Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 54 - Health Care
Section 5462 - Duties of attending physician and health care provider

(a) Duty to certify end-stage medical condition.--Promptly after a determination that a principal has an end-stage medical condition or is permanently unconscious, the attending physician shall certify in writing that the principal has an end-stage medical condition or is permanently unconscious.
(b) Communication of health care decision.--Whenever possible before implementing a health care decision made by a health care representative or health care agent, an attending physician or health care provider shall promptly communicate to the principal the decision and the identity of the person making the decision.
(c) Compliance with decisions of health care agent and health care representative.--
(1) Health care necessary to preserve life shall be provided to an individual who has neither an end-stage medical condition nor is permanently unconscious, except if the individual is competent and objects to such care or a health care agent objects on behalf of the principal if authorized to do so by the health care power of attorney or living will. In every other case, subject to any limitation specified in the health care power of attorney, an attending physician or health care provider shall comply with a health care decision made by a health care agent or health care representative to the same extent as if the decision had been made by the principal.
(2) In all circumstances this subsection shall be construed so as to be consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336, 104 Stat. 327).
(d) Medical record.--
(1) An attending physician or health care provider who is given a health care power of attorney shall arrange for the health care power of attorney or a copy to be placed in the medical record of the principal.
(2) An attending physician or health care provider to whom an amendment or revocation of a health care power of attorney is communicated shall promptly enter the information in the medical record of the principal and maintain a copy if one is furnished.
(e) Record of determination.--An attending physician who determines that a principal is incompetent or has become competent or makes a determination that affects the authority of a health care agent shall enter the determination in the medical record of the principal and, if possible, promptly inform the principal and any health care agent of the determination.

Cross References. Section 5462 is referred to in sections 5431, 5456, 5461 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 54 - Health Care

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 5421 - Applicability

Section 5422 - Definitions

Section 5423 - Legislative findings and intent

Section 5424 - Compliance

Section 5425 - Conflicting advance health care directives

Section 5426 - Death not suicide or homicide

Section 5427 - Life insurance

Section 5428 - Health care instruments optional

Section 5429 - Pregnancy

Section 5430 - Effect of divorce

Section 5431 - Liability

Section 5432 - Criminal penalties

Section 5433 - Forms

Section 5434 - Construction

Section 5441 - Short title of subchapter

Section 5442 - Execution

Section 5443 - When living will operative

Section 5444 - Revocation

Section 5445 - Emergency medical services

Section 5446 - Validity

Section 5447 - Form

Section 5451 - Short title of subchapter

Section 5452 - Execution

Section 5453 - Requirements and options

Section 5454 - When health care power of attorney operative

Section 5455 - Appointment of health care agents

Section 5456 - Authority of health care agent

Section 5457 - Countermand

Section 5458 - Amendment

Section 5459 - Revocation

Section 5460 - Relation of health care agent to court-appointed guardian and other agents

Section 5461 - Decisions by health care representative

Section 5462 - Duties of attending physician and health care provider

Section 5463 - Effect on other State law

Section 5464 - Validity

Section 5465 - Form

Section 5471 - Example

Section 5481 - Short title of subchapter

Section 5482 - Legislative findings and intent

Section 5483 - Definitions

Section 5484 - Orders, bracelets and necklaces

Section 5485 - Revocation

Section 5486 - Absence of order, bracelet or necklace

Section 5487 - Emergency medical services

Section 5488 - Advisory committee