Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.190 - Residential Education Programs.
28A.190.110 - Institutional education programs—Data—Recommendations.

RCW 28A.190.110
Institutional education programs—Data—Recommendations.

(1) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall annually collect and post on its website data related to institutional education programs, disaggregated by gender, race, ethnicity, and age, including data on:
(a) Individualized education programs;
(b) Access to relevant instruction that is aligned with the youth's high school and beyond plan and any unmet graduation requirements;
(c) Student attendance;
(d) Metrics of student education status upon the beginning of residency in an institutional education facility;
(e) Student education progress during residency in an institutional education facility;
(f) Student education attainment during residency in an institutional education facility; and
(g) Long-term education and workforce outcomes of youth in and released from institutional education facilities as provided annually by the education data center under RCW 43.41.400.
(2)(a) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall also annually recommend modifications to the state board of education for changes to annual school improvement plan requirements in WAC 180-16-220 that would allow plans for state long-term juvenile institutions to be formatted for the specific needs and circumstances of institutional settings. In meeting the requirements of this subsection (2)(a), the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall seek input from institutional education providers and the department of children, youth, and families.
(b) In meeting the requirements of this section, the office of the superintendent of public instruction may make recommendations to the state board of education for changes to annual school improvement plan requirements based upon data collected under this section, other provisions of law, or both.

[ 2021 c 164 § 12.]

Findings—Intent—2021 c 164: See note following RCW 28A.190.005.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.190 - Residential Education Programs.

28A.190.005 - Definitions.

28A.190.010 - Educational program for juveniles in detention facilities.

28A.190.030 - Educational programs for residential school residents—School district to conduct—Scope of duties and authority.

28A.190.040 - Educational programs for residential school residents—Duties and authority of department of children, youth, and families and residential school superintendent.

28A.190.050 - Educational programs for residential school residents—Contracts between school district and department of children, youth, and families—Scope.

28A.190.060 - Educational programs for residential school residents—Department of social and health services and department of children, youth, and families to give notice when need for reduction of staff—Liability upon failure.

28A.190.070 - Students in residential schools, detention facilities, and adult correctional facilities—Funding—Procedures for reporting enrollment.

28A.190.080 - Institutional education providers—Professional development.

28A.190.085 - Office of the education ombuds—Notification.

28A.190.090 - Students in institutional education facilities—Requirements for the department of children, youth, and families.

28A.190.100 - Education of youth in institutional education facilities and postresident youth—Rules.

28A.190.110 - Institutional education programs—Data—Recommendations.

28A.190.120 - Institutional education programs—School district board of directors.

28A.190.130 - Institutional educational system—Recommendations—Designated entity—Advisory group—Report.

28A.190.140 - Institutional education—Computer science instruction.