Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 57 - Taxicabs and Limousines in First Class Cities
Section 5741.1 - Power of authority

(a) General rule.--In addition to the other powers conferred upon the authority by other provisions of this title, the authority is empowered to issue certificates of public convenience in accordance with this subchapter.
(b) Application.--An application for a certificate of public convenience must be made to the authority in writing, be verified by oath or affirmation, be in the form required by the authority and contain information required by the authority.
(c) Procedure.--
(1) The authority has the power to rescind or revoke a certificate of public convenience granted to an existing holder or a new recipient for the operation of limousines within a city of the first class.
(2) The authority has the power to grant immediate temporary certificates of convenience for limousine service within cities of the first class. Temporary certificates are subject to further investigation before a permanent certificate shall be granted by the authority.
(3) The transfer of a certificate of public convenience by any means or device shall be subject to the prior approval of the authority, which may attach conditions it deems proper.
(July 16, 2004, P.L.758, No.94, eff. imd.)

2004 Amendment. Act 94 added section 5741.1.
Cross References. Section 5741.1 is referred to in sections 5710, 5741 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 57 - Taxicabs and Limousines in First Class Cities

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 5701 - Definitions

Section 5701.1 - Legislative findings

Section 5702 - Advisory committee

Section 5703 - Rates

Section 5704 - Power of authority to require insurance

Section 5705 - Contested complaints

Section 5706 - Driver certification program

Section 5707 - Budget and assessments

Section 5707.1 - Assessment notice and hearings

Section 5708 - Funds

Section 5709 - (Reserved)

Section 5710 - Fees

Section 5711 - Power of authority to issue certificates of public convenience

Section 5712 - Medallion system

Section 5713 - Property and licensing rights

Section 5714 - Certificate and medallion required

Section 5715 - Contested complaints (Deleted by amendment)

Section 5716 - Reissuance of medallion

Section 5717 - Additional certificates and medallions

Section 5718 - Restrictions

Section 5719 - Driver certification program (Deleted by amendment)

Section 5720 - Wages

Section 5721 - Centralized dispatcher

Section 5722 - Regulations

Section 5723 - Budget and fees (Deleted by amendment)

Section 5724 - Criminal penalties

Section 5725 - Civil penalties

Section 5741 - Certificate of public convenience required

Section 5741.1 - Power of authority

Section 5742 - Regulations

Section 5743 - Budget and fees (Deleted by amendment)

Section 5744 - Criminal penalties

Section 5745 - Civil penalties