Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 55 - Parking Authorities
Section 5508 - Governing body

(a) Scope.--This section does not apply to cities of the first class.
(b) Board.--
(1) The powers of an authority shall be exercised by a board composed of five members. The majority of the members must be residents of the municipality where the authority is located. Each member must be a resident of the county in which the municipality is located or maintain a business in the municipality served by the authority.
(2) The mayor of the city, the president of the borough council, the president of the board of township commissioners, as applicable, shall appoint the members of the board.
(3) Beginning on June 1, 1947:
(i) one member shall serve for one year;
(ii) one member shall serve for two years;
(iii) one member shall serve for three years;
(iv) one member shall serve for four years; and
(v) one member shall serve for five years.
(4) After initial terms, the appointing officer shall, not sooner than 60 days nor later than 30 days prior to June 1 in each year in which a vacancy occurs, appoint a member of the board for a term of five years to fill the vacancy.
(5) A vacancy for an unexpired term which occurs more than 60 days before the end of a term shall be promptly filled by appointment by appointing authority.
(6) Members of the board may be removed at the will of the appointing authority.
(c) Succession.--A member shall hold office until a successor has been appointed. A member may succeed himself or herself.
(d) Compensation.--A member shall receive no compensation for services but shall be entitled to the necessary expenses, including traveling expenses, incurred in the discharge of duties.
(e) Officers.--The members of the board shall select from among themselves a chair, a vice chair and other officers as the board may determine. The board may employ a secretary, an executive director, its own counsel and legal staff and technical experts and other agents and employees, permanent or temporary, as it requires and may determine the qualifications and fix the compensation of such individuals.
(f) Quorum.--Three members of the board constitute a quorum for meetings.
(g) Liability.--A member of the board shall not be liable personally on a bond or other obligations of the authority. Rights of creditors shall be solely against the authority.
(h) Delegation.--The board may delegate to an agent or employee powers as it deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter, subject to the supervision and control of the board.
(i) Management.--The board has authority to manage the property and business of the authority and to prescribe, amend and repeal bylaws, rules and regulations governing the manner in which the business of the authority may be conducted and in which the powers granted to the authority may be exercised.
(Feb. 10, 2004, P.L.69, No.9, eff. 60 days)

2004 Amendment. Act 9 amended subsec. (b)(1).

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 55 - Parking Authorities

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 5501 - Scope of chapter

Section 5502 - Declaration of policy

Section 5503 - Definitions

Section 5504 - Method of incorporation

Section 5505 - Purposes and powers

Section 5506 - Bonds

Section 5507 - Bondholders

Section 5508 - Governing body

Section 5508.1 - Special provisions for authorities in cities of the first class

Section 5508.2 - Additional special provisions for authorities in cities of the first class; mixed-use projects

Section 5508.3 - Restrictions on authorities in cities of the first class

Section 5508.4 - Granting of interests and mixed-use projects for authorities in cities of the second class

Section 5509 - Acquisition of lands

Section 5510 - Money of authority

Section 5510.1 - Management of authority funds in cities of the first class

Section 5510.2 - Special funds in cities of the first class

Section 5510.3 - Bonds in cities of the first class

Section 5510.4 - Contracts with obligees of an authority in cities of the first class

Section 5510.5 - Commonwealth pledges in cities of the first class

Section 5510.6 - Provisions of bonds and trust indentures in cities of the first class

Section 5510.7 - Funds collected on behalf of a municipality (Deleted by amendment)

Section 5510.8 - Bonds to be legal investments

Section 5510.9 - Validity of pledge

Section 5510.10 - Security interest in funds and accounts

Section 5510.11 - Limitation on authority under Federal bankruptcy code

Section 5511 - Competition in award of contracts

Section 5512 - Use of projects

Section 5513 - Pledge by Commonwealth

Section 5514 - Termination of authority

Section 5515 - Exemption from taxation; payments in lieu of taxes

Section 5516 - Transfer of existing facilities to authority

Section 5517 - Severability