Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.190 - Residential Education Programs.
28A.190.100 - Education of youth in institutional education facilities and postresident youth—Rules.

RCW 28A.190.100
Education of youth in institutional education facilities and postresident youth—Rules.

(1) The legislature intends to ensure that institutional education facilities include efficient systems to minimize learning loss and maximize credit accrual during transitions for youth and postresident youth. The legislature intends also for the report required by this section to inform its understanding of policy and funding changes that may be necessary to accomplish the objective of improving institutional education programs and outcomes.
(2) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall modify or establish requirements and supports for the provision of public education to youth and postresident youth. In meeting the requirements of this section, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall:
(a) Adopt rules requiring institutional education providers at state long-term juvenile institutions and state-operated community facilities to conduct an individualized education program review for each newly admitted youth who either does not have an individualized education program or does not have an individualized education program that has been reviewed in a meeting with the youth, parent or guardian, and applicable school personnel in the previous 12 months;
(b) Adopt rules requiring institutional education providers to, upon admission of a youth to an institutional education facility, conduct a review and assessment of needed services for each facility transition the youth experiences within the juvenile justice system. Rules adopted in accordance with this subsection (2)(b) do not apply to institutional education providers at facilities operated by or under the jurisdiction of the department of social and health services; and
(c) Adopt, for youth in state long-term juvenile institutions and state-operated community facilities, rules to implement accountability measures for special education services delivered by institutional education providers, including the establishment of mediation and appeals options related to special education services that recognize the unique situation of youth and postresident youth.
(3) A summary of any adopted or pending rules developed in accordance with this section must be submitted to the appropriate committees of the legislature in accordance with RCW 43.01.036 by November 1, 2021, in time for any needed legislative action during the 2022 regular legislative session.

[ 2021 c 164 § 11.]

Findings—Intent—2021 c 164: See note following RCW 28A.190.005.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.190 - Residential Education Programs.

28A.190.005 - Definitions.

28A.190.010 - Educational program for juveniles in detention facilities.

28A.190.030 - Educational programs for residential school residents—School district to conduct—Scope of duties and authority.

28A.190.040 - Educational programs for residential school residents—Duties and authority of department of children, youth, and families and residential school superintendent.

28A.190.050 - Educational programs for residential school residents—Contracts between school district and department of children, youth, and families—Scope.

28A.190.060 - Educational programs for residential school residents—Department of social and health services and department of children, youth, and families to give notice when need for reduction of staff—Liability upon failure.

28A.190.070 - Students in residential schools, detention facilities, and adult correctional facilities—Funding—Procedures for reporting enrollment.

28A.190.080 - Institutional education providers—Professional development.

28A.190.085 - Office of the education ombuds—Notification.

28A.190.090 - Students in institutional education facilities—Requirements for the department of children, youth, and families.

28A.190.100 - Education of youth in institutional education facilities and postresident youth—Rules.

28A.190.110 - Institutional education programs—Data—Recommendations.

28A.190.120 - Institutional education programs—School district board of directors.

28A.190.130 - Institutional educational system—Recommendations—Designated entity—Advisory group—Report.

28A.190.140 - Institutional education—Computer science instruction.