(a) General rule.--Every person engaged in the manufacture of a soil amendment, plant amendment, soil-amending ingredient or plant-amending ingredient to be distributed in this Commonwealth and every guarantor of such products shall, on or before July 1 of each year or prior to manufacture or distribution, apply for and obtain an annual license for each guarantor and each facility located in this Commonwealth. The application for licensure must be on the form prescribed by the department and shall be accompanied by a $25 application fee. All licenses shall expire on June 30 of each year.
(b) Labeling and typical analysis.--The department may also require an applicant for a license or a current licensee to submit the labeling that the person is using or intends to use for their soil amendments or plant amendments. The department may also require an applicant or licensee to provide a typical analysis of selected components that may be in the soil amendment or plant amendment.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 69 - Soil and Plant Amendment
Section 6901 - Short title of chapter
Section 6905 - Labels and labeling
Section 6906 - Inspection fees
Section 6907 - Tonnage reports
Section 6908 - Inspection, sampling and analysis
Section 6912 - Refusal, suspension or revocation of registration or license
Section 6913 - Stop-sale orders
Section 6914 - Seizure and condemnation
Section 6916 - Cooperation with other entities
Section 6917 - Rules and regulations
Section 6918 - Unlawful conduct
Section 6919 - Interference with officer or employee of department