Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.235 - Food Services.
28A.235.270 - Free or reduced-price meals—School prohibitions.

RCW 28A.235.270
Free or reduced-price meals—School prohibitions.

(1) No school or school district personnel or school volunteer may:
(a) Take any action that would publicly identify a student who cannot pay for a school meal or for meals previously served to the student, including but not limited to requiring the student to wear a wristband, hand stamp, or other identifying marker, or by serving the student an alternative meal;
(b) Require a student who cannot pay for a school meal or for meals previously served to the student to perform chores or other actions in exchange for a meal or for the reduction or elimination of a school meal debt, unless all students perform similar chores or work;
(c) Require a student to dispose of an already served meal because of the student's inability to pay for the meal or because of money owed for meals previously served to the student;
(d) Allow any disciplinary action that is taken against a student to result in the denial or delay of a nutritionally adequate meal to the student; or
(e) Require a parent or guardian to pay fees or costs in excess of the actual amounts owed for meals previously served to the student.
(2) Communications from a school or school district about amounts owed for meals previously served to a student under the age of fifteen may only be directed to the student's parent or guardian. Nothing in this subsection prohibits a school or school district from sending a student home with a notification that is addressed to the student's parent or guardian.
(3)(a) A school district shall notify a parent or guardian of the negative balance of a student's school meal account no later than ten days after the student's school meal account has reached a negative balance. Within thirty days of sending this notification, the school district shall exhaust all options to directly certify the student for free or reduced-price meals. Within these thirty days, while the school district is attempting to certify the student for free or reduced-price meals, the student may not be denied access to a school meal unless the school district determines that the student is ineligible for free or reduced-price meals.
(b) If the school district is unable to directly certify the student for free or reduced-price meals, the school district shall provide the parent or guardian with a paper copy of or an electronic link to an application for free or reduced-price meals with the notification required by (a) of this subsection and encourage the parent or guardian to submit the application.

[ 2018 c 271 § 4.]

Short title—2018 c 271: See note following RCW 28A.235.250.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.235 - Food Services.

28A.235.010 - Superintendent of public instruction authorized to receive and disburse federal funds.

28A.235.020 - Payment of costs—Federal food services revolving fund—Disbursements.

28A.235.030 - Rules.

28A.235.036 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.235.040 - Acquisition authorized.

28A.235.050 - Contracts for—Other law applicable to.

28A.235.060 - Advancement of costs from revolving fund moneys—Reimbursement by school district to include transaction expense.

28A.235.070 - Revolving fund created.

28A.235.080 - Revolving fund—Administration of fund—Use—School district requisition as prerequisite.

28A.235.090 - Revolving fund—Depositories for fund, bond or security for—Manner of payments from fund.

28A.235.100 - Rules.

28A.235.110 - Suspension of laws, rules, inconsistent herewith.

28A.235.120 - Meal programs—Establishment and operation—Personnel—Agreements.

28A.235.130 - Milk for children at school expense.

28A.235.140 - School breakfast programs.

28A.235.145 - School breakfast and lunch programs—Use of state funds.

28A.235.150 - School breakfast and lunch programs—Grants to increase participation—Increased state support.

28A.235.155 - Federal summer food service program—Administration of funds—Grants.

28A.235.160 - Requirements to implement school breakfast, lunch, and summer food service programs—Exemptions.

28A.235.170 - Washington grown fresh fruit and vegetable grant program.

28A.235.180 - Farm-to-school initiatives.

28A.235.200 - Breakfast after the bell program—Definitions.

28A.235.210 - Breakfast after the bell program.

28A.235.220 - Breakfast after the bell program—Guidelines and training.

28A.235.230 - Breakfast after the bell program—Funding for implementation.

28A.235.240 - Breakfast after the bell program—Analysis.

28A.235.250 - Free or reduced-price meals—Applications.

28A.235.260 - Free or reduced-price meals—Student assistance.

28A.235.270 - Free or reduced-price meals—School prohibitions.

28A.235.280 - Free school meals—Systems to identify students.

28A.235.285 - Statewide electronic repository—School meals.

28A.235.290 - Department of agriculture community eligibility provision—Plan to increase participation—Reports.

28A.235.300 - Department of agriculture community eligibility provision—Required participation—Exemption.