Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 49.48 - Wages—Payment—Collection.
49.48.086 - Collection procedures.

RCW 49.48.086
Collection procedures.

(1) After a final order is issued under RCW 49.48.084, if an employer defaults in the payment of: (a) Any wages determined by the department to be owed to an employee, including interest; or (b) any civil penalty ordered by the department under RCW 49.48.083, the director may file with the clerk of any county within the state a warrant in the amount of the payment plus any filing fees. The clerk of the county in which the warrant is filed shall immediately designate a superior court cause number for the warrant, and the clerk shall cause to be entered in the judgment docket under the superior court cause number assigned to the warrant, the name of the employer mentioned in the warrant, the amount of payment due on it plus any filing fees, and the date when the warrant was filed. The aggregate amount of the warrant as docketed becomes a lien upon the title to, and interest in, all real and personal property of the employer against whom the warrant is issued, the same as a judgment in a civil case docketed in the office of the clerk. The sheriff shall proceed upon the warrant in all respects and with like effect as prescribed by law with respect to execution or other process issued against rights or property upon judgment in a court of competent jurisdiction. The warrant so docketed is sufficient to support the issuance of writs of garnishment in favor of the state in a manner provided by law in case of judgment, wholly or partially unsatisfied. The clerk of the court is entitled to a filing fee which will be added to the amount of the warrant. A copy of the warrant shall be mailed to the employer within three days of filing with the clerk.
(2)(a) The director may issue to any person, firm, corporation, other entity, municipal corporation, political subdivision of the state, a public corporation, or any agency of the state, a notice and order to withhold and deliver property of any kind when he or she has reason to believe that there is in the possession of the person, firm, corporation, other entity, municipal corporation, political subdivision of the state, public corporation, or agency of the state, property that is or will become due, owing, or belonging to an employer upon whom a notice of assessment has been served by the department for payments or civil penalties due to the department. The effect of a notice and order is continuous from the date the notice and order is first made until the liability out of which the notice and order arose is satisfied or becomes unenforceable because of lapse of time. The department shall release the notice and order when the liability out of which the notice and order arose is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason of lapse of time and shall notify the person against whom the notice and order was made that the notice and order has been released.
(b) The notice and order to withhold and deliver must be served by the sheriff of the county or by the sheriff's deputy, by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by the director. A person, firm, corporation, other entity, municipal corporation, political subdivision of the state, public corporation, or agency of the state upon whom service has been made shall answer the notice within twenty days exclusive of the day of service, under oath and in writing, and shall make true answers to the matters inquired of in the notice and order. Upon service of the notice and order, if the party served possesses any property that may be subject to the claim of the department, the party shall promptly deliver the property to the director. The director shall hold the property in trust for application on the employer's indebtedness to the department, or for return without interest, in accordance with a final determination of a petition for review. In the alternative, the party shall furnish a good and sufficient surety bond satisfactory to the director conditioned upon final determination of liability. If a party served and named in the notice fails to answer the notice within the time prescribed in this section, the court may render judgment by default against the party for the full amount claimed by the director in the notice, together with costs. If a notice is served upon an employer and the property subject to it is wages, the employer may assert in the answer all exemptions provided for by chapter 6.27 RCW to which the wage earner is entitled.
(c) As an alternative to the methods of service described in this section, the department may electronically serve a financial institution with a notice and order to withhold and deliver by providing a list of its outstanding warrants, except those for which a payment agreement is in good standing, to the department of revenue. The department of revenue may include the warrants provided by the department in a notice and order to withhold and deliver served under RCW 82.32.235(3). A financial institution that is served with a notice and order to withhold and deliver under this subsection (2)(c) must answer the notice within the time period applicable to service under RCW 82.32.235(3). The department and the department of revenue may adopt rules to implement this subsection (2)(c).
(3)(a) In addition to the procedure for collection of wages owed, including interest, and civil penalties as set forth in this section, the department may recover wages owed, including interest, and civil penalties assessed under RCW 49.48.083 in a civil action brought in a court of competent jurisdiction of the county where the violation is alleged to have occurred.
(b) The department may use the procedures under this section to foreclose wage liens established under chapter 60.90 RCW. When the department is foreclosing on a wage lien, the date the wage lien was originally filed shall be the date by which priority is determined, regardless of the date the warrant is filed under this section. If a claimant has timely notified the department that the claimant will pursue foreclosure on their own, without the department's assistance, the department is not required to file a warrant under this section and is relieved from any liability related to foreclosing on the claimant's wage lien.
(4) Whenever any employer quits business, sells out, exchanges, or otherwise disposes of the employer's business or stock of goods, any person who becomes a successor to the business becomes liable for the full amount of any outstanding citation and notice of assessment or penalty against the employer's business under this chapter if, at the time of the conveyance of the business, the successor has: (a) Actual knowledge of the fact and amount of the outstanding citation and notice of assessment or (b) a prompt, reasonable, and effective means of accessing and verifying the fact and amount of the outstanding citation and notice of assessment from the department. If the citation and notice of assessment or penalty is not paid in full by the employer within ten days of the date of the sale, exchange, or disposal, the successor is liable for the payment of the full amount of the citation and notice of assessment or penalty, and payment thereof by the successor must, to the extent thereof, be deemed a payment upon the purchase price. If the payment is greater in amount than the purchase price, the amount of the difference becomes a debt due the successor from the employer.
(5) This section does not affect other collection remedies that are otherwise provided by law.

[ 2021 c 102 § 18; 2014 c 210 § 1; 2010 c 42 § 4; 2006 c 89 § 5.]

Short title—Effective date—2021 c 102: See RCW 60.90.900 and 60.90.902.

Captions not law—2006 c 89: See note following RCW 49.48.082.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 49 - Labor Regulations

Chapter 49.48 - Wages—Payment—Collection.

49.48.010 - Payment of wages/nonsufficient funds—Employer must reimburse employee for fees charged—Exception—Payment of wages due to employee ceasing work to be at end of pay period—Exceptions—Authorized deductions or withholdings.

49.48.020 - Penalty for noncompliance with RCW 49.48.010 through 49.48.030 and 49.48.060.

49.48.030 - Attorney's fee in action on wages—Exception.

49.48.040 - Enforcement of wage claims—Issuance of subpoenas—Compliance.

49.48.050 - Remedy cumulative.

49.48.060 - Director may require bond after assignment of wage claims or receipt of a wage complaint—Court action—Penalty for failure to pay wage claim.

49.48.070 - Enforcement.

49.48.075 - Reciprocal enforcement agreements with other states.

49.48.080 - Public employees excluded.

49.48.082 - Wage complaints—Definitions.

49.48.083 - Wage complaints—Duty of department to investigate—Citations and notices of assessment—Civil penalties.

49.48.084 - Wage complaints—Administrative appeals.

49.48.085 - Wage complaints—Employee termination of administrative action.

49.48.086 - Collection procedures.

49.48.087 - Rules.

49.48.090 - Assignment of wages—Requisites to validity.

49.48.100 - Written consent of spouse required.

49.48.115 - Employer defined.

49.48.120 - Payment on employee's death.

49.48.125 - Repeat willful violators—Civil penalties.

49.48.150 - Sales representatives—Definitions.

49.48.160 - Sales representatives—Contract—Agreement.

49.48.170 - Sales representatives—Payment.

49.48.180 - Sales representatives—Principal considered doing business in this state.

49.48.190 - Sales representatives—Rights and remedies not exclusive—Waiver void.

49.48.200 - Overpayment of wages—Government employees.

49.48.210 - Overpayment of wages—Notice—Review—Appeal.

49.48.220 - Rules.

49.48.900 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.