Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.225 - Compulsory School Attendance and Admission.
28A.225.010 - Attendance mandatory—Age—Exceptions.

RCW 28A.225.010
Attendance mandatory—Age—Exceptions.

(1) All parents in this state of any child eight years of age and under eighteen years of age shall cause such child to attend the public school of the district in which the child resides and such child shall have the responsibility to and therefore shall attend for the full time when such school may be in session unless:
(a) The child is attending an approved private school for the same time or is enrolled in an extension program as provided in RCW 28A.195.010(4);
(b) The child is receiving home-based instruction as provided in subsection (4) of this section;
(c) The child is attending an education center as provided in chapter 28A.205 RCW;
(d) The school district superintendent of the district in which the child resides shall have excused such child from attendance because the child is physically or mentally unable to attend school, is attending a residential school operated by the department of social and health services or the department of children, youth, and families, is incarcerated in an adult correctional facility, or has been temporarily excused upon the request of his or her parents for purposes agreed upon by the school authorities and the parent: PROVIDED, That such excused absences shall not be permitted if deemed to cause a serious adverse effect upon the student's educational progress: PROVIDED FURTHER, That students excused for such temporary absences may be claimed as full-time equivalent students to the extent they would otherwise have been so claimed for the purposes of RCW 28A.150.250 and 28A.150.260 and shall not affect school district compliance with the provisions of RCW 28A.150.220;
(e) The child is excused from school subject to approval by the student's parent for a reason of faith or conscience, or an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization, for up to two days per school year without any penalty. Such absences may not mandate school closures. Students excused for such temporary absences may be claimed as full-time equivalent students to the extent they would otherwise have been so claimed for the purposes of RCW 28A.150.250 and 28A.150.260 and may not affect school district compliance with the provisions of RCW 28A.150.220; or
(f) The child is sixteen years of age or older and:
(i) The child is regularly and lawfully employed and either the parent agrees that the child should not be required to attend school or the child is emancipated in accordance with chapter 13.64 RCW;
(ii) The child has already met graduation requirements in accordance with state board of education rules and regulations; or
(iii) The child has received a certificate of educational competence under rules and regulations established by the state board of education under RCW 28A.305.190.
(2) A parent for the purpose of this chapter means a parent, guardian, or person having legal custody of a child.
(3) An approved private school for the purposes of this chapter and chapter 28A.200 RCW shall be one approved under regulations established by the state board of education pursuant to RCW 28A.305.130.
(4) For the purposes of this chapter and chapter 28A.200 RCW, instruction shall be home-based if it consists of planned and supervised instructional and related educational activities, including a curriculum and instruction in the basic skills of occupational education, science, mathematics, language, social studies, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, and the development of an appreciation of art and music, provided for a number of hours equivalent to the total annual program hours per grade level established for approved private schools under RCW 28A.195.010 and 28A.195.040 and if such activities are:
(a) Provided by a parent who is instructing his or her child only and are supervised by a certificated person. A certificated person for purposes of this chapter and chapter 28A.200 RCW shall be a person certified under chapter 28A.410 RCW. For purposes of this section, "supervised by a certificated person" means: The planning by the certificated person and the parent of objectives consistent with this subsection; a minimum each month of an average of one contact hour per week with the child being supervised by the certificated person; and evaluation of such child's progress by the certificated person. The number of children supervised by the certificated person shall not exceed thirty for purposes of this subsection; or
(b) Provided by a parent who is instructing his or her child only and who has either earned forty-five college-level quarter credit hours or its equivalent in semester hours or has completed a course in home-based instruction at a postsecondary institution or a vocational-technical institute; or
(c) Provided by a parent who is deemed sufficiently qualified to provide home-based instruction by the superintendent of the local school district in which the child resides.
(5) The legislature recognizes that home-based instruction is less structured and more experiential than the instruction normally provided in a classroom setting. Therefore, the provisions of subsection (4) of this section relating to the nature and quantity of instructional and related educational activities shall be liberally construed.

[ 2017 3rd sp.s. c 6 § 630; 2014 c 168 § 3; 1998 c 244 § 14; 1996 c 134 § 1; 1990 c 33 § 219; 1986 c 132 § 1; 1985 c 441 § 1; 1980 c 59 § 1; 1979 ex.s. c 201 § 4; 1973 c 51 § 1; 1972 ex.s. c 10 § 2. Prior: 1971 ex.s. c 215 § 2; 1971 ex.s. c 51 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 109 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.27.010; prior: 1909 p 364 § 1; RRS § 5072; prior: 1907 c 240 § 7; 1907 c 231 § 1; 1905 c 162 § 1; 1903 c 48 § 1; 1901 c 177 § 11; 1899 c 140 § 1; 1897 c 118 § 71. Formerly RCW 28A.27.010, 28.27.010.]

Effective date—2017 3rd sp.s. c 6 §§ 601-631, 701-728, and 804: See note following RCW 13.04.011.

Conflict with federal requirements—2017 3rd sp.s. c 6: See RCW 43.216.908.

Effective date—1998 c 244: See RCW 28A.193.900.

Severability—1985 c 441: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1985 c 441 § 6.]

Severability—1973 c 51: "If any provision of this 1973 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1973 c 51 § 5.]

Private schools: RCW 28A.305.130(5), 28A.195.010 through 28A.195.050.

Work permits for minors required: RCW 49.12.123.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.225 - Compulsory School Attendance and Admission.

28A.225.005 - Information for students and parents.

28A.225.007 - Student absence elimination and prevention—Guidance from the superintendent of public instruction.

28A.225.010 - Attendance mandatory—Age—Exceptions.

28A.225.015 - Attendance mandatory—Six or seven year olds—Unexcused absences—Petition.

28A.225.018 - Conferences to identify barriers to child's school attendance.

28A.225.020 - School's duties upon child's failure to attend school.

28A.225.023 - Youth subject to a dependency proceeding—Review of unexpected or excessive absences—Support for youth's school work.

28A.225.025 - Community engagement boards—Membership—Duties.

28A.225.026 - Community engagement boards—Memoranda of understanding with juvenile courts—Designation of school district coordinators to address absenteeism and truancy—Community-wide partnerships.

28A.225.0261 - Community engagement boards—Effect of diversion from truancy petitions—Evaluation by Washington state institute for public policy—Reports.

28A.225.027 - Community engagement boards—Grants for training—Grants for services and treatment.

28A.225.030 - Petition to juvenile court for violations by a parent or child—School district responsibilities.

28A.225.031 - Alcohol or controlled substances testing—Authority to order.

28A.225.035 - Petition to juvenile court—Contents—Court action—Referral to community engagement board or other coordinated intervention—Transfer of jurisdiction upon relocation.

28A.225.055 - Excused absences—Search and rescue activities.

28A.225.060 - Custody and disposition of child absent from school without excuse.

28A.225.080 - Employment permits.

28A.225.090 - Court orders—Penalties—Parents' defense.

28A.225.095 - Authority of court commissioners and family law commissioners to hear cases under this chapter.

28A.225.110 - Fines applied to support of schools.

28A.225.140 - Enforcing officers not personally liable for costs.

28A.225.151 - Student-level truancy data—Reports—Data protocols and guidance for school districts.

28A.225.155 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.225.160 - Qualification for admission to district's schools—Fees for preadmission screening.

28A.225.170 - Admission to schools—Children on United States reservations—Idaho residents with Washington addresses.

28A.225.200 - Education of pupils in another district—Limitation as to state apportionment—Exemption.

28A.225.210 - Admission of district pupils tuition free.

28A.225.215 - Enrollment of children without legal residences.

28A.225.216 - Children of military families—Residency.

28A.225.217 - Children of military families—Continued enrollment in district schools.

28A.225.220 - Adults, children from other districts, agreements for attending school—Tuition.

28A.225.225 - Applications from school employees' children, nonresident students, or students receiving home-based instruction to attend district school—Acceptance and rejection standards—Notification.

28A.225.230 - Appeal from certain decisions to deny student's request to attend nonresident district—Procedure.

28A.225.240 - Apportionment credit.

28A.225.250 - Cooperative programs among school districts—Rules.

28A.225.260 - Reciprocity exchanges with other states.

28A.225.270 - Intradistrict enrollment options policies.

28A.225.280 - Transfer students' eligibility for extracurricular activities.

28A.225.290 - Enrollment options information booklet (as amended by 2009 c 450).

28A.225.300 - Enrollment options information to parents.

28A.225.310 - Attendance in school district of choice—Impact on existing cooperative arrangements.

28A.225.330 - Enrolling students from other districts—Requests for information and permanent records—Immunity from liability—Rules.

28A.225.350 - Students subject to a dependency proceeding—Best interest determinations.

28A.225.360 - Students in out-of-home care—School districts and the department of children, youth, and families collaboration.

28A.225.370 - Students subject to civil protection orders.

28A.225.900 - Rules.