(a) General rule.--Any soil amendment or plant amendment distributed in a container in this Commonwealth shall have placed on or affixed to the container a label setting forth in legible and conspicuous form:
(1) The brand name.
(2) The active ingredients:
(i) Name and percentage of soil-amending ingredient.
(ii) Name and percentage of plant-amending ingredient.
(3) The total percentage of other ingredients.
(4) The purpose of the product.
(5) The directions for application.
(6) The name and address of the guarantor.
(7) The net weight.
(b) Bulk shipments.--In the case of bulk shipments of soil or plant amendments, the information required by subsection (a) shall accompany delivery and shall be provided in writing to the purchaser at time of delivery.
(c) False or misleading information prohibited.--No information or statement shall appear on any package, label, delivery slip or advertising matter which is false or misleading to the purchaser as to the use, value, quality, analysis, type or composition of the soil amendment or plant amendment.
(d) Proof of labeling claims.--The department may require proof of any labeling claims made for a soil amendment or plant amendment. Any research in support of such claims shall be performed by an institution approved by the department utilizing acceptable scientific methodology.
(e) Ingredient identification.--When a soil-amending ingredient or plant-amending ingredient is identified on a label, it must be determinable by laboratory methods such as those set forth in section 6908(b) (relating to inspection, sampling and analysis).
(f) Volume labeling authorized.--The department may allow labeling by volume rather than weight in subsection (a). The department may allow payment of inspection fees on a calculated equivalent of volume to tons.
(g) Bulk storage.--Soil amendments and plant amendments in bulk storage intended for distribution shall be identified with a label attached to the storage bin or container giving the brand and name of the product.
Cross References. Section 6905 is referred to in section 6909 of this title.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 69 - Soil and Plant Amendment
Section 6901 - Short title of chapter
Section 6905 - Labels and labeling
Section 6906 - Inspection fees
Section 6907 - Tonnage reports
Section 6908 - Inspection, sampling and analysis
Section 6912 - Refusal, suspension or revocation of registration or license
Section 6913 - Stop-sale orders
Section 6914 - Seizure and condemnation
Section 6916 - Cooperation with other entities
Section 6917 - Rules and regulations
Section 6918 - Unlawful conduct
Section 6919 - Interference with officer or employee of department