Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.710 - Charter Schools.
28A.710.140 - Charter applications—Submission—Approval or denial.

RCW 28A.710.140
Charter applications—Submission—Approval or denial.

(1) The state board of education must establish an annual statewide timeline for charter application submission and approval or denial that must be followed by all authorizers.
(2) In reviewing and evaluating charter applications, authorizers shall employ procedures, practices, and criteria consistent with nationally recognized principles and standards for quality charter authorizing. Authorizers shall give preference to applications for charter schools that are designed to enroll and serve at-risk student populations. However, nothing in this chapter may be construed as intended to limit the establishment of charter schools to those that serve a substantial portion of at-risk students, or to in any manner restrict, limit, or discourage the establishment of charter schools that enroll and serve other pupil populations under a nonexclusive, nondiscriminatory admissions policy. The application review process must include thorough evaluation of each application, an in-person interview with the applicant group, and an opportunity to learn about and provide input on each application in a public forum including, without limitation, parents, community members, local residents, and school district board members and staff.
(3) In deciding whether to approve an application, authorizers must:
(a) Grant charters only to applicants that have demonstrated competence in each element of the authorizer's published approval criteria and are likely to open and operate a successful charter public school;
(b) Base decisions on documented evidence collected through the application review process;
(c) Follow charter-granting policies and practices that are transparent and based on merit; and
(d) Avoid any conflicts of interest, whether real or apparent.
(4) An approval decision may include, if appropriate, reasonable conditions that the charter applicant must meet before a charter contract may be executed.
(5) For any denial of an application, the authorizer shall clearly state in writing its reasons for denial. A denied applicant may subsequently reapply to that authorizer or apply to another authorizer in the state.

[ 2016 c 241 § 114. Prior: 2013 c 2 § 214 (Initiative Measure No. 1240, approved November 6, 2012).]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.710 - Charter Schools.

28A.710.010 - Definitions.

28A.710.020 - Charter schools—Parameters.

28A.710.030 - Charter school boards—Powers.

28A.710.040 - Charter schools—Requirements.

28A.710.050 - Admission and enrollment of students—Capacity—Specialized learning environments.

28A.710.060 - Enrollment options information—Earned credits—Participation in district-sponsored interscholastic programs.

28A.710.070 - Washington state charter school commission.

28A.710.080 - Charter school authorizers.

28A.710.090 - Charter school authorizers—Approval process.

28A.710.100 - Charter school authorizers—Powers and duties—Delegation of authority—Annual report—Liability.

28A.710.110 - Authorizer oversight fee—Establishment—Use.

28A.710.120 - Oversight of authorizers—Notification of identified problems—Process for revocation of authorizer's authority—Timelines for actions.

28A.710.130 - Charter school applications—Solicitation for proposals, content—Charter school application, content.

28A.710.140 - Charter applications—Submission—Approval or denial.

28A.710.150 - Maximum number of charter public schools—Process—Certification—Lottery—Notice.

28A.710.160 - Charter contracts.

28A.710.170 - Charter contracts—Performance framework.

28A.710.180 - Charter schools—Oversight—Corrective action.

28A.710.190 - Charter contracts—Renewal.

28A.710.200 - Charter contracts—Revocation or refusal to renew.

28A.710.210 - Charter school termination protocol—Dissolution of nonprofit corporation applicant—Transfer of charter contract.

28A.710.220 - Student enrollment reporting—Funding—Distribution and reconciling of funding in school's first year of operation.

28A.710.230 - Facilities—State funding for common school construction.

28A.710.240 - Calculation of certificated instructional staff service years.

28A.710.250 - Annual reports—Recommendation regarding additional schools.

28A.710.260 - Charter schools oversight account.

28A.710.270 - Appropriations from Washington opportunity pathways account.

28A.710.280 - Distribution of funding—Rules.

28A.710.290 - Personal financial affairs statements—Commission members—Charter school board members.

28A.710.300 - Interschool athletic activities—Washington interscholastic activities association rules.

28A.710.310 - Notifications—Appeals.

28A.710.350 - School employees' benefits board—Insurance benefits.

28A.710.355 - School safety and security staff.

28A.710.360 - Professional development.

28A.710.370 - Student transportation allocation—Additional uses under emergency.

28A.710.380 - Office of the education ombuds—Notification.

28A.710.390 - Arts instruction.

28A.710.400 - Language access program.

28A.710.901 - Effective date—2016 c 241.