Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 61 - Protection from Abuse
Section 6107 - Hearings

(a) General rule.--Within ten business days of the filing of a petition under this chapter, a hearing shall be held before the court, at which the plaintiff must prove the allegation of abuse by a preponderance of the evidence. The court shall, at the time the defendant is given notice of the hearing, advise the defendant of the right to be represented by counsel, of the right to present evidence, of the right to compel attendance of witnesses, of the method by which witnesses may be compelled, of the possibility that any firearm, other weapon or ammunition owned and any firearm license possessed may be ordered temporarily relinquished, of the options for relinquishment of a firearm pursuant to this chapter, of the possibility that Federal or State law may prohibit the possession of firearms, including an explanation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8) (relating to unlawful acts) and 18 Pa.C.S. § 6105 (relating to persons not to possess, use, manufacture, control, sell or transfer firearms), and that any protection order granted by a court may be considered in any subsequent proceedings under this title. This notice shall be printed and delivered in a manner which easily attracts attention to its content and shall specify that child custody is one of the proceedings where prior protection orders may be considered.
(b) Temporary orders.--
(1) If a plaintiff petitions for temporary order for protection from abuse and alleges immediate and present danger of abuse to the plaintiff or minor children, the court shall conduct an ex parte proceeding.
(2) The court may enter such a temporary order as it deems necessary to protect the plaintiff or minor children when it finds they are in immediate and present danger of abuse. The order shall remain in effect until modified or terminated by the court after notice and hearing.
(3) In addition to any other relief, the court may, pursuant to section 6108 (relating to relief), direct that the defendant temporarily relinquish to the sheriff any firearms, other weapons or ammunition for the duration of the temporary order if the petition demonstrates any of the following:
(i) Abuse which involves a firearm or other weapon.
(ii) An immediate and present danger of abuse. In determining whether an immediate and present danger of abuse exists, the court shall consider a number of factors, including, but not limited to:
(A) Whether the temporary order of protection from abuse is not likely to achieve its purpose in the absence of such a condition.
(B) Whether the defendant has previously violated a protection from abuse order.
(C) Whether past or present abuse to the plaintiff or any of the plaintiff's minor children resulted in injury.
(D) Whether the abuse occurred in public.
(E) Whether the abuse includes:
(I) threats of abuse or suicide;
(II) killing or threatening to kill pets;
(III) an escalation of violence;
(IV) stalking or obsessive behavior;
(V) sexual violence; or
(VI) drug or excessive alcohol use.
(4) If the court orders the defendant to temporarily relinquish any firearm, other weapon or ammunition pursuant to paragraph (3), the defendant shall decide in what manner the defendant is going to relinquish any firearm, other weapon or ammunition listed in the order. Relinquishment may be to the sheriff pursuant to section 6108(a)(7) or to a third party for safekeeping pursuant to section 6108.3 (relating to relinquishment to third party for safekeeping).
(c) Continued hearings.--
(1) If a hearing under subsection (a) is continued and no temporary order is issued, the court may make ex parte temporary orders under subsection (b) as it deems necessary.
(2) If a hearing is scheduled to take place within three business days after a defendant is served under section 6106 (relating to commencement of proceedings), the court shall grant a continuance until the three-business-day period has elapsed, if requested by the defendant.
(3) The court shall notify the defendant of the right to such continuance.
(Oct. 6, 1994, P.L.574, No.85, eff. 60 days; Dec. 16, 1997, P.L.549, No.58, eff. Jan. 1, 1998; Nov. 10, 2005, P.L.335, No.66, eff. 180 days; Oct. 12, 2018, P.L.519, No.79, eff. 180 days)

2018 Amendment. Act 79 amended subsecs. (a) and (c). Act 79 shall apply to orders issued pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. § 6108 on or after the effective date of section 11 of Act 79.
2005 Amendment. Act 66 amended subsecs. (a) and (b).
Cross References. Section 6107 is referred to in sections 6106, 6108 of this title; section 6105 of Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses).

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 61 - Protection from Abuse

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 6101 - Short title of chapter

Section 6102 - Definitions

Section 6103 - Jurisdiction

Section 6104 - Full faith and credit and foreign protection orders

Section 6105 - Responsibilities of law enforcement agencies

Section 6106 - Commencement of proceedings

Section 6107 - Hearings

Section 6108 - Relief

Section 6108.1 - Return of relinquished firearms, other weapons and ammunition and additional relief

Section 6108.2 - Relinquishment for consignment sale, lawful transfer or safekeeping

Section 6108.3 - Relinquishment to third party for safekeeping

Section 6108.4 - Registry or database of firearm ownership

Section 6108.5 - Penalties for release of information

Section 6108.6 - Penalty for failure to secure firearms

Section 6108.7 - Order to seal record from public view

Section 6109 - Service of orders

Section 6110 - Emergency relief by minor judiciary

Section 6111 - Domestic violence counselor/advocate

Section 6112 - Disclosure of addresses

Section 6113 - Arrest for violation of order

Section 6113.1 - Private criminal complaints for violation of order or agreement

Section 6114 - Contempt for violation of order or agreement

Section 6114.1 - Civil contempt or modification for violation of an order or agreement

Section 6115 - Reporting abuse and immunity

Section 6116 - Confidentiality

Section 6117 - Procedure and other remedies

Section 6118 - Full faith and credit (Repealed)

Section 6119 - Immunity

Section 6120 - Inability to pay

Section 6121 - Warrantless searches

Section 6122 - Construction