(a) General rule.--An antidrug or town-watch volunteer who acts in good faith and within the scope of the volunteer's role with an antidrug or crime prevention volunteer organization or government agency shall be immune from civil liability for damage caused by acts or omissions unless all of the following apply:
(1) The conduct of the volunteer falls substantially below the standards generally practiced and accepted in like circumstances by similar persons rendering such services.
(2) It is shown that the volunteer performed an act or failed to perform an act which the volunteer was under a recognized duty to another to perform, knowing or having reason to know that such act or omission created a substantial risk or actual harm to the person or property of another. It is insufficient to impose liability under this paragraph to establish only that the conduct of the volunteer fell below ordinary standards of care.
(b) Definitions.--As used in this section, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:
"Antidrug or town-watch volunteer." A person performing services for an antidrug or town-watch volunteer organization or government agency without compensation other than reimbursement for actual expenses incurred. The term includes a volunteer serving as a director, officer, trustee or direct service volunteer.
"Antidrug or town-watch volunteer organization." A nonprofit organization, corporate volunteer program, medical facility or substance abuse treatment program that uses volunteers to reduce crime and drug use in the community.
"Corporate volunteer program." A program administered by an entity other than a nonprofit organization or government agency that enlists primarily its own employees, retirees, partners or professional affiliates in a volunteer capacity to achieve objectives that would qualify as charitable under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)).
"Nonprofit organization." An organization which is described in section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)), whether or not it has been certified by the Internal Revenue Service.
(June 25, 2001, P.L.697, No.66, eff. 60 days)
2001 Amendment. Act 66 added section 8332.6. See the preamble to Act 66 in the appendix to this title for special provisions relating to legislative findings and declarations.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 83 - Particular Rights and Immunities
Section 8302 - Survival action
Section 8303 - Action for performance of a duty required by law
Section 8304 - Damages in actions on bad checks
Section 8305 - Actions for wrongful birth and wrongful life
Section 8306 - Defense against claim for injury sustained in utero barred
Section 8308 - Damages in actions on retail theft
Section 8309 - Civil rights violations
Section 8310 - Damages in actions on thefts of leased property
Section 8311 - Damages in actions for conversion of timber
Section 8312 - Profits received as a result of commission of crime
Section 8313 - Agricultural crop destruction
Section 8314 - Assault with biological agent on animal, fowl or honey bees
Section 8315 - Damages in actions for identity theft
Section 8316 - Unauthorized use of name or likeness
Section 8316.1 - Damages in actions for unlawful dissemination of intimate image
Section 8316.2 - Contracts or agreements for nondisclosure of certain conduct
Section 8317 - Actions involving products or services used to invade privacy
Section 8318 - Terrorism action
Section 8320 - Commemorative service demonstration action
Section 8321 - Short title of subchapter
Section 8323 - Scope of subchapter
Section 8324 - Right of contribution
Section 8325 - Effect of judgment
Section 8326 - Effect of release as to other tort-feasors
Section 8327 - Liability to make contribution as affected by release
Section 8331 - Medical good Samaritan civil immunity
Section 8331.1 - Veterinary good Samaritan civil immunity
Section 8331.2 - Good Samaritan civil immunity for use of automated external defibrillator
Section 8331.3 - Criminal victim aid good Samaritan civil immunity
Section 8332 - Emergency response provider and bystander good Samaritan civil immunity
Section 8332.1 - Manager, coach, umpire or referee and nonprofit association negligence standard
Section 8332.2 - Officer, director or trustee of nonprofit organization negligence standard
Section 8332.3 - Volunteer firefighter civil immunity
Section 8332.4 - Volunteer-in-public-service negligence standard
Section 8332.5 - Corporate representatives
Section 8332.6 - Antidrug and town-watch volunteer civil immunity
Section 8332.7 - Immunity of State parole officers
Section 8332.8 - Immunity of county probation officers
Section 8333 - Body fluid and tissue limited civil immunity
Section 8334 - Civil immunity in mass immunization projects
Section 8335 - Damages for conversion of property of fluctuating value
Section 8337 - Civil immunity of school officers or employees relating to drug or alcohol abuse
Section 8338 - Liability for damages from donated food and grocery products
Section 8339 - Agricultural immunity
Section 8339.1 - Railroad civil immunity
Section 8340 - Immunity of program administrators and supervisors
Section 8340.2 - Civil immunity for use of force
Section 8340.3 - Rescue from motor vehicle
Section 8341 - Single publication limitation
Section 8342 - Justification a defense
Section 8343 - Burden of proof
Section 8344 - Malice or negligence necessary to support award of damages
Section 8345 - No liability when without power of censorship
Section 8351 - Wrongful use of civil proceedings
Section 8352 - Existence of probable cause
Section 8354 - Burden of proof
Section 8355 - Certification of pleadings, motions and other papers
Section 8368.1 - Legislative findings and declaration
Section 8368.4 - Fair market value
Section 8368.5 - Adjustment of fair market value
Section 8368.6 - Applicability and construction
Section 8371 - Actions on insurance policies
Section 8381 - Short title of subchapter
Section 8383 - Action to abate
Section 8385 - Service of original process
Section 8386 - Preliminary injunction
Section 8387 - Protection of witnesses
Section 8389 - Judgment and remedies
Section 8390 - Violation of injunctions or abatement order