Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.335 - School Districts' Property.
28A.335.210 - Purchase of works of art—Procedure.

RCW 28A.335.210
Purchase of works of art—Procedure.

The superintendent of public instruction shall allocate, as a nondeductible item, out of any moneys appropriated for state assistance to school districts for the original construction of any school plant facility the amount of one-half of one percent of the appropriation to be expended by the Washington state arts commission for the acquisition of works of art. The works of art may be placed in accordance with Article IX, sections 2 and 3 of the state Constitution on public lands, integral to or attached to a public building or structure, detached within or outside a public building or structure, part of a portable exhibition or collection, part of a temporary exhibition, or loaned or exhibited in other public facilities. The Washington state arts commission shall, in consultation with the superintendent of public instruction, determine the amount to be made available for the purchase of works of art under this section, and payments therefor shall be made in accordance with law. The designation of projects and sites, selection, contracting, purchase, commissioning, reviewing of design, execution and placement, acceptance, maintenance, and sale, exchange, or disposition of works of art shall be the responsibility of the Washington state arts commission in consultation with the superintendent of public instruction and representatives of school district boards of directors. The superintendent of public instruction and the school district board of directors of the districts where the sites are selected shall have the right to:
(1) Waive its use of the one-half of one percent of the appropriation for the acquisition of works of art before the selection process by the Washington state arts commission;
(2) Appoint a representative to the body established by the Washington state arts commission to be part of the selection process with full voting rights;
(3) Reject the results of the selection process;
(4) Reject the placement of a completed work or works of art on school district premises if such works are portable.
Rejection at any point before or after the selection process shall not cause the loss of or otherwise endanger state construction funds available to the local school district. Any works of art rejected under this section shall be applied to the provision of works of art under this chapter, at the discretion of the Washington state arts commission, notwithstanding any contract or agreement between the affected school district and the artist involved. In addition to the cost of the works of art the one-half of one percent of the appropriation as provided in this section shall be used to provide for the administration, including conservation of the state art collection, by the Washington state arts commission and all costs for installation of the work of art. For the purpose of this section building shall not include sheds, warehouses, or other buildings of a temporary nature.
The executive director of the arts commission, the superintendent of public instruction, and the Washington state school directors' association shall appoint a study group to review the operations of the one-half of one percent for works of art under this section.

[ 2006 c 263 § 327; 2005 c 36 § 1; 1983 c 204 § 7; 1982 c 191 § 2; 1974 ex.s. c 176 § 5. Formerly RCW 28A.58.055.]

Findings—Purpose—Part headings not law—2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

Implementation—1983 c 204 § 7: "Implementation of section 7 of this 1983 act shall become effective upon approval by the arts commission, the superintendent of public instruction and the Washington state school directors' association." [ 1983 c 204 § 10.] "Section 7 of this 1983 act," was the 1983 c 204 amendment to RCW 28A.58.055, now recodified as RCW 28A.335.210.

Severability—1983 c 204: See note following RCW 43.46.090.

Severability—1982 c 191: "If any provision of this amendatory act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1982 c 191 § 14.]

Acquisition of works of art for public buildings and lands—Visual arts program established: RCW 43.46.090.

Allocation of moneys for acquisition of works of art—Expenditure by arts commission—Conditions: RCW 43.17.200.

Purchase of works of art—Interagency reimbursement for expenditure by visual arts program: RCW 43.17.205.

State art collection: RCW 43.46.095.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.335 - School Districts' Property.

28A.335.010 - School buildings, maintenance, furnishing, and insuring—School building security.

28A.335.020 - School closures—Policy of citizen involvement required—Summary of effects—Hearings—Notice.

28A.335.030 - Emergency school closures exempt from RCW 28A.335.020.

28A.335.040 - Surplus school property, rental, lease, or use of—Authorized—Limitations.

28A.335.050 - Surplus school property, rental, lease, or use of—Joint use—Compensation—Conditions generally.

28A.335.060 - Surplus school property—Rental, lease, or use of—Disposition of moneys received from.

28A.335.070 - Surplus school property, rental, lease, or use of—Existing contracts not impaired.

28A.335.080 - Surplus school property, rental, lease, or use of—Community use not impaired.

28A.335.090 - Conveyance and acquisition of property—Management—Appraisal.

28A.335.100 - School district associations' right to mortgage or convey money security interest in association property—Limitations.

28A.335.110 - Real property—Annexation to city or town.

28A.335.120 - Real property—Sale—Notice and hearing—Appraisal—Broker or real estate appraiser services—Real estate sales contracts—Limitation.

28A.335.130 - Real property—Sale—Use of proceeds.

28A.335.140 - Expenditure of funds on county, city building authorized—Conditions.

28A.335.150 - Permitting use and rental of playgrounds, athletic fields or athletic facilities.

28A.335.155 - Use of buildings for youth programs—Limited immunity.

28A.335.160 - Joint educational facilities—Rules.

28A.335.170 - Contracts to lease building space and portable buildings, rent or have maintained security systems, computers, and other equipment, and provide pupil transportation services.

28A.335.180 - Surplus texts and other educational aids, notice of availability—Student priority as to texts.

28A.335.190 - Advertising for bids—Competitive bid procedures—Purchases from inmate work programs—Telephone or written quotation solicitation, limitations—Emergencies.

28A.335.200 - Conditional sales contracts for acquisition of property or property rights.

28A.335.205 - Assistive devices—Transfer for benefit of children with disabilities—Record, inventory.

28A.335.210 - Purchase of works of art—Procedure.

28A.335.220 - Eminent domain.

28A.335.230 - Vacant school plant facilities—Lease by contiguous district—Eligibility for funding assistance.

28A.335.240 - Schoolhouses, teachers' cottages—Purchase of realty for district purposes.

28A.335.250 - School property used for public purposes.

28A.335.260 - School property used for public purposes—Community buildings.

28A.335.270 - School property used for public purposes—Special state commission to pass on plans.

28A.335.280 - School property used for public purposes—Limit on expenditures.

28A.335.290 - Housing for superintendent—Authorized—Limitation.

28A.335.300 - Playground matting.

28A.335.320 - Enhanced 911 service—Common and public school service required.

28A.335.330 - Chapter not applicable to certain transfers of property.

28A.335.340 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.