Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 43.41 - Office of Financial Management.
43.41.030 - Purpose.

RCW 43.41.030

The legislature finds that the need for long-range state program planning and for the short-range planning carried on through the budget process, complement each other. The biennial budget submitted to the legislature must be considered in the light of the longer-range plans and goals of the state. The effectiveness of the short-range plan presented as budget proposals, cannot be measured without being aware of these longer-range goals. Thus efficient management requires that the planning and fiscal activities of state government be integrated into a unified process. It is the purpose of this chapter to bring these functions together in a new division of the office of the governor to be called the office of financial management.

[ 1979 c 151 § 109; 1969 ex.s. c 239 § 1.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 43 - State Government—Executive

Chapter 43.41 - Office of Financial Management.

43.41.030 - Purpose.

43.41.040 - Definitions.

43.41.050 - Office of financial management created—Transfer of powers, duties, and functions.

43.41.060 - Director—Appointment—Salary—Vacancy—Delegation of powers and duties.

43.41.070 - Personnel.

43.41.080 - Deputy and assistant directors.

43.41.100 - Director's powers and duties.

43.41.102 - Director—Contract for collection and tabulation of census block statistics.

43.41.104 - Settlement and payment of accounts—Duty to require.

43.41.106 - Settlement and payment of accounts—Authority to require testimony and evidence.

43.41.109 - "Undue hardship"—Defined by rule.

43.41.110 - Powers and duties of office of financial management.

43.41.113 - Personnel policy and application of civil service laws.

43.41.120 - Advisory or coordinating councils.

43.41.160 - State health care cost containment policies.

43.41.170 - Budgeting process—Agencies implementing energy conservation to retain cost savings.

43.41.180 - Electronic funds and information transfer—State agency use.

43.41.260 - Monitoring enrollee level in basic health plan and medicaid caseload of children—Funding levels adjustment.

43.41.270 - Natural resource-related and environmentally based grant and loan programs—Administration and monitoring assistance.

43.41.275 - State agency employment—Disability employment—Reporting requirements.

43.41.391 - K-20 network—Duty to govern and oversee technical design, implementation, and operation.

43.41.392 - K-20 operations cooperative—Maintained by office.

43.41.393 - Technical plan of the K-20 telecommunications system and ongoing system enhancements—Contents.

43.41.394 - Oversight of technical aspects of K-20 network.

43.41.399 - Education technology revolving fund.

43.41.400 - Education data center.

43.41.405 - K-12 data—Securing federal funds.

43.41.410 - State support for students at institutions of higher education—Information.

43.41.415 - Development of methods and protocols for measuring educational costs—Reports.

43.41.420 - Undergraduate and graduate educational costs—Reports to regents and trustees.

43.41.425 - Program to certify employment for public service loan forgiveness—Awareness materials—Statewide initiative.

43.41.430 - Information technology investment pool—Information technology projects—Reports.

43.41.433 - Information technology investment revolving account.

43.41.435 - Enumeration data used for population estimates—Destruction.

43.41.440 - Statewide information technology system development revolving account—Contracts for enterprise information technology systems—"Enterprise information technology system" defined.

43.41.442 - Statewide information technology system maintenance and operations revolving account—Contracts for administration, maintenance, and operations of enterprise information technology systems.

43.41.444 - Shared information technology system revolving account—Contracts for administration, development, maintenance, and operations of shared information technology systems—"Shared information technology system" defined.

43.41.450 - Office of financial management central service account.

43.41.455 - State agency office relocation pool account.

43.41.460 - Military recruitment program for veterans—Development—Report.

43.41.970 - Federal requirements for receipt of federal funds.