RCW 41.26.046
Minimum medical and health standards—Board to adopt—Publication and distribution—Employer certification procedures.
By July 31, 1971, the *retirement board shall adopt minimum medical and health standards for membership coverage into the Washington law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system act. In adopting such standards the *retirement board shall consider existing standards recommended by the international association of chiefs of police and the international association of firefighters, and shall adopt equal or higher standards, together with appropriate standards and procedures to insure uniform compliance with this chapter. The standards when adopted shall be published and distributed to each employer, and each employer shall adopt certification procedures and such other procedures as are required to insure that no law enforcement officer or firefighter receives membership coverage unless and until he or she has actually met minimum medical and health standards: PROVIDED, That an elected sheriff or an appointed chief of police, fire chief, or director of public safety shall not be required to meet the age standard. The *retirement board may amend the minimum medical and health standards as experience indicates, even if the standards as so amended are lower or less rigid than those recommended by the international associations mentioned above. The cost of the medical examination contemplated by this section is to be paid by the employer.
[ 2012 c 117 § 41; 1987 c 418 § 2; 1977 ex.s. c 294 § 21; 1974 ex.s. c 120 § 12; 1972 ex.s. c 131 § 2; 1971 ex.s. c 257 § 4.]
*Reviser's note: Powers, duties, and functions of the Washington law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement board were transferred to the director of retirement systems by RCW 41.26.051, which has been decodified. See Table of Disposition of Former RCW Sections.
Severability—1974 ex.s. c 120: See note following RCW 41.26.030.
Severability—1972 ex.s. c 131: See note following RCW 41.26.030.
Purpose—Severability—1971 ex.s. c 257: See notes following RCW 41.26.030.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 41 - Public Employment, Civil Service, and Pensions
Chapter 41.26 - Law Enforcement Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement System.
41.26.005 - Provisions applicable to "plan 1" and "plan 2."
41.26.020 - Purpose of chapter.
41.26.035 - "Minimum medical and health standards" defined.
41.26.040 - System created—Membership—Funds.
41.26.045 - Minimum medical and health standards.
41.26.047 - Minimum medical and health standards—Exemptions—Employer may adopt higher standards.
41.26.053 - Exemption from judicial process, taxes—Exceptions—Deduction for insurance upon request.
41.26.056 - No bond required on appeal to court.
41.26.057 - Benefit calculation—Limitation.
41.26.059 - Establishing, restoring service credit.
41.26.061 - Disability retirement—Criminal conduct.
41.26.062 - Falsification—Penalty.
41.26.075 - Provisions applicable to plan 1.
41.26.080 - Funding total liability of plan 1 system.
41.26.090 - Retirement for service.
41.26.100 - Allowance on retirement for service.
41.26.110 - Disability boards authorized—Composition—Terms—Reimbursement for travel expenses—Duties.
41.26.120 - Retirement for disability incurred in the line of duty.
41.26.125 - Retirement for disability not incurred in the line of duty.
41.26.130 - Allowance on retirement for disability.
41.26.135 - Cessation of disability—Determination.
41.26.140 - Reexaminations of disability beneficiaries—Reentry—Appeal.
41.26.150 - Sickness or disability benefits—Medical services.
41.26.160 - Death benefits—Duty or military service connected.
41.26.161 - Death benefits—Nonduty connected.
41.26.162 - Ex spouse qualifying as surviving spouse.
41.26.170 - Refund of contributions on discontinuance of service—Reentry.
41.26.190 - Credit for military service.
41.26.192 - Credit for service under prior pension system—Restoration of withdrawn contributions.
41.26.194 - Credit for service under prior pension system—Service not covered under prior system.
41.26.195 - Transfer of service credit from other retirement system—Irrevocable election allowed.
41.26.199 - Purchase of additional service credit—Costs—Rules.
41.26.200 - Appeal to director of retirement systems.
41.26.211 - Notice for hearing required prior to petitioning for judicial review.
41.26.250 - Increase in presently payable benefits for service or disability authorized.
41.26.260 - Increase in certain presently payable death benefits authorized.
41.26.270 - Declaration of policy respecting benefits for injury or death—Civil actions abolished.
41.26.281 - Cause of action for injury or death, when.
41.26.291 - Lump sum defined benefit—Payable January 31, 2023.
41.26.3901 - Severability—1969 ex.s. c 209.
41.26.3902 - Act to control inconsistencies.
41.26.3903 - Effective date—1969 ex.s. c 209.
41.26.410 - Provisions applicable to plan 2.
41.26.420 - Computation of the retirement allowance.
41.26.425 - Lump sum retirement allowance—Reentry—Conditions for reinstatement of service.
41.26.430 - Retirement for service.
41.26.432 - Additional service credit purchase—Rules.
41.26.440 - Post-retirement cost-of-living.
41.26.463 - Optional actuarially equivalent life annuity benefit—Rules—Definition.
41.26.473 - Disabled in the line of duty—Continuation of service credit—Conditions.
41.26.476 - Use of shared leave—Impact on calculation of service credit and final average salary.
41.26.480 - Industrial insurance.
41.26.490 - Application for and effective date of retirement allowances.
41.26.530 - Vested membership.
41.26.540 - Refund of contributions on termination.
41.26.545 - Emergency medical technicians—Establishing service credit—Dates—Process—Contributions.
41.26.547 - Emergency medical technicians—Job relocation—Retirement options.
41.26.555 - Lump sum defined benefit—Payable January 31, 2023.
41.26.715 - Board of trustees—Created—Selection of trustees—Terms of office—Vacancies.
41.26.7151 - Board of trustees—Political party representation.
41.26.717 - Additional duties and powers of board.
41.26.720 - Board of trustees—Powers—Meeting procedures—Quorum—Judicial review—Budget.
41.26.725 - Board of trustees—Contributions—Minimum and increased benefits.
41.26.730 - Joint committee on pension policy—Pension funding council.
41.26.732 - Plan 2 expense fund—Board oversight and administration—State investment board.
41.26.740 - Reimbursement for expenses.
41.26.904 - Effective date—2003 c 2 (Initiative Measure No. 790).
41.26.906 - Effective date—2003 c 92.
41.26.921 - Effective date—1977 ex.s. c 294.
41.26.922 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.