Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 55 - Corporate Powers, Duties and Safeguards
Section 5586 - Restrictions on investments

(a) Legal investments.--If the trust instrument limits or restricts the investment of the assets to investments of the class authorized by law as legal investments, a nonprofit corporation may invest and reinvest the assets of the trust or fund in any common trust fund maintained by the corporation if the investments composing the fund consist solely of investments of the class authorized by 20 Pa.C.S. Ch. 72 (relating to prudent investor rule) to be held by fiduciaries.
(b) Other than legal investments.--If the trust instrument does not limit or restrict the investment of the assets to investments of the class authorized by law as legal investments, the corporation may invest and reinvest the assets of the trust or fund in any common trust fund maintained by the corporation composed of the investments as in the honest exercise of the judgment of the directors or other body of the corporation they may, after investigation, determine to be safe and proper investments.
(July 9, 2013, P.L.476, No.67, eff. 60 days)

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 55 - Corporate Powers, Duties and Safeguards

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 5501 - Corporate capacity

Section 5502 - General powers

Section 5503 - Defense of ultra vires

Section 5504 - Adoption, amendment and contents of bylaws

Section 5505 - Persons bound by bylaws

Section 5506 - Form of execution of instruments

Section 5507 - Registered office

Section 5508 - Corporate records; inspection by members

Section 5509 - Bylaws and other powers in emergency

Section 5510 - Certain specifically authorized debt terms

Section 5511 - Establishment of subordinate units

Section 5512 - Informational rights of a director

Section 5513 - Forum selection provisions

Section 5541 - Capital contributions of members

Section 5542 - Subventions

Section 5543 - Debt and security interests

Section 5543.1 - Usury not a defense (Repealed)

Section 5544 - Dues and assessments

Section 5545 - Income from corporate activities

Section 5546 - Purchase, sale, mortgage and lease of real property

Section 5546.1 - Insolvency or bankruptcy (Repealed)

Section 5547 - Authority to take and hold trust property

Section 5548 - Investment of trust funds

Section 5548.1 - Nonjudicial settlement agreement

Section 5549 - Transfer of trust or other assets to institutional trustee

Section 5550 - Devises, bequests and gifts after certain fundamental changes

Section 5551 - Dividends prohibited; compensation and certain payments authorized

Section 5552 - (Reserved)

Section 5553 - Liabilities of members

Section 5554 - Annual report of directors or other body

Section 5585 - Establishment or use of common trust funds authorized

Section 5586 - Restrictions on investments

Section 5587 - Determination of interests

Section 5588 - Amortization of premiums on securities held

Section 5589 - Records; ownership of assets