RCW 36.70B.210
Development agreements—Authority to impose fees not extended.
Nothing in RCW 36.70B.170 through 36.70B.200 and section 501, chapter 347, Laws of 1995 is intended to authorize local governments to impose impact fees, inspection fees, or dedications or to require any other financial contributions or mitigation measures except as expressly authorized by other applicable provisions of state law.
[ 1995 c 347 § 506.]
Findings—Intent—1995 c 347 §§ 502-506: See note following RCW 36.70B.170.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 36.70B - Local Project Review.
36.70B.010 - Findings and declaration.
36.70B.030 - Project review—Required elements—Limitations.
36.70B.040 - Determination of consistency.
36.70B.050 - Local government review of project permit applications required—Objectives.
36.70B.070 - Project permit applications—Determination of completeness—Notice to applicant.
36.70B.080 - Development regulations—Requirements—Report on implementation costs.
36.70B.100 - Designation of person or entity to receive determinations and notices.
36.70B.120 - Permit review process.
36.70B.130 - Notice of decision—Distribution.
36.70B.140 - Project permits that may be excluded from review.
36.70B.150 - Local governments not planning under the growth management act may use provisions.
36.70B.160 - Additional project review encouraged—Construction.
36.70B.170 - Development agreements—Authorized.
36.70B.180 - Development agreements—Effect.
36.70B.190 - Development agreements—Recording—Parties and successors bound.
36.70B.200 - Development agreements—Public hearing.
36.70B.210 - Development agreements—Authority to impose fees not extended.
36.70B.220 - Permit assistance staff.
36.70B.230 - Planning regulations—Copies provided to county assessor.
36.70B.900 - Finding—Severability—Part headings and table of contents not law—1995 c 347.