Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.710 - Charter Schools.
28A.710.010 - Definitions.

RCW 28A.710.010

The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Applicant" means a nonprofit corporation that has submitted an application to an authorizer. The nonprofit corporation must be either a public benefit nonprofit corporation as defined in RCW 24.03A.245, or a nonprofit corporation organized under chapter 24.03A RCW that has applied for tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3)). The nonprofit corporation may not be a sectarian or religious organization and must meet all of the requirements for a public benefit nonprofit corporation before receiving any funding under RCW 28A.710.220.
(2) "At-risk student" means a student who has an academic or economic disadvantage that requires assistance or special services to succeed in educational programs. The term includes, but is not limited to, students who do not meet minimum standards of academic proficiency, students who are at risk of dropping out of high school, students in chronically low-performing schools, students with higher than average disciplinary sanctions, students with lower participation rates in advanced or gifted programs, students who are limited in English proficiency, students who are members of economically disadvantaged families, and students who are identified as having special educational needs.
(3) "Authorizer" means the commission established in RCW 28A.710.070 or a school district approved under RCW 28A.710.090 to review, approve, or reject charter school applications; enter into, renew, or revoke charter contracts with applicants; and oversee the charter schools the entity has authorized.
(4) "Charter contract" means a fixed term, renewable contract between a charter school and an authorizer that outlines the roles, powers, responsibilities, and performance expectations for each party to the contract.
(5) "Charter school" or "charter public school" means a public school that is established in accordance with this chapter, governed by a charter school board, and operated according to the terms of a charter contract executed under this chapter.
(6) "Charter school board" means the board of directors appointed or selected under the terms of a charter application to manage and operate the charter school.
(7) "Commission" means the Washington state charter school commission established in RCW 28A.710.070.
(8) "Parent" means a parent, guardian, or other person or entity having legal custody of a child.
(9) "Student" means a child eligible to attend a public school in the state.

[ 2021 c 176 § 5210; 2016 c 241 § 101. Prior: 2013 c 2 § 201 (Initiative Measure No. 1240, approved November 6, 2012).]

Effective date—2021 c 176: See note following RCW 24.03A.005.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.710 - Charter Schools.

28A.710.010 - Definitions.

28A.710.020 - Charter schools—Parameters.

28A.710.030 - Charter school boards—Powers.

28A.710.040 - Charter schools—Requirements.

28A.710.050 - Admission and enrollment of students—Capacity—Specialized learning environments.

28A.710.060 - Enrollment options information—Earned credits—Participation in district-sponsored interscholastic programs.

28A.710.070 - Washington state charter school commission.

28A.710.080 - Charter school authorizers.

28A.710.090 - Charter school authorizers—Approval process.

28A.710.100 - Charter school authorizers—Powers and duties—Delegation of authority—Annual report—Liability.

28A.710.110 - Authorizer oversight fee—Establishment—Use.

28A.710.120 - Oversight of authorizers—Notification of identified problems—Process for revocation of authorizer's authority—Timelines for actions.

28A.710.130 - Charter school applications—Solicitation for proposals, content—Charter school application, content.

28A.710.140 - Charter applications—Submission—Approval or denial.

28A.710.150 - Maximum number of charter public schools—Process—Certification—Lottery—Notice.

28A.710.160 - Charter contracts.

28A.710.170 - Charter contracts—Performance framework.

28A.710.180 - Charter schools—Oversight—Corrective action.

28A.710.190 - Charter contracts—Renewal.

28A.710.200 - Charter contracts—Revocation or refusal to renew.

28A.710.210 - Charter school termination protocol—Dissolution of nonprofit corporation applicant—Transfer of charter contract.

28A.710.220 - Student enrollment reporting—Funding—Distribution and reconciling of funding in school's first year of operation.

28A.710.230 - Facilities—State funding for common school construction.

28A.710.240 - Calculation of certificated instructional staff service years.

28A.710.250 - Annual reports—Recommendation regarding additional schools.

28A.710.260 - Charter schools oversight account.

28A.710.270 - Appropriations from Washington opportunity pathways account.

28A.710.280 - Distribution of funding—Rules.

28A.710.290 - Personal financial affairs statements—Commission members—Charter school board members.

28A.710.300 - Interschool athletic activities—Washington interscholastic activities association rules.

28A.710.310 - Notifications—Appeals.

28A.710.350 - School employees' benefits board—Insurance benefits.

28A.710.355 - School safety and security staff.

28A.710.360 - Professional development.

28A.710.370 - Student transportation allocation—Additional uses under emergency.

28A.710.380 - Office of the education ombuds—Notification.

28A.710.390 - Arts instruction.

28A.710.400 - Language access program.

28A.710.901 - Effective date—2016 c 241.