Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 46.70 - Dealers and Manufacturers.
46.70.900 - Liberal construction.

RCW 46.70.900
Liberal construction.

All provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed to the end that deceptive practices or commission of fraud or misrepresentation in the sale, lease, barter, or disposition of vehicles in this state may be prohibited and prevented, and irresponsible, unreliable, or dishonest persons may be prevented from engaging in the business of selling, leasing, bartering, or otherwise dealing in vehicles in this state and reliable persons may be encouraged to engage in the business of selling, leasing, bartering and otherwise dealing in vehicles in this state: PROVIDED, That this chapter shall not apply to printers, publishers, or broadcasters who in good faith print, publish or broadcast material without knowledge of its deceptive character.

[ 2001 c 272 § 11; 1973 1st ex.s. c 132 § 20; 1967 ex.s. c 74 § 2.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 46 - Motor Vehicles

Chapter 46.70 - Dealers and Manufacturers.

46.70.005 - Declaration of purpose.

46.70.011 - Definitions.

46.70.021 - License required for dealers or manufacturers—Penalties.

46.70.023 - Place of business.

46.70.025 - Established place of business—Waiver of requirements.

46.70.027 - Accountability of dealer for employees—Actions for damages on violation of chapter.

46.70.028 - Consignment.

46.70.029 - Listing dealers, transaction of business.

46.70.031 - Application for license—Form.

46.70.041 - Application for license—Contents.

46.70.042 - Application for license—Retention by department—Confidentiality.

46.70.045 - Denial of license.

46.70.051 - Issuance of license—Private party dissemination of vehicle database.

46.70.055 - Wholesale vehicle dealer licenses.

46.70.061 - Fees—Disposition.

46.70.070 - Dealers—Bond required, exceptions—Actions—Cancellation of license.

46.70.075 - Manufacturers—Bond required—Actions—Cancellation of license.

46.70.079 - Education requirements.

46.70.083 - Expiration of license—Renewal—Certification of established place of business.

46.70.085 - Licenses—Staggered renewal.

46.70.090 - License plates—Use.

46.70.101 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of licenses—Grounds.

46.70.102 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of licenses—Notice, hearing, procedure.

46.70.111 - Investigations or proceedings—Powers of director or designees—Penalty.

46.70.115 - Cease and desist orders—Penalty, "curbstoning" defined.

46.70.120 - Record of transactions.

46.70.122 - Duty when purchaser or transferee is a dealer.

46.70.124 - Evidence of ownership for dealers' used vehicles—Consignments.

46.70.125 - Used vehicles—Asking price, posting or disclosure.

46.70.130 - Details of charges must be furnished buyer or mortgagor.

46.70.132 - Manufactured home sale—Implied warranty.

46.70.134 - Manufactured home installation—Warranty, state installation code.

46.70.135 - Mobile homes—Warranties and inspections—Delivery—Occupancy—Advertising of dimensions.

46.70.140 - Handling "hot" vehicles—Unreported motor "switches"—Unauthorized use of dealer plates—Penalty.

46.70.160 - Rules and regulations.

46.70.170 - Penalty for violations.

46.70.180 - Unlawful acts and practices.

46.70.183 - Notice of bankruptcy proceedings.

46.70.190 - Civil actions for violations—Injunctions—Claims under Federal Automobile Dealer Franchise Act—Time limitation.

46.70.220 - Duties of attorney general and prosecuting attorneys to act on violations—Limitation of civil actions.

46.70.230 - Duties of attorney general and prosecuting attorneys to act on violations—Assurance of compliance—Filing.

46.70.240 - Penalties—Jurisdiction.

46.70.250 - Personal service of process outside state.

46.70.260 - Application of chapter to existing and future franchises and contracts.

46.70.270 - Provisions of chapter cumulative—Violation of RCW 46.70.180 deemed civil.

46.70.290 - Mobile homes and persons engaged in distribution and sale.

46.70.300 - Chapter exclusive—Local business and occupation tax not prevented.

46.70.310 - Consumer Protection Act.

46.70.320 - Buyer's agents.

46.70.330 - Wholesale motor vehicle auction dealers.

46.70.340 - Issuance of temporary subagency licenses for recreational vehicle shows.

46.70.900 - Liberal construction.