Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.225 - Compulsory School Attendance and Admission.
28A.225.020 - School's duties upon child's failure to attend school.

RCW 28A.225.020
School's duties upon child's failure to attend school.

(1) If a child required to attend school under RCW 28A.225.010 fails to attend school without valid justification, the public school in which the child is enrolled shall:
(a) Inform the child's parent by a notice in writing or by telephone whenever the child has failed to attend school after one unexcused absence within any month during the current school year. School officials shall inform the parent of the potential consequences of additional unexcused absences. If the parent is not fluent in English, the school must make reasonable efforts to provide this information in a language in which the parent is fluent;
(b) Schedule a conference or conferences with the parent and child at a time reasonably convenient for all persons included for the purpose of analyzing the causes of the child's absences after three unexcused absences within any month during the current school year. If a regularly scheduled parent-teacher conference day is to take place within thirty days of the third unexcused absence, then the school district may schedule this conference on that day. If the child's parent does not attend the scheduled conference, the conference may be conducted with the student and school official. However the parent shall be notified of the steps to be taken to eliminate or reduce the child's absence; and
(c) At some point after the second and before the seventh unexcused absence, take data-informed steps to eliminate or reduce the child's absences.
(i) In middle school and high school, these steps must include application of the Washington assessment of the risks and needs of students (WARNS) or other assessment by a school district's designee under RCW 28A.225.026.
(ii) For any child with an existing individualized education plan or 504 plan, these steps must include the convening of the child's individualized education plan or 504 plan team, including a behavior specialist or mental health specialist where appropriate, to consider the reasons for the absences. If necessary, and if consent from the parent is given, a functional behavior assessment to explore the function of the absence behavior shall be conducted and a detailed behavior plan completed. Time should be allowed for the behavior plan to be initiated and data tracked to determine progress.
(iii) With respect to any child, without an existing individualized education plan or 504 plan, reasonably believed to have a mental or physical disability or impairment, these steps must include informing the child's parent of the right to obtain an appropriate evaluation at no cost to the parent to determine whether the child has a disability or impairment and needs accommodations, related services, or special education services. This includes children with suspected emotional or behavioral disabilities as defined in WAC 392-172A-01035. If the school obtains consent to conduct an evaluation, time should be allowed for the evaluation to be completed, and if the child is found to be eligible for special education services, accommodations, or related services, a plan developed to address the child's needs.
(iv) These steps must include, where appropriate, providing an available approved best practice or research-based intervention, or both, consistent with the WARNS profile or other assessment, if an assessment was applied, adjusting the child's school program or school or course assignment, providing more individualized or remedial instruction, providing appropriate vocational courses or work experience, referring the child to a community engagement board, requiring the child to attend an alternative school or program, or assisting the parent or child to obtain supplementary services that might eliminate or ameliorate the cause or causes for the absence from school.
(2) For purposes of this chapter, an "unexcused absence" means that a child:
(a)(i) Has failed to attend the majority of hours or periods in an average school day or has failed to comply with a more restrictive school district policy; and
(ii) Has failed to meet the school district's policy for excused absences; or
(b) Has failed to comply with alternative learning experience program attendance requirements as described by the superintendent of public instruction.
(3) If a child transfers from one school district to another during the school year, the receiving school or school district shall include the unexcused absences accumulated at the previous school or from the previous school district for purposes of this section, RCW 28A.225.030, and 28A.225.015. The sending school district shall provide this information to the receiving school, together with a copy of any previous assessment as required under subsection (1)(c) of this section, history of any best practices or researched-based intervention previously provided to the child by the child's sending school district, and a copy of the most recent truancy information including any online or written acknowledgment by the parent and child, as provided for in RCW 28A.225.005. All school districts must use the standard choice transfer form for releasing a student to a nonresident school district for the purposes of accessing an alternative learning experience program.

[ 2021 c 119 § 9; 2017 c 291 § 2; 2016 c 205 § 4; 2009 c 266 § 1; 1999 c 319 § 1; 1996 c 134 § 2; 1995 c 312 § 67; 1992 c 205 § 202; 1986 c 132 § 2; 1979 ex.s. c 201 § 1. Formerly RCW 28A.27.020.]

Effective date—2021 c 119 §§ 7-15: See note following RCW 28A.225.030.

Findings—Intent—2021 c 119: See note following RCW 28A.225.007.

Short title—1995 c 312: See note following RCW 13.32A.010.

Part headings not law—Severability—1992 c 205: See notes following RCW 13.40.010.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.225 - Compulsory School Attendance and Admission.

28A.225.005 - Information for students and parents.

28A.225.007 - Student absence elimination and prevention—Guidance from the superintendent of public instruction.

28A.225.010 - Attendance mandatory—Age—Exceptions.

28A.225.015 - Attendance mandatory—Six or seven year olds—Unexcused absences—Petition.

28A.225.018 - Conferences to identify barriers to child's school attendance.

28A.225.020 - School's duties upon child's failure to attend school.

28A.225.023 - Youth subject to a dependency proceeding—Review of unexpected or excessive absences—Support for youth's school work.

28A.225.025 - Community engagement boards—Membership—Duties.

28A.225.026 - Community engagement boards—Memoranda of understanding with juvenile courts—Designation of school district coordinators to address absenteeism and truancy—Community-wide partnerships.

28A.225.0261 - Community engagement boards—Effect of diversion from truancy petitions—Evaluation by Washington state institute for public policy—Reports.

28A.225.027 - Community engagement boards—Grants for training—Grants for services and treatment.

28A.225.030 - Petition to juvenile court for violations by a parent or child—School district responsibilities.

28A.225.031 - Alcohol or controlled substances testing—Authority to order.

28A.225.035 - Petition to juvenile court—Contents—Court action—Referral to community engagement board or other coordinated intervention—Transfer of jurisdiction upon relocation.

28A.225.055 - Excused absences—Search and rescue activities.

28A.225.060 - Custody and disposition of child absent from school without excuse.

28A.225.080 - Employment permits.

28A.225.090 - Court orders—Penalties—Parents' defense.

28A.225.095 - Authority of court commissioners and family law commissioners to hear cases under this chapter.

28A.225.110 - Fines applied to support of schools.

28A.225.140 - Enforcing officers not personally liable for costs.

28A.225.151 - Student-level truancy data—Reports—Data protocols and guidance for school districts.

28A.225.155 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.225.160 - Qualification for admission to district's schools—Fees for preadmission screening.

28A.225.170 - Admission to schools—Children on United States reservations—Idaho residents with Washington addresses.

28A.225.200 - Education of pupils in another district—Limitation as to state apportionment—Exemption.

28A.225.210 - Admission of district pupils tuition free.

28A.225.215 - Enrollment of children without legal residences.

28A.225.216 - Children of military families—Residency.

28A.225.217 - Children of military families—Continued enrollment in district schools.

28A.225.220 - Adults, children from other districts, agreements for attending school—Tuition.

28A.225.225 - Applications from school employees' children, nonresident students, or students receiving home-based instruction to attend district school—Acceptance and rejection standards—Notification.

28A.225.230 - Appeal from certain decisions to deny student's request to attend nonresident district—Procedure.

28A.225.240 - Apportionment credit.

28A.225.250 - Cooperative programs among school districts—Rules.

28A.225.260 - Reciprocity exchanges with other states.

28A.225.270 - Intradistrict enrollment options policies.

28A.225.280 - Transfer students' eligibility for extracurricular activities.

28A.225.290 - Enrollment options information booklet (as amended by 2009 c 450).

28A.225.300 - Enrollment options information to parents.

28A.225.310 - Attendance in school district of choice—Impact on existing cooperative arrangements.

28A.225.330 - Enrolling students from other districts—Requests for information and permanent records—Immunity from liability—Rules.

28A.225.350 - Students subject to a dependency proceeding—Best interest determinations.

28A.225.360 - Students in out-of-home care—School districts and the department of children, youth, and families collaboration.

28A.225.370 - Students subject to civil protection orders.

28A.225.900 - Rules.