Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.335 - School Districts' Property.
28A.335.120 - Real property—Sale—Notice and hearing—Appraisal—Broker or real estate appraiser services—Real estate sales contracts—Limitation.

RCW 28A.335.120
Real property—Sale—Notice and hearing—Appraisal—Broker or real estate appraiser services—Real estate sales contracts—Limitation.

(1) The board of directors of any school district of this state may:
(a) Sell for cash, at public or private sale, and convey by deed all interest of the district in or to any of the real property of the district which is no longer required for school purposes; and
(b) Purchase real property for the purpose of locating thereon and affixing thereto any house or houses and appurtenant buildings removed from school sites owned by the district and sell for cash, at public or private sale, and convey by deed all interest of the district in or to such acquired and improved real property.
(2) When the board of directors of any school district proposes a sale of school district real property pursuant to this section and the value of the property exceeds seventy thousand dollars, the board shall publish a notice of its intention to sell the property. The notice shall be published at least once each week during two consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper with a general circulation in the area in which the school district is located. The notice shall describe the property to be sold and designate the place where and the day and hour when a hearing will be held. The board shall hold a public hearing upon the proposal to dispose of the school district property at the place and the day and hour fixed in the notice and admit evidence offered for and against the propriety and advisability of the proposed sale.
(3) The board of directors of any school district desiring to sell surplus real property shall publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the school district. School districts shall not sell the property for at least forty-five days following the publication of the newspaper notice.
(4) Private schools shall have the same rights as any other person or entity to submit bids for the purchase of surplus real property and to have such bids considered along with all other bids.
(5) Any sale of school district real property authorized pursuant to this section shall be preceded by a market value appraisal by a professionally designated real estate appraiser as defined in *RCW 74.46.020 or a general real estate appraiser certified under chapter 18.140 RCW selected by the board of directors and no sale shall take place if the sale price would be less than ninety percent of the appraisal made by the real estate appraiser: PROVIDED, That if the property has been on the market for one year or more the property may be reappraised and sold for not less than seventy-five percent of the reappraised value with the unanimous consent of the board.
(6) If in the judgment of the board of directors of any district the sale of real property of the district not needed for school purposes would be facilitated and greater value realized through use of the services of licensed real estate brokers, a contract for such services may be negotiated and concluded: PROVIDED, That the use of a licensed real estate broker will not eliminate the obligation of the board of directors to provide the notice described in this section: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the fee or commissions charged for any broker services shall not exceed seven percent of the resulting sale value for a single parcel: PROVIDED FURTHER, That any professionally designated real estate appraiser as defined in *RCW 74.46.020 or a general real estate appraiser certified under chapter 18.140 RCW selected by the board to appraise the market value of a parcel of property to be sold may not be a party to any contract with the school district to sell such parcel of property for a period of three years after the appraisal.
(7) If in the judgment of the board of directors of any district the sale of real property of the district not needed for school purposes would be facilitated and greater value realized through sale on contract terms, a real estate sales contract may be executed between the district and buyer.

[ 2006 c 263 § 913; 2001 c 183 § 2; 1995 c 358 § 2; 1991 c 116 § 13; 1984 c 103 § 1; 1981 c 306 § 4; 1979 ex.s. c 16 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 243 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.58.045. Prior: 1963 c 67 § 1; 1953 c 225 § 1. Formerly RCW 28A.58.045, 28.58.045.]

*Reviser's note: RCW 74.46.020 was amended by 2010 1st sp.s. c 34 § 2, deleting the definition of "professionally designated real estate appraiser."

Findings—Purpose—Part headings not law—2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

Severability—1981 c 306: See note following RCW 28A.335.180.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.335 - School Districts' Property.

28A.335.010 - School buildings, maintenance, furnishing, and insuring—School building security.

28A.335.020 - School closures—Policy of citizen involvement required—Summary of effects—Hearings—Notice.

28A.335.030 - Emergency school closures exempt from RCW 28A.335.020.

28A.335.040 - Surplus school property, rental, lease, or use of—Authorized—Limitations.

28A.335.050 - Surplus school property, rental, lease, or use of—Joint use—Compensation—Conditions generally.

28A.335.060 - Surplus school property—Rental, lease, or use of—Disposition of moneys received from.

28A.335.070 - Surplus school property, rental, lease, or use of—Existing contracts not impaired.

28A.335.080 - Surplus school property, rental, lease, or use of—Community use not impaired.

28A.335.090 - Conveyance and acquisition of property—Management—Appraisal.

28A.335.100 - School district associations' right to mortgage or convey money security interest in association property—Limitations.

28A.335.110 - Real property—Annexation to city or town.

28A.335.120 - Real property—Sale—Notice and hearing—Appraisal—Broker or real estate appraiser services—Real estate sales contracts—Limitation.

28A.335.130 - Real property—Sale—Use of proceeds.

28A.335.140 - Expenditure of funds on county, city building authorized—Conditions.

28A.335.150 - Permitting use and rental of playgrounds, athletic fields or athletic facilities.

28A.335.155 - Use of buildings for youth programs—Limited immunity.

28A.335.160 - Joint educational facilities—Rules.

28A.335.170 - Contracts to lease building space and portable buildings, rent or have maintained security systems, computers, and other equipment, and provide pupil transportation services.

28A.335.180 - Surplus texts and other educational aids, notice of availability—Student priority as to texts.

28A.335.190 - Advertising for bids—Competitive bid procedures—Purchases from inmate work programs—Telephone or written quotation solicitation, limitations—Emergencies.

28A.335.200 - Conditional sales contracts for acquisition of property or property rights.

28A.335.205 - Assistive devices—Transfer for benefit of children with disabilities—Record, inventory.

28A.335.210 - Purchase of works of art—Procedure.

28A.335.220 - Eminent domain.

28A.335.230 - Vacant school plant facilities—Lease by contiguous district—Eligibility for funding assistance.

28A.335.240 - Schoolhouses, teachers' cottages—Purchase of realty for district purposes.

28A.335.250 - School property used for public purposes.

28A.335.260 - School property used for public purposes—Community buildings.

28A.335.270 - School property used for public purposes—Special state commission to pass on plans.

28A.335.280 - School property used for public purposes—Limit on expenditures.

28A.335.290 - Housing for superintendent—Authorized—Limitation.

28A.335.300 - Playground matting.

28A.335.320 - Enhanced 911 service—Common and public school service required.

28A.335.330 - Chapter not applicable to certain transfers of property.

28A.335.340 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.