Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.235 - Food Services.
28A.235.140 - School breakfast programs.

RCW 28A.235.140
School breakfast programs.

(1) For the purposes of this section:
(a) "Free or reduced-price lunches" means lunches served by a school district that qualify for federal reimbursement as free or reduced-price lunches under the national school lunch program.
(b) "School breakfast program" means a program meeting federal requirements defined in 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1773.
(c) "Severe-need school" means a school that qualifies for a severe-need school reimbursement rate from federal funds for school breakfasts served to children from low-income families.
(2) School districts shall be required to develop and implement plans for a school breakfast program in severe-need schools, pursuant to the schedule in this section. For the second year prior to the implementation of the district's school breakfast program, and for each subsequent school year, each school district shall submit data enabling the superintendent of public instruction to determine which schools within the district will qualify as severe-need schools. In developing its plan, each school district shall consult with an advisory committee including school staff and community members appointed by the board of directors of the district.
(3) Using district-wide data on school lunch participation during the 1988-89 school year, the superintendent of public instruction shall adopt a schedule for implementation of school breakfast programs in severe-need schools as follows:
(a) School districts where at least forty percent of lunches served to students are free or reduced-price lunches shall submit a plan for implementation of a school breakfast program in severe-need schools to the superintendent of public instruction no later than July 1, 1990. Each such district shall implement a school breakfast program in all severe-need schools no later than the second day of school in the 1990-91 school year and in each school year thereafter.
(b) School districts where at least twenty-five but less than forty percent of lunches served to students are free or reduced-price lunches shall submit a plan for implementation of a school breakfast program in severe-need schools to the superintendent of public instruction no later than July 1, 1991. Each such district shall implement a school breakfast program in all severe-need schools no later than the second day of school in the 1991-92 school year and in each school year thereafter.
(c) School districts where less than twenty-five percent of lunches served to students are free or reduced-price lunches shall submit a plan for implementation of a school breakfast program in severe-need schools to the superintendent of public instruction no later than July 1, 1992. Each such district shall implement a school breakfast program in all severe-need schools no later than the second day of school in the 1992-93 school year and in each school year thereafter.
(d) School districts that did not offer a school lunch program in the 1988-89 school year are encouraged to implement such a program and to provide a school breakfast program in all severe-need schools when eligible.
(4) The requirements in this section shall lapse if the federal reimbursement rate for breakfasts served in severe-need schools is eliminated.
(5) Students who do not meet family-income criteria for free breakfasts shall be eligible to participate in the school breakfast programs established under this section, and school districts may charge for the breakfasts served to these students. Requirements that school districts have school breakfast programs under this section shall not create or imply any state funding obligation for these costs. The legislature does not intend to include these programs within the state's obligation for basic education funding under Article IX of the Constitution.

[ 1993 c 333 § 1; 1989 c 239 § 2. Formerly RCW 28A.29.040.]

Study—1989 c 239: "The superintendent of public instruction shall conduct a study of the costs and feasibility of expanding the school breakfast program to include schools where more than twenty-five but less than forty percent of lunches served are free or reduced-price lunches. The study shall consider the total cost of the program, including but not limited to food costs, staff salaries and benefits, and additional pupil transportation costs. The superintendent of public instruction shall submit to the legislature prior to January 15, 1992, a report on the results of this study, including recommendations on whether to expand the school breakfast program to include these schools." [ 1989 c 239 § 3.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.235 - Food Services.

28A.235.010 - Superintendent of public instruction authorized to receive and disburse federal funds.

28A.235.020 - Payment of costs—Federal food services revolving fund—Disbursements.

28A.235.030 - Rules.

28A.235.036 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.235.040 - Acquisition authorized.

28A.235.050 - Contracts for—Other law applicable to.

28A.235.060 - Advancement of costs from revolving fund moneys—Reimbursement by school district to include transaction expense.

28A.235.070 - Revolving fund created.

28A.235.080 - Revolving fund—Administration of fund—Use—School district requisition as prerequisite.

28A.235.090 - Revolving fund—Depositories for fund, bond or security for—Manner of payments from fund.

28A.235.100 - Rules.

28A.235.110 - Suspension of laws, rules, inconsistent herewith.

28A.235.120 - Meal programs—Establishment and operation—Personnel—Agreements.

28A.235.130 - Milk for children at school expense.

28A.235.140 - School breakfast programs.

28A.235.145 - School breakfast and lunch programs—Use of state funds.

28A.235.150 - School breakfast and lunch programs—Grants to increase participation—Increased state support.

28A.235.155 - Federal summer food service program—Administration of funds—Grants.

28A.235.160 - Requirements to implement school breakfast, lunch, and summer food service programs—Exemptions.

28A.235.170 - Washington grown fresh fruit and vegetable grant program.

28A.235.180 - Farm-to-school initiatives.

28A.235.200 - Breakfast after the bell program—Definitions.

28A.235.210 - Breakfast after the bell program.

28A.235.220 - Breakfast after the bell program—Guidelines and training.

28A.235.230 - Breakfast after the bell program—Funding for implementation.

28A.235.240 - Breakfast after the bell program—Analysis.

28A.235.250 - Free or reduced-price meals—Applications.

28A.235.260 - Free or reduced-price meals—Student assistance.

28A.235.270 - Free or reduced-price meals—School prohibitions.

28A.235.280 - Free school meals—Systems to identify students.

28A.235.285 - Statewide electronic repository—School meals.

28A.235.290 - Department of agriculture community eligibility provision—Plan to increase participation—Reports.

28A.235.300 - Department of agriculture community eligibility provision—Required participation—Exemption.