Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 27.12 - Public Libraries.
27.12.470 - Rural partial-county library districts.

RCW 27.12.470
Rural partial-county library districts.

A rural partial-county library district may be created in a portion of the unincorporated area of a county as provided in this section if a rural county library district, intercounty rural library district, or island library district has not been created in the county.
The procedure to create a rural partial-county library district is initiated by the filing of petitions with the county auditor proposing the creation of the district that have been signed by at least ten percent of the registered voters residing in the area proposed to be included in the rural partial-county library district. The county auditor shall review the petitions and certify the sufficiency or insufficiency of the signatures to the county legislative authority.
If the petitions are certified as having sufficient valid signatures, the county legislative authority shall hold a public hearing on the proposed rural partial-county library district, may adjust the boundaries of the proposed district, and may cause a ballot proposition to be submitted to the voters of the proposed rural partial-county library district authorizing its creation if the county legislative authority finds that the creation of the rural partial-county library district is in the public interest. A subsequent public hearing shall be held if additional territory is added to the proposed rural partial-county library district by action of the county legislative authority.
The rural partial-county library district shall be created if the ballot proposition authorizing the creation of the district is approved by a simple majority vote of the voters voting on the proposition. Immediately after creation of the rural partial-county library district the county legislative authority shall appoint a board of library trustees for the district as provided under RCW 27.12.190.
Except as provided in this section, a rural partial-county library district is subject to all the provisions of law applicable to a rural county library district and shall have all the powers, duties, and authorities of a rural county library district, including, but not limited to, the authority to impose property taxes, incur debt, and annex a city or town with a population of less than one hundred thousand at the time of the annexation that is located in the same county as the rural partial-county library district.
Adjacent unincorporated territory in the county may be annexed to a rural partial-county library district in the same manner as territory is annexed to a water-sewer district, except that an annexation is not subject to potential review by a boundary review board.
If, at the time of creation, a rural partial-county library district has an assessed valuation of less than fifty million dollars, it may provide library services only by contracting for the services through an interlocal agreement with an adjacent library district, or an adjacent city or town that maintains its own library. If the assessed valuation of the rural partial-county library district subsequently reaches fifty million dollars as a result of annexation or appreciation, the fifty million dollar limitation shall not apply.
If a ballot proposition is approved creating a rural county library district in the county, every rural partial-county library district in that county shall be dissolved and its assets and liabilities transferred to the rural county library district. Where a rural partial-county library district has annexed a city or town, the voters of the city or town shall be allowed to vote on the proposed creation of a rural county library district and, if created, the rural county library district shall include each city and town that was annexed to the rural partial-county library district.
Nothing in this section authorizes the consolidation of a rural partial-county library district with any rural county library district; island library district; city, county, or regional library; intercounty library district; or other rural partial-county library district, unless, in addition to any other requirements imposed by statute, the boards of all library districts involved approve the consolidation.

[ 1999 c 153 § 25; 1994 c 198 § 2; 1993 c 284 § 1.]

Part headings not law—1999 c 153: See note following RCW 57.04.050.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 27 - Libraries, Museums, and Historical Activities

Chapter 27.12 - Public Libraries.

27.12.010 - Definitions.

27.12.020 - Policy of state.

27.12.025 - Authorization.

27.12.030 - Libraries, how established.

27.12.040 - Rural library districts—Establishment—Proposed maximum levy rate.

27.12.050 - Rural library districts—Board of library trustees—Tax levies.

27.12.060 - Rural library districts—General powers.

27.12.070 - Rural county library districts or rural partial-county library districts—Disbursement of revenues and collection of taxes.

27.12.079 - Disincorporation of district located in county with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more and inactive for five years.

27.12.080 - Regional libraries.

27.12.090 - Intercounty rural library districts—Establishment.

27.12.100 - Intercounty rural library districts—Establishment—Procedure.

27.12.110 - Intercounty rural library districts—Expansion of existing districts.

27.12.120 - Intercounty rural library districts—Assumption of property, assets, liabilities.

27.12.130 - Intercounty rural library districts—Board of trustees.

27.12.140 - Intercounty rural library districts—Name may be adopted.

27.12.150 - Intercounty rural library districts—Tax levies.

27.12.160 - Intercounty rural library districts—District treasurer.

27.12.170 - Intercounty rural library districts—Powers of board—Procedures.

27.12.180 - Contracts for library service.

27.12.190 - Library trustees—Appointment, election, removal, compensation.

27.12.192 - Library trustees—Seven member rural county library district boards.

27.12.210 - Library trustees—Organization—Bylaws—Powers and duties.

27.12.212 - Community revitalization financing—Public improvements.

27.12.215 - Job recruitment expenditures authorized.

27.12.220 - Rural, island, and intercounty rural districts—Budget for capital outlays—Accumulation of funds.

27.12.222 - Rural, island, and intercounty rural districts—General obligation bonds—Excess levies.

27.12.223 - Bonds—Sale—Security for deposit.

27.12.240 - Annual appropriations—Control of expenditures.

27.12.260 - Annual report of trustees.

27.12.270 - Rules and regulations—Free use of libraries.

27.12.280 - Use by nonresidents—Exchange of books.

27.12.285 - Library services for Indian tribes.

27.12.290 - Violators may be excluded.

27.12.300 - Gifts—Title to property.

27.12.305 - Sale of library materials authorized—Disposition of proceeds.

27.12.310 - Charter provisions superseded.

27.12.320 - Dissolution—Disposition of property.

27.12.321 - School district public libraries abolished—Disposition of assets.

27.12.330 - Penalty for injury to property.

27.12.340 - Wilfully retaining books—Infraction.

27.12.350 - Executory conditional sales contracts for purchase of property—Limit on indebtedness—Election, when.

27.12.355 - Rural county library district, island library district, or intercounty rural library district—Withdrawal or reannexation of areas.

27.12.360 - Annexation of city or town into rural county library district, island library district, or intercounty rural library district—Initiation procedure.

27.12.370 - Annexation of city or town into library district—Special election procedure.

27.12.380 - Annexation of city or town into library district—Withdrawal of annexed city or town.

27.12.390 - Annexation of city or town into library district—Tax levies.

27.12.395 - Annexation of city or town into library district—Assumption of liabilities.

27.12.400 - Island library districts—Establishment—Procedure.

27.12.410 - Island library districts—Restrictions on establishment.

27.12.420 - Island library districts—Board of trustees—Tax levies.

27.12.430 - Island library districts—Name may be adopted.

27.12.440 - Island library districts—Powers and limitations for indebtedness.

27.12.450 - Island library districts—Dissolution, when.

27.12.470 - Rural partial-county library districts.