Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 59 - Amendments, Sale of Assets and Dissolution
Section 5989 - Articles of involuntary dissolution

(a) General rule.--In a proceeding under this subchapter, the court shall enter an order dissolving the nonprofit corporation when the order, if any, obtained pursuant to section 5547(b) (relating to nondiversion of certain property) has been entered and when the costs and expenses of the proceeding, and all liabilities of the corporation have been discharged, and all of its remaining assets have been distributed to the persons entitled thereto, or, in case its assets are not sufficient to discharge such costs, expenses and liabilities, when all the assets have been applied, as far as they will go, to the payment of such costs, expenses and liabilities. See section 139(b) (relating to tax clearance in judicial proceedings).
(b) Filing.--After entry of an order of dissolution, the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas shall prepare and execute articles of dissolution substantially in the form provided by section 5977 (relating to articles of dissolution), attach thereto a certified copy of the order and transmit the articles and attached order to the Department of State. The department shall not charge a fee in connection with the filing of articles of dissolution under this section. See sections 134 (relating to docketing statement) and 135 (relating to requirements to be met by filed documents).
(c) Effect.--Upon the filing of the articles of dissolution in the department, the existence of the corporation shall cease.
(Dec. 21, 1988, P.L.1444, No.177, eff. Oct. 1, 1989; Dec. 19, 1990, P.L.834, No.198, eff. imd.; June 22, 2001, P.L.418, No.34, eff. 60 days)

2001 Amendment. Act 34 amended subsecs. (a) and (b).
1990 Amendment. Act 198 reenacted and amended the entire section.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 59 - Amendments, Sale of Assets and Dissolution

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 5901 - Omission of certain provisions from filed plans (Deleted by amendment)

Section 5902 - Statement of termination

Section 5903 - Bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings

Section 5905 - Proposal of fundamental transactions

Section 5911 - Amendment of articles authorized

Section 5912 - Proposal of amendments

Section 5913 - Notice of meeting of members

Section 5914 - Adoption of amendments

Section 5915 - Articles of amendment

Section 5916 - Filing and effectiveness of articles of amendment

Section 5921 - Merger and consolidation authorized (Repealed)

Section 5922 - Plan of merger or consolidation (Repealed)

Section 5923 - Notice of meeting of members (Repealed)

Section 5924 - Adoption of plan (Repealed)

Section 5925 - Authorization by foreign corporations (Repealed)

Section 5926 - Articles of merger or consolidation (Repealed)

Section 5927 - Filing of articles of merger or consolidation (Repealed)

Section 5928 - Effective date of merger or consolidation (Repealed)

Section 5929 - Effect of merger or consolidation (Repealed)

Section 5930 - Voluntary transfer of corporate assets

Section 5951 - Division authorized (Repealed)

Section 5952 - Proposal and adoption of plan of division (Repealed)

Section 5953 - Division without member approval (Repealed)

Section 5954 - Articles of division (Repealed)

Section 5955 - Filing of articles of division (Repealed)

Section 5956 - Effective date of division (Repealed)

Section 5957 - Effect of division (Repealed)

Section 5971 - Voluntary dissolution by members or incorporators

Section 5972 - Proposal of voluntary dissolution

Section 5973 - Notice of meeting of members

Section 5974 - Adoption of proposal

Section 5974.1 - Articles of election to dissolve (Repealed)

Section 5974.2 - Articles rescinding election to dissolve (Repealed)

Section 5975 - Predissolution provision for liabilities

Section 5976 - Judicial supervision of proceedings

Section 5977 - Articles of dissolution

Section 5978 - Winding up of corporation after dissolution

Section 5979 - Survival of remedies and rights after dissolution

Section 5980 - Dissolution by domestication (Repealed)

Section 5981 - Proceedings upon application of member or director

Section 5982 - Proceedings upon application of creditor

Section 5983 - Proceedings upon petition of superior religious organization

Section 5984 - Appointment of receiver pendente lite and other interim powers

Section 5985 - Liquidating receiver

Section 5986 - Qualifications of receivers

Section 5987 - Proofs of claims

Section 5988 - Discontinuance of proceedings; reorganization

Section 5989 - Articles of involuntary dissolution

Section 5991 - Definitions

Section 5991.1 - Authority of board of directors

Section 5992 - Notice to claimants

Section 5993 - Acceptance or rejection of matured claims

Section 5994 - Disposition of unmatured claims

Section 5995 - Court proceedings

Section 5996 - No revival or waiver

Section 5997 - Payments and distributions

Section 5998 - Liability of members (Repealed)