Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 59 - Amendments, Sale of Assets and Dissolution
Section 5979 - Survival of remedies and rights after dissolution

(a) General rule.--The dissolution of a nonprofit corporation, either under this subchapter or under Subchapter G (relating to involuntary liquidation and dissolution) or by expiration of its period of duration or otherwise, shall not eliminate nor impair any remedy available to or against the corporation or its directors, members of an other body, officers or members for any right or claim existing, or liability incurred, prior to the dissolution, if an action thereon is brought on behalf of:
(1) the corporation within the time otherwise limited by law; or
(2) any other person before or within two years after the date of the dissolution or within the time otherwise limited by this subpart or other provision of law, whichever is less. See sections 5987 (relating to proofs of claims), 5993 (relating to acceptance or rejection of matured claims) and 5994 (relating to disposition of unmatured claims).
(b) Rights and assets.--The dissolution of a nonprofit corporation shall not affect the limited liability of a member of the corporation theretofore existing with respect to transactions occurring or acts or omissions done or omitted in the name of or by the corporation except that, subject to subsection (d) and sections 5992(d) (relating to notice to claimants) and 5993(b) (relating to acceptance or rejection of matured claims), if applicable, each member shall be liable for his pro rata portion of the unpaid liabilities of the corporation up to the amount of the net assets of the corporation distributed to the member in connection with the dissolution. Should any property right of a corporation be discovered, or the corporation be named as a defendant in an action or proceeding, at any time after the dissolution of the corporation, the surviving member or members of the board of directors or other body that wound up the affairs of the corporation, or a receiver appointed by the court, shall have authority to enforce the property right and to collect and divide the assets so discovered among the persons entitled thereto and to prosecute or defend actions or proceedings in the corporate name of the corporation. Any assets so collected shall be distributed and disposed of in accordance with the applicable order of court, if any, and otherwise in accordance with this subchapter.
(c) Liability of members.--A member of a dissolved nonprofit corporation, the assets of which were distributed under section 5975(c) (relating to winding up and distribution) or 5997 (relating to payments and distributions), shall not be liable for any claim against the corporation in an amount in excess of the member's pro rata share of the claim or the amount so distributed to the member, whichever is less. The aggregate liability of any member of a dissolved corporation for claims against the dissolved corporation shall not exceed the amount distributed to the member in dissolution.
(d) Limitation of actions.--A member of a dissolved corporation, the assets of which were distributed under section 5975(c) or 5997(a) through (c), shall not be liable for any claim against the corporation on which an action is not commenced prior to the expiration of the period specified in subsection (a)(2).
(e) Conduct of actions.--An action or proceeding may be prosecuted against and defended by a dissolved corporation in its corporate name.
(f) Late-filed action or proceeding.--The following apply to an action or proceeding commenced against a dissolved corporation after the expiration of the period specified in subsection (a)(2):
(1) Any judgment against a dissolved corporation in the action or proceeding shall be void.
(2) The dissolved corporation may, but need not, appear and raise as a defense the expiration of the period specified in subsection (a)(2) and any other reasonably related matters in response to the action or proceeding.
(3) Any person who was a director, member of an other body, officer or member of the dissolved corporation when the dissolution became effective or any governing person of any successor entity acting pursuant to Subchapter H (relating to postdissolution provision for liabilities), and any successor-in-interest to any of those persons, may, but need not, act on behalf of the dissolved corporation in taking the actions described in paragraph (2) and shall not thereby be deemed to be deprived of the operation of subsections (c) and (d) or of section 5978(b) (relating to winding up of corporation after dissolution) or otherwise be responsible for any obligations of the dissolved corporation.
(Dec. 21, 1988, P.L.1444, No.177, eff. Oct. 1, 1989; Dec. 19, 1990, P.L.834, No.198, eff. imd.; Dec. 18, 1992, P.L.1333, No.169, eff. 60 days; July 9, 2013, P.L.476, No.67, eff. 60 days; Nov. 3, 2022, P.L.1791, No.122, eff. 60 days)

2022 Amendment. Act 122 amended subsec. (b) and added subsec. (f).
2013 Amendment. Act 67 amended subsec. (a) and added subsec. (e).
1992 Amendment. Act 169 amended subsec. (b) and added subsecs. (c) and (d).
1990 Amendment. Act 198 reenacted and amended the entire section.
Cross References. Section 5979 is referred to in sections 5987, 5993, 5994, 5995 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 59 - Amendments, Sale of Assets and Dissolution

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 5901 - Omission of certain provisions from filed plans (Deleted by amendment)

Section 5902 - Statement of termination

Section 5903 - Bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings

Section 5905 - Proposal of fundamental transactions

Section 5911 - Amendment of articles authorized

Section 5912 - Proposal of amendments

Section 5913 - Notice of meeting of members

Section 5914 - Adoption of amendments

Section 5915 - Articles of amendment

Section 5916 - Filing and effectiveness of articles of amendment

Section 5921 - Merger and consolidation authorized (Repealed)

Section 5922 - Plan of merger or consolidation (Repealed)

Section 5923 - Notice of meeting of members (Repealed)

Section 5924 - Adoption of plan (Repealed)

Section 5925 - Authorization by foreign corporations (Repealed)

Section 5926 - Articles of merger or consolidation (Repealed)

Section 5927 - Filing of articles of merger or consolidation (Repealed)

Section 5928 - Effective date of merger or consolidation (Repealed)

Section 5929 - Effect of merger or consolidation (Repealed)

Section 5930 - Voluntary transfer of corporate assets

Section 5951 - Division authorized (Repealed)

Section 5952 - Proposal and adoption of plan of division (Repealed)

Section 5953 - Division without member approval (Repealed)

Section 5954 - Articles of division (Repealed)

Section 5955 - Filing of articles of division (Repealed)

Section 5956 - Effective date of division (Repealed)

Section 5957 - Effect of division (Repealed)

Section 5971 - Voluntary dissolution by members or incorporators

Section 5972 - Proposal of voluntary dissolution

Section 5973 - Notice of meeting of members

Section 5974 - Adoption of proposal

Section 5974.1 - Articles of election to dissolve (Repealed)

Section 5974.2 - Articles rescinding election to dissolve (Repealed)

Section 5975 - Predissolution provision for liabilities

Section 5976 - Judicial supervision of proceedings

Section 5977 - Articles of dissolution

Section 5978 - Winding up of corporation after dissolution

Section 5979 - Survival of remedies and rights after dissolution

Section 5980 - Dissolution by domestication (Repealed)

Section 5981 - Proceedings upon application of member or director

Section 5982 - Proceedings upon application of creditor

Section 5983 - Proceedings upon petition of superior religious organization

Section 5984 - Appointment of receiver pendente lite and other interim powers

Section 5985 - Liquidating receiver

Section 5986 - Qualifications of receivers

Section 5987 - Proofs of claims

Section 5988 - Discontinuance of proceedings; reorganization

Section 5989 - Articles of involuntary dissolution

Section 5991 - Definitions

Section 5991.1 - Authority of board of directors

Section 5992 - Notice to claimants

Section 5993 - Acceptance or rejection of matured claims

Section 5994 - Disposition of unmatured claims

Section 5995 - Court proceedings

Section 5996 - No revival or waiver

Section 5997 - Payments and distributions

Section 5998 - Liability of members (Repealed)