Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 35A.14 - Annexation by Code Cities.
35A.14.297 - Ordinance providing for annexation of unincorporated island of territory—Referendum.

RCW 35A.14.297
Ordinance providing for annexation of unincorporated island of territory—Referendum.

On the date set for hearing as provided in RCW 35A.14.295, residents or property owners of the area included in the resolution for annexation shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard. The legislative body may provide by ordinance for annexation of the territory described in the resolution, but the effective date of the ordinance shall be not less than forty-five days after the passage thereof. The legislative body shall cause notice of the proposed effective date of the annexation, together with a description of the property to be annexed, to be published at least once each week for two weeks subsequent to passage of the ordinance, in one or more newspapers of general circulation within the city and in one or more newspapers of general circulation within the area to be annexed. If the annexation ordinance provides for assumption of indebtedness or adoption of a proposed zoning regulation, the notice shall include a statement of such requirements. Such annexation ordinance shall be subject to referendum for forty-five days after the passage thereof. Upon the filing of a timely and sufficient referendum petition as provided in RCW 35A.14.299 below, a referendum election shall be held as provided in RCW 35A.14.299, and the annexation shall be deemed approved by the voters unless a majority of the votes cast on the proposition are in opposition thereto. After the expiration of the forty-fifth day from, but excluding the date of passage of the annexation ordinance, if no timely and sufficient referendum petition has been filed, as provided by RCW 35A.14.299 below, the area annexed shall become a part of the code city upon the date fixed in the ordinance of annexation.

[ 1967 ex.s. c 119 § 35A.14.297.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 35A - Optional Municipal Code

Chapter 35A.14 - Annexation by Code Cities.

35A.14.001 - Actions subject to review by boundary review board.

35A.14.005 - Annexations beyond urban growth areas prohibited.

35A.14.010 - Authority for annexation.

35A.14.015 - Election method—Resolution for election—Contents of resolution.

35A.14.020 - Election method—Contents of petition—Certification by auditor—Approval or rejection by legislative body—Costs.

35A.14.030 - Filing of petition as approved by city.

35A.14.040 - Election method—Hearing by review board—Notice.

35A.14.050 - Decision of the county annexation review board—Filing—Date for election.

35A.14.070 - Election method—Notice of election.

35A.14.080 - Election method—Vote required for annexation—Proposition for assumption of indebtedness—Certification.

35A.14.085 - Election method—Vote required for annexation with assumption of indebtedness—Without assumption of indebtedness.

35A.14.090 - Election method—Ordinance providing for annexation, assumption of indebtedness.

35A.14.100 - Election method—Effective date of annexation.

35A.14.110 - Election method is alternative.

35A.14.120 - Direct petition method—Notice to legislative body—Meeting—Assumption of indebtedness—Proposed zoning regulation—Contents of petition.

35A.14.130 - Direct petition method—Notice of hearing.

35A.14.140 - Direct petition method—Ordinance providing for annexation.

35A.14.150 - Direct petition method—Effective date of annexation.

35A.14.160 - Annexation review board—Composition.

35A.14.170 - Time for filing nominations—Vacancies.

35A.14.180 - Terms of members.

35A.14.190 - Organization of annexation review board—Rules—Journal—Authority.

35A.14.200 - Determination by county annexation review board—Factors considered—Filing of findings and decision.

35A.14.210 - Court review of decisions of the county annexation review board.

35A.14.220 - When review procedure may be dispensed with.

35A.14.231 - Territory subject to annexation proposal—When annexation by another city or incorporation allowed.

35A.14.295 - Annexation of unincorporated island of territory within code city—Resolution—Notice of hearing.

35A.14.296 - Annexation of unincorporated territory pursuant to interlocal agreement.

35A.14.297 - Ordinance providing for annexation of unincorporated island of territory—Referendum.

35A.14.299 - Annexation of unincorporated island of territory within code city—Referendum—Effective date if no referendum.

35A.14.300 - Annexation for municipal purposes.

35A.14.310 - Annexation of federal areas.

35A.14.320 - Annexation of federal areas—Provisions of ordinance—Authority over annexed territory.

35A.14.330 - Proposed zoning regulation—Purposes of regulations and restrictions.

35A.14.340 - Notice and hearing—Filings and recordings.

35A.14.380 - Ownership of assets of fire protection district—Assumption of responsibility of fire protection—When at least sixty percent of assessed valuation is annexed or incorporated in code city.

35A.14.400 - Ownership of assets of fire protection district—When less than sixty percent of assessed valuation is annexed or incorporated in code city.

35A.14.410 - When right-of-way may be included—Use of right-of-way line as corporate boundary.

35A.14.420 - Alternative direct petition method—Notice to legislative body—Meeting—Assumption of indebtedness—Proposed zoning regulation—Contents of petition.

35A.14.430 - Alternative direct petition method—Notice of hearing.

35A.14.440 - Alternative direct petition method—Ordinance providing for annexation.

35A.14.450 - Alternative direct petition method—Effective date of annexation.

35A.14.460 - Annexation of territory within urban growth areas—Interlocal agreement—Public hearing—Ordinance providing for annexation.

35A.14.470 - Annexation of territory within urban growth areas—County may initiate process with other cities or towns—Interlocal agreement—Public hearing—Ordinance—Referendum—Election, when necessary.

35A.14.472 - Annexation of unincorporated territory within urban growth areas—Interlocal agreement, when authorized—Requirements.

35A.14.475 - Annexation of territory within regional transit authorities.

35A.14.480 - Annexation of territory served by fire districts—Interlocal agreement process.

35A.14.485 - Annexation of fire districts—Transfer of employees.

35A.14.488 - Fire protection and safety in proposed annexed territory—Report request.

35A.14.490 - Annexation of territory used for an agricultural fair.

35A.14.500 - Outstanding indebtedness not affected.

35A.14.550 - Providing annexation information to public.

35A.14.700 - Determining population of annexed territory—Certificate—As basis for allocation of state funds—Revised certificate.

35A.14.801 - Taxes collected in annexed territory—Notification of annexation.

35A.14.900 - Cancellation, acquisition of franchise or permit for operation of public service business in territory annexed—Regulation of solid waste collection.

35A.14.901 - Application of chapter to annexations involving water or sewer service.