Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 27.12 - Public Libraries.
27.12.350 - Executory conditional sales contracts for purchase of property—Limit on indebtedness—Election, when.

RCW 27.12.350
Executory conditional sales contracts for purchase of property—Limit on indebtedness—Election, when.

See RCW 39.30.010.

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 27 - Libraries, Museums, and Historical Activities

Chapter 27.12 - Public Libraries.

27.12.010 - Definitions.

27.12.020 - Policy of state.

27.12.025 - Authorization.

27.12.030 - Libraries, how established.

27.12.040 - Rural library districts—Establishment—Proposed maximum levy rate.

27.12.050 - Rural library districts—Board of library trustees—Tax levies.

27.12.060 - Rural library districts—General powers.

27.12.070 - Rural county library districts or rural partial-county library districts—Disbursement of revenues and collection of taxes.

27.12.079 - Disincorporation of district located in county with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more and inactive for five years.

27.12.080 - Regional libraries.

27.12.090 - Intercounty rural library districts—Establishment.

27.12.100 - Intercounty rural library districts—Establishment—Procedure.

27.12.110 - Intercounty rural library districts—Expansion of existing districts.

27.12.120 - Intercounty rural library districts—Assumption of property, assets, liabilities.

27.12.130 - Intercounty rural library districts—Board of trustees.

27.12.140 - Intercounty rural library districts—Name may be adopted.

27.12.150 - Intercounty rural library districts—Tax levies.

27.12.160 - Intercounty rural library districts—District treasurer.

27.12.170 - Intercounty rural library districts—Powers of board—Procedures.

27.12.180 - Contracts for library service.

27.12.190 - Library trustees—Appointment, election, removal, compensation.

27.12.192 - Library trustees—Seven member rural county library district boards.

27.12.210 - Library trustees—Organization—Bylaws—Powers and duties.

27.12.212 - Community revitalization financing—Public improvements.

27.12.215 - Job recruitment expenditures authorized.

27.12.220 - Rural, island, and intercounty rural districts—Budget for capital outlays—Accumulation of funds.

27.12.222 - Rural, island, and intercounty rural districts—General obligation bonds—Excess levies.

27.12.223 - Bonds—Sale—Security for deposit.

27.12.240 - Annual appropriations—Control of expenditures.

27.12.260 - Annual report of trustees.

27.12.270 - Rules and regulations—Free use of libraries.

27.12.280 - Use by nonresidents—Exchange of books.

27.12.285 - Library services for Indian tribes.

27.12.290 - Violators may be excluded.

27.12.300 - Gifts—Title to property.

27.12.305 - Sale of library materials authorized—Disposition of proceeds.

27.12.310 - Charter provisions superseded.

27.12.320 - Dissolution—Disposition of property.

27.12.321 - School district public libraries abolished—Disposition of assets.

27.12.330 - Penalty for injury to property.

27.12.340 - Wilfully retaining books—Infraction.

27.12.350 - Executory conditional sales contracts for purchase of property—Limit on indebtedness—Election, when.

27.12.355 - Rural county library district, island library district, or intercounty rural library district—Withdrawal or reannexation of areas.

27.12.360 - Annexation of city or town into rural county library district, island library district, or intercounty rural library district—Initiation procedure.

27.12.370 - Annexation of city or town into library district—Special election procedure.

27.12.380 - Annexation of city or town into library district—Withdrawal of annexed city or town.

27.12.390 - Annexation of city or town into library district—Tax levies.

27.12.395 - Annexation of city or town into library district—Assumption of liabilities.

27.12.400 - Island library districts—Establishment—Procedure.

27.12.410 - Island library districts—Restrictions on establishment.

27.12.420 - Island library districts—Board of trustees—Tax levies.

27.12.430 - Island library districts—Name may be adopted.

27.12.440 - Island library districts—Powers and limitations for indebtedness.

27.12.450 - Island library districts—Dissolution, when.

27.12.470 - Rural partial-county library districts.