Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 54 - Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement
Section 5455 - Role of prosecutor or public official

(a) General rule.--In a case arising under this chapter or involving the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, the prosecutor or other appropriate public official may take any lawful action, including resort to a proceeding under this subchapter or any other available civil proceeding to locate a child, obtain the return of a child or enforce a child custody determination if there is:
(1) an existing child custody determination;
(2) a request to do so from a court in a pending child custody proceeding;
(3) a reasonable belief that a criminal statute has been violated; or
(4) a reasonable belief that the child has been wrongfully removed or retained in violation of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.
(b) Authority.--A prosecutor or appropriate public official acting under this section acts on behalf of the court and may not represent any party.

Cross References. Section 5455 is referred to in sections 5204, 5456, 5457 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 54 - Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 5401 - Short title of chapter

Section 5402 - Definitions

Section 5403 - Proceedings governed by other law

Section 5404 - Application to Native American tribes

Section 5405 - International application of chapter

Section 5406 - Effect of child custody determination

Section 5407 - Priority

Section 5408 - Notice to persons outside Commonwealth

Section 5409 - Appearance and limited immunity

Section 5410 - Communication between courts

Section 5411 - Taking testimony in another state

Section 5412 - Cooperation between courts; preservation of records

Section 5421 - Initial child custody jurisdiction

Section 5422 - Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction

Section 5423 - Jurisdiction to modify determination

Section 5424 - Temporary emergency jurisdiction

Section 5425 - Notice; opportunity to be heard; joinder

Section 5426 - Simultaneous proceedings

Section 5427 - Inconvenient forum

Section 5428 - Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct

Section 5429 - Information to be submitted to court

Section 5430 - Appearance of parties and child

Section 5441 - Definitions

Section 5442 - Enforcement under Hague Convention

Section 5443 - Duty to enforce

Section 5444 - Temporary visitation

Section 5445 - Registration of child custody determination

Section 5446 - Enforcement of registered determination

Section 5447 - Simultaneous proceedings

Section 5448 - Expedited enforcement of child custody determination

Section 5449 - Service of petition and order

Section 5450 - Hearing and order

Section 5451 - Warrant to take physical custody of child

Section 5452 - Costs, fees and expenses

Section 5453 - Recognition and enforcement

Section 5454 - Appeals

Section 5455 - Role of prosecutor or public official

Section 5456 - Role of law enforcement

Section 5457 - Costs and expenses

Section 5471 - Intrastate application

Section 5481 - Application and construction

Section 5482 - Severability