Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 73 - Arbitration
Section 7321.24 - Vacating award

(a) Grounds.--Upon motion to the court by a party to an arbitration proceeding, the court shall vacate an award made in the arbitration proceeding if:
(1) the award was procured by corruption, fraud or other undue means;
(2) there was:
(i) evident partiality by an arbitrator appointed as a neutral arbitrator;
(ii) corruption by an arbitrator; or
(iii) misconduct by an arbitrator prejudicing the rights of a party to the arbitration proceeding;
(3) an arbitrator refused to postpone the hearing upon showing of sufficient cause for postponement, refused to consider evidence material to the controversy or otherwise conducted the hearing contrary to section 7321.16 (relating to arbitration process), so as to prejudice the rights of a party to the arbitration proceeding;
(4) an arbitrator exceeded the arbitrator's powers;
(5) there was no agreement to arbitrate, unless the person participated in the arbitration proceeding without raising the objection under section 7321.16(c) not later than the beginning of the arbitration hearing; or
(6) the arbitration was conducted without proper notice of the initiation of an arbitration as required in section 7321.10 (relating to initiation of arbitration) so as to prejudice substantially the rights of a party to the arbitration proceeding.
(b) Time.--A motion under this section must be filed within 30 days after the movant receives notice of the award under section 7321.20 (relating to award) or within 30 days after the movant receives notice of a modified or corrected award under section 7321.21 (relating to change of award by arbitrator), unless the movant alleges that the award was procured by corruption, fraud or other undue means, in which case the motion must be made within 30 days after the ground is known or by the exercise of reasonable care would have been known by the movant.
(c) Rehearing.--If the court vacates an award on a ground other than that set forth in subsection (a)(5), it may order a rehearing. If the award is vacated on a ground stated in subsection (a)(1) or (2), the rehearing shall be before a new arbitrator. If the award is vacated on a ground stated in subsection (a)(3), (4) or (6), the rehearing may be before the arbitrator who made the award or the arbitrator's successor. The arbitrator shall render the decision in the rehearing within the same time as that provided in section 7321.20(b) for an award.
(d) Confirmation.--If the court denies a motion to vacate an award, the court shall confirm the award unless a motion to modify or correct the award is pending.

Cross References. Section 7321.24 is referred to in sections 7321.5, 7321.13, 7321.15, 7321.19, 7321.21, 7321.22, 7321.23, 7321.25, 7321.26 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 73 - Arbitration

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 7301 - Short title of subchapter

Section 7302 - Scope of subchapter

Section 7303 - Validity of agreement to arbitrate

Section 7304 - Court proceedings to compel or stay arbitration

Section 7305 - Appointment of arbitrators by court

Section 7306 - Action by arbitrators

Section 7307 - Hearing before arbitrators

Section 7308 - Representation by attorney

Section 7309 - Witnesses, subpoenas, oaths and depositions

Section 7310 - Award of arbitrators

Section 7311 - Change of award by arbitrators

Section 7312 - Fees and expenses of arbitration

Section 7313 - Confirmation of award by court

Section 7314 - Vacating award by court

Section 7315 - Modification or correction of award by court

Section 7316 - Judgment or decree on award

Section 7317 - Form and service of applications to court

Section 7318 - Court and jurisdiction

Section 7319 - Venue of court proceedings

Section 7320 - Appeals from court orders

Section 7321.1 - Short title of subchapter

Section 7321.2 - Definitions

Section 7321.3 - Notice

Section 7321.4 - When subchapter applies

Section 7321.5 - Effect of agreement to arbitrate; nonwaivable provisions

Section 7321.6 - Application for judicial relief

Section 7321.7 - Validity of agreement to arbitrate

Section 7321.8 - Motion to compel or stay arbitration

Section 7321.9 - Provisional remedies

Section 7321.10 - Initiation of arbitration

Section 7321.11 - Consolidation of separate arbitration proceedings

Section 7321.12 - Appointment of arbitrator; service as a neutral arbitrator

Section 7321.13 - Disclosure by arbitrator

Section 7321.14 - Action by majority

Section 7321.15 - Immunity of arbitrator; competency to testify; attorney fees and costs

Section 7321.16 - Arbitration process

Section 7321.17 - Representation by attorney

Section 7321.18 - Witnesses; subpoenas; depositions; discovery

Section 7321.19 - Judicial enforcement of preaward ruling by arbitrator

Section 7321.20 - Award

Section 7321.21 - Change of award by arbitrator

Section 7321.22 - Remedies; fees and expenses of arbitration proceeding

Section 7321.23 - Confirmation of award

Section 7321.24 - Vacating award

Section 7321.25 - Modification or correction of award

Section 7321.26 - Judgment on award; attorney fees and litigation expenses

Section 7321.27 - Jurisdiction

Section 7321.28 - Venue

Section 7321.29 - Appeals

Section 7321.30 - Uniformity of application and construction

Section 7321.31 - Relationship to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act

Section 7341 - Common law arbitration

Section 7342 - Procedure

Section 7361 - Compulsory arbitration

Section 7362 - Voluntary arbitration of pending judicial matters