Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 46.70 - Dealers and Manufacturers.
46.70.023 - Place of business.

RCW 46.70.023
Place of business.

(1) An "established place of business" requires a permanent, enclosed commercial building located within the state of Washington easily accessible at all reasonable times. The business of a vehicle dealer must be lawfully carried on at an established place of business in accordance with the terms of all applicable building code, zoning, and other land-use regulatory ordinances. A vehicle dealer may display a vehicle for sale only at its established place of business, licensed subagency, or temporary subagency site, except at auction, however a vehicle dealer may deliver a vehicle for inspection, a test drive, lease, or purchase and have a customer sign agreements over the internet or at a location other than the vehicle dealer's established place of business or licensed or temporary subagency. The dealer shall keep the building open to the public so that the public may contact the vehicle dealer or the dealer's salespersons at all reasonable times. The books, records, and files necessary to conduct the business shall be kept and maintained at that place. The established place of business shall display an exterior sign with the business name and nature of the business, such as auto sales, permanently affixed to the land or building, with letters clearly visible to the major avenue of traffic. A room or rooms in a hotel, rooming house, or apartment house building or part of a single or multiple-unit dwelling house may not be considered an "established place of business" unless the ground floor of such a dwelling is devoted principally to and occupied for commercial purposes and the dealer offices are located on the ground floor. A mobile office or mobile home may be used as an office if it is connected to utilities and is set up in accordance with state law. A statewide trade association representing manufactured housing dealers shall be permitted to use a manufactured home as an office if the office complies with all other applicable building code, zoning, and other land-use regulatory ordinances. This subsection does not apply to auction companies that do not own vehicle inventory or sell vehicles from an auction yard.
(2) An auction company shall have office facilities within the state. The books, records, and files necessary to conduct the business shall be maintained at the office facilities. All storage facilities for inventory shall be listed with the department, and shall meet local zoning and land use ordinances. An auction company shall maintain a telecommunications system.
(3) Auction companies shall post their vehicle dealer license at each auction where vehicles are offered, and shall provide the department with the address of the auction at least three days before the auction.
(4) If a dealer maintains a place of business at more than one location or under more than one name in this state, he or she shall designate one location as the principal place of business of the firm, one name as the principal name of the firm, and all other locations or names as subagencies. A subagency license is required for each and every subagency: PROVIDED, That the department may grant an exception to the subagency requirement in the specific instance where a licensed dealer is unable to locate their used vehicle sales facilities adjacent to or at the established place of business. This exception shall be granted and defined under the promulgation of rules consistent with the administrative procedure act.
(5) All vehicle dealers shall maintain ownership or leasehold throughout the license year of the real property from which they do business. The dealer shall provide the department with evidence of ownership or leasehold whenever the ownership changes or the lease is terminated.
(6) A subagency shall comply with all requirements of an established place of business, except that subagency records may be kept at the principal place of business designated by the dealer. Auction companies shall comply with the requirements in subsection (2) of this section.
(7) A temporary subagency shall meet all local zoning and building codes for the type of merchandising being conducted. The dealer license certificate shall be posted at the location. No other requirements of an established place of business apply to a temporary subagency. Auction companies are not required to obtain a temporary subagency license.
(8) A wholesale vehicle dealer shall have office facilities in a commercial building within this state, with no more than two other wholesale or retail vehicle dealers in the same building, and all storage facilities for inventory shall be listed with the department, and shall meet local zoning and land use ordinances. A wholesale vehicle dealer shall maintain a telecommunications system. An exterior sign visible from the nearest street shall identify the business name and the nature of business. When two or more vehicle dealer businesses share a location, all records, office facilities, and inventory, if any, must be physically segregated and clearly identified.
(9) A retail vehicle dealer shall be open during normal business hours, maintain office and display facilities in a commercially zoned location or in a location complying with all applicable building and land use ordinances, and maintain a business telephone listing in the local directory. When two or more vehicle dealer businesses share a location, all records, office facilities, and inventory shall be physically segregated and clearly identified.
(10) A subagency license is not required for a mobile home dealer to display an on-site display model, a consigned mobile home not relocated from its site, or a repossessed mobile home if sales are handled from a principal place of business or subagency. A mobile home dealer shall identify on-site display models, repossessed mobile homes, and those consigned at their sites with a sign that includes the dealer's name and telephone number.
(11) Every vehicle dealer shall advise the department of the location of each and every place of business of the firm and the name or names under which the firm is doing business at such location or locations. If any name or location is changed, the dealer shall notify the department of such change within ten days. The license issued by the department shall reflect the name and location of the firm and shall be posted in a conspicuous place at that location by the dealer.
(12) A vehicle dealer's license shall upon the death or incapacity of an individual vehicle dealer authorize the personal representative of such dealer, subject to payment of license fees, to continue the business for a period of six months from the date of the death or incapacity.

[ 2021 c 201 § 4; 2016 sp.s. c 26 § 2; (2017 c 15 § 4 repealed by 2018 c 273 § 2); 1997 c 432 § 1; 1996 c 282 § 1; 1995 c 7 § 1; 1993 c 307 § 5; 1991 c 339 § 28; 1989 c 301 § 2; 1986 c 241 § 4.]

Effective date—2016 sp.s. c 26: See note following RCW 46.70.011.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 46 - Motor Vehicles

Chapter 46.70 - Dealers and Manufacturers.

46.70.005 - Declaration of purpose.

46.70.011 - Definitions.

46.70.021 - License required for dealers or manufacturers—Penalties.

46.70.023 - Place of business.

46.70.025 - Established place of business—Waiver of requirements.

46.70.027 - Accountability of dealer for employees—Actions for damages on violation of chapter.

46.70.028 - Consignment.

46.70.029 - Listing dealers, transaction of business.

46.70.031 - Application for license—Form.

46.70.041 - Application for license—Contents.

46.70.042 - Application for license—Retention by department—Confidentiality.

46.70.045 - Denial of license.

46.70.051 - Issuance of license—Private party dissemination of vehicle database.

46.70.055 - Wholesale vehicle dealer licenses.

46.70.061 - Fees—Disposition.

46.70.070 - Dealers—Bond required, exceptions—Actions—Cancellation of license.

46.70.075 - Manufacturers—Bond required—Actions—Cancellation of license.

46.70.079 - Education requirements.

46.70.083 - Expiration of license—Renewal—Certification of established place of business.

46.70.085 - Licenses—Staggered renewal.

46.70.090 - License plates—Use.

46.70.101 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of licenses—Grounds.

46.70.102 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of licenses—Notice, hearing, procedure.

46.70.111 - Investigations or proceedings—Powers of director or designees—Penalty.

46.70.115 - Cease and desist orders—Penalty, "curbstoning" defined.

46.70.120 - Record of transactions.

46.70.122 - Duty when purchaser or transferee is a dealer.

46.70.124 - Evidence of ownership for dealers' used vehicles—Consignments.

46.70.125 - Used vehicles—Asking price, posting or disclosure.

46.70.130 - Details of charges must be furnished buyer or mortgagor.

46.70.132 - Manufactured home sale—Implied warranty.

46.70.134 - Manufactured home installation—Warranty, state installation code.

46.70.135 - Mobile homes—Warranties and inspections—Delivery—Occupancy—Advertising of dimensions.

46.70.140 - Handling "hot" vehicles—Unreported motor "switches"—Unauthorized use of dealer plates—Penalty.

46.70.160 - Rules and regulations.

46.70.170 - Penalty for violations.

46.70.180 - Unlawful acts and practices.

46.70.183 - Notice of bankruptcy proceedings.

46.70.190 - Civil actions for violations—Injunctions—Claims under Federal Automobile Dealer Franchise Act—Time limitation.

46.70.220 - Duties of attorney general and prosecuting attorneys to act on violations—Limitation of civil actions.

46.70.230 - Duties of attorney general and prosecuting attorneys to act on violations—Assurance of compliance—Filing.

46.70.240 - Penalties—Jurisdiction.

46.70.250 - Personal service of process outside state.

46.70.260 - Application of chapter to existing and future franchises and contracts.

46.70.270 - Provisions of chapter cumulative—Violation of RCW 46.70.180 deemed civil.

46.70.290 - Mobile homes and persons engaged in distribution and sale.

46.70.300 - Chapter exclusive—Local business and occupation tax not prevented.

46.70.310 - Consumer Protection Act.

46.70.320 - Buyer's agents.

46.70.330 - Wholesale motor vehicle auction dealers.

46.70.340 - Issuance of temporary subagency licenses for recreational vehicle shows.

46.70.900 - Liberal construction.