Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 55 - Parking Authorities
Section 5504 - Method of incorporation

(a) Procedure.--
(1) If a legislative body desires to organize an authority under this chapter, it shall adopt a resolution or ordinance signifying intention to do so.
(2) If the resolution or ordinance sets forth the proposed articles of incorporation in full, it shall not be required, any law to the contrary notwithstanding, in publishing the resolution or ordinance under the provisions of existing law, to publish the proposed articles of incorporation in full, but it shall be sufficient compliance with such law in the publication to set forth briefly the substance of the proposed articles of incorporation and to refer to the provisions of this chapter.
(3) Upon adoption under paragraph (1), the legislative body shall cause a notice of the resolution or ordinance to be published at least once in the legal newspaper of the county in which the authority is to be organized and at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in that county. The notice must:
(i) contain a brief statement of the substance of the resolution or ordinance, including the substance of the articles of incorporation, making reference to this chapter; and
(ii) state that, on a day certain not less than three days after publication of the notice, articles of incorporation of the proposed authority will be filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
(b) Filing.--
(1) By the day specified in the notice under subsection (a)(3)(ii), the legislative body shall file with the secretary articles of incorporation and notice of publication of the notice under subsection (a)(3).
(2) The articles of incorporation must set forth all of the following:
(i) The name of the authority.
(ii) A statement that the authority is formed under this chapter.
(iii) The name of the municipality and the names and addresses of the members of the legislative body.
(iv) The names, addresses and terms of office of the first members of the board.
(3) The matters in the articles of incorporation under paragraph (2) shall be determined in accordance with this chapter.
(4) The articles of incorporation must be executed by the parent municipality by its proper officer and under its municipal seal.
(c) Certificate.--If the secretary finds that the articles of incorporation conform to law, the secretary shall, not prior to the day specified in subsection (a)(3)(ii), endorse approval on the articles. When proper fees and charges have been paid, the secretary shall file the articles and issue a certificate of incorporation to which shall be attached a copy of the approved articles. After issuance of the certificate of incorporation by the secretary, the corporate existence of the authority shall begin when the certificate has been recorded in the office for the recording of deeds in the county where the principal office of the authority is to be located. The certificate of incorporation shall be conclusive evidence of the fact that the authority has been incorporated. Proceedings may be instituted by the Commonwealth to dissolve an authority formed without substantial compliance with the provisions of this section.
(d) Certification.--When an authority has been organized and its officers have been elected, the secretary of the authority shall certify to the secretary the names and addresses of its officers and the principal office of the authority. Any change in the location of the principal office shall be certified to the secretary within ten days after the change.

Cross References. Section 5504 is referred to in section 5505 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 55 - Parking Authorities

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 5501 - Scope of chapter

Section 5502 - Declaration of policy

Section 5503 - Definitions

Section 5504 - Method of incorporation

Section 5505 - Purposes and powers

Section 5506 - Bonds

Section 5507 - Bondholders

Section 5508 - Governing body

Section 5508.1 - Special provisions for authorities in cities of the first class

Section 5508.2 - Additional special provisions for authorities in cities of the first class; mixed-use projects

Section 5508.3 - Restrictions on authorities in cities of the first class

Section 5508.4 - Granting of interests and mixed-use projects for authorities in cities of the second class

Section 5509 - Acquisition of lands

Section 5510 - Money of authority

Section 5510.1 - Management of authority funds in cities of the first class

Section 5510.2 - Special funds in cities of the first class

Section 5510.3 - Bonds in cities of the first class

Section 5510.4 - Contracts with obligees of an authority in cities of the first class

Section 5510.5 - Commonwealth pledges in cities of the first class

Section 5510.6 - Provisions of bonds and trust indentures in cities of the first class

Section 5510.7 - Funds collected on behalf of a municipality (Deleted by amendment)

Section 5510.8 - Bonds to be legal investments

Section 5510.9 - Validity of pledge

Section 5510.10 - Security interest in funds and accounts

Section 5510.11 - Limitation on authority under Federal bankruptcy code

Section 5511 - Competition in award of contracts

Section 5512 - Use of projects

Section 5513 - Pledge by Commonwealth

Section 5514 - Termination of authority

Section 5515 - Exemption from taxation; payments in lieu of taxes

Section 5516 - Transfer of existing facilities to authority

Section 5517 - Severability