Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 61 - Protection from Abuse
Section 6104 - Full faith and credit and foreign protection orders

(a) General rule.--A court shall recognize and enforce a valid foreign protection order issued by a comparable court. The validity of a foreign protection order shall only be determined by a court.
(b) Affirmative defense.--Failure by a comparable court to provide reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard shall be an affirmative defense to any charge or process filed seeking enforcement of a foreign protection order. A comparable court shall have complied with that court's notice requirements and shall have given the defendant the opportunity to be heard before the foreign order was issued. In the case of ex parte orders, the comparable court shall have complied with that court's notice requirements and have given the defendant an opportunity to be heard within a reasonable period of time after the order was issued, consistent with due process.
(c) Invalid orders.--A foreign protection order issued by a comparable court against a party who has filed a petition, complaint or other written pleading for a protection order is not valid and not entitled to full faith and credit if:
(1) no cross or counter petition, complaint or other written pleading was filed seeking the protection order; or
(2) a cross or counter petition, complaint or other written pleading was filed and the court did not make a specific finding that each party was entitled to a protection order.
(d) Filing a foreign protection order.--A plaintiff may file a certified copy of a foreign protection order with the prothonotary in any county within this Commonwealth where the plaintiff believes enforcement may be necessary. The following provisions shall apply:
(1) No costs or fees associated with filing a foreign protection order shall be assigned to the plaintiff, including the cost of obtaining certified copies of the order. Costs and fees associated with filing a foreign protection order may be assessed against the defendant.
(2) Upon filing of a foreign protection order, a prothonotary shall transmit, in a manner prescribed by the Pennsylvania State Police, a copy of the order to the Pennsylvania State Police registry of protection orders.
(3) Filing of a foreign protection order shall not be a prerequisite for service and enforcement.
(e) Orders issued in another judicial district within this Commonwealth.--The filing of an order issued in another judicial district within this Commonwealth is not required for enforcement purposes.
(Oct. 6, 1994, P.L.574, No.85, eff. 60 days; June 22, 2001, P.L.576, No.39, eff. 60 days; Nov. 10, 2005, P.L.335, No.66, eff. 180 days)

2005 Amendment. Act 66 amended subsec. (d).
Cross References. Section 6104 is referred to in section 6105 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 61 - Protection from Abuse

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 6101 - Short title of chapter

Section 6102 - Definitions

Section 6103 - Jurisdiction

Section 6104 - Full faith and credit and foreign protection orders

Section 6105 - Responsibilities of law enforcement agencies

Section 6106 - Commencement of proceedings

Section 6107 - Hearings

Section 6108 - Relief

Section 6108.1 - Return of relinquished firearms, other weapons and ammunition and additional relief

Section 6108.2 - Relinquishment for consignment sale, lawful transfer or safekeeping

Section 6108.3 - Relinquishment to third party for safekeeping

Section 6108.4 - Registry or database of firearm ownership

Section 6108.5 - Penalties for release of information

Section 6108.6 - Penalty for failure to secure firearms

Section 6108.7 - Order to seal record from public view

Section 6109 - Service of orders

Section 6110 - Emergency relief by minor judiciary

Section 6111 - Domestic violence counselor/advocate

Section 6112 - Disclosure of addresses

Section 6113 - Arrest for violation of order

Section 6113.1 - Private criminal complaints for violation of order or agreement

Section 6114 - Contempt for violation of order or agreement

Section 6114.1 - Civil contempt or modification for violation of an order or agreement

Section 6115 - Reporting abuse and immunity

Section 6116 - Confidentiality

Section 6117 - Procedure and other remedies

Section 6118 - Full faith and credit (Repealed)

Section 6119 - Immunity

Section 6120 - Inability to pay

Section 6121 - Warrantless searches

Section 6122 - Construction