline—1997 c 271.

49.60.400 - Discrimination, preferential treatment prohibited.

49.60.401 - Short title—1999 c 3.

49.60.405 - Distinction or differential treatment—When authorized.

49.60.500 - Community athletics programs—Sex discrimination prohibited—Definitions.

49.60.505 - Community athletics programs—Nondiscrimination policy required.

49.60.510 - Privileged health information—Noneconomic damages—Waivers.

49.60.515 - Sexual harassment and assault policy—Adoption of by hotel, motel, retail, or security guard entity, or property services contractors—Requirements.

49.60.520 - Television closed-captioning in places of public accommodation.

49.60.525 - Review of existing recorded covenants and deed restrictions to identify documents that include racial or other unlawful restrictions on property ownership.