Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.415 - Institutes, Workshops, and Training.
28A.415.040 - In-Service Training Act of 1977—Administration of funds—Rules—Requirements for local districts—In-service training task force.

RCW 28A.415.040
In-Service Training Act of 1977—Administration of funds—Rules—Requirements for local districts—In-service training task force.

The superintendent of public instruction is hereby empowered to administer funds now or hereafter appropriated for the conduct of in-service training programs for public school certificated and classified personnel and to supervise the conduct of such programs. The superintendent of public instruction shall adopt rules in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW that provide for the allocation of such funds to public school district or educational service district applicants on such conditions and for such training programs as he or she deems to be in the best interest of the public school system: PROVIDED, That each district requesting such funds shall have:
(1) Conducted a district needs assessment, including plans developed at the building level, to be reviewed and updated at least every two years, of certificated and classified personnel to determine identified strengths and weakness of personnel that would be strengthened by such in-service training program;
(2) Demonstrate that the plans are consistent with the goals of basic education;
(3) Established an in-service training task force and demonstrated to the superintendent of public instruction that the task force has participated in identifying in-service training needs and goals; and
(4) Demonstrated to the superintendent of public instruction its intention to implement the recommendations of the needs assessment and thereafter the progress it has made in providing in-service training as identified in the needs assessment.
The task force required by this section shall be composed of representatives from the ranks of administrators, building principals, teachers, classified and support personnel employed by the applicant school district or educational service district, from the public, and from an institution(s) of higher education, in such numbers as shall be established by the school district board of directors or educational service district board of directors.

[ 1987 c 525 § 301; 1985 c 214 § 1; 1979 c 149 § 10; 1977 ex.s. c 189 § 2. Formerly RCW 28A.71.210.]

Severability—1987 c 525: See note following RCW 28A.300.050.

Severability—1979 c 149: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1979 c 149 § 11.]

Severability—1977 ex.s. c 189: See note following RCW 28A.300.050.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.415 - Institutes, Workshops, and Training.

28A.415.010 - Center for improvement of teaching—Improvement of teaching coordinating council—Teachers' institutes and workshops.

28A.415.025 - Internship clock hours—Rules.

28A.415.030 - In-Service Training Act of 1977—Purpose.

28A.415.040 - In-Service Training Act of 1977—Administration of funds—Rules—Requirements for local districts—In-service training task force.

28A.415.060 - Credits for educational staff associates to fulfill continuing education requirements.

28A.415.265 - Beginning educator support team program—Mentors.

28A.415.270 - Principal internship support program.

28A.415.280 - Superintendent and program administrator internship support program.

28A.415.285 - Expanded civics education teacher training program.

28A.415.300 - Rules.

28A.415.315 - Classified instructional assistants—Training.

28A.415.330 - Professional development institutes—Managing disruptive students.

28A.415.340 - State leadership academy—Public-private partnership—Reports.

28A.415.350 - Professional development learning opportunities—Partnerships.

28A.415.360 - Learning improvement days—Eligibility—Reports.

28A.415.370 - Recruiting Washington teachers program.

28A.415.380 - Mathematics and science instructional coach program—Evaluation—Reports.

28A.415.390 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.415.400 - Reading instruction and early literacy—Professional development.

28A.415.410 - Training to support discipline policies under chapter 28A.600 RCW.

28A.415.430 - Professional learning—Defined—Scope.

28A.415.432 - Professional learning—Standards.

28A.415.434 - Professional learning—Definitions.

28A.415.443 - Definitions.

28A.415.445 - Professional learning days—Mental health topics—Cultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusion.