(a) Referendum required.--No marketing program or amendment thereto shall become effective unless and until the secretary determines by a referendum whether or not the affected producers assent to the proposed action.
(b) Majority vote.--The secretary shall conduct the referendum among the affected producers, and the affected producers shall be deemed to have assented to the proposed program if, of those voting, a majority by number and a majority by volume assent to the proposed program.
(c) Vote of cooperative association.--In determining whether a marketing program or an amendment to the marketing program has been approved by producers, the secretary shall consider the vote of a cooperative association as the votes of its members, providing the cooperative has first notified its members in writing at least 30 days in advance of its intention to cast a representative vote. The notice shall inform the producer of the right to cast a vote individually and shall include the following wording in boldface type: WARNING - IF YOU DO NOT EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE, YOUR COOPERATIVE HAS THE RIGHT TO VOTE FOR YOU. Each producer shall receive a ballot from the secretary. The ballot shall contain the following wording in boldface type: WARNING - IF YOU DO NOT EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE, YOUR COOPERATIVE HAS THE RIGHT TO VOTE FOR YOU. If the producer votes individually, the vote shall be deducted from the cooperative representative vote.
(d) Procedure.--Any referendum required under this chapter shall be conducted in accordance with reasonable rules and regulations to be established and promulgated by the secretary.
(e) Pennsylvania Dairy Products Promotion Program.--The secretary may establish without a referendum a Pennsylvania Dairy Products Promotion Program, provided that the program is financed by voluntary contributions credited against assessments payable to the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board pursuant to the Dairy and Tobacco Adjustment Act of 1983 (Public Law 98-180, 97 Stat. 1128). This program shall terminate, unless continued by referendum as provided in this section, not later than six months following the disapproval of the Federal Dairy Promotion Program by a majority of producers voting in a nationwide referendum. The establishment, termination, amendment and management of the Pennsylvania Dairy Products Promotion Program shall, except as provided in this subsection, be conducted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 45 - Agricultural Commodities Marketing
Section 4501 - Short title of chapter
Section 4503 - Powers and duties of secretary
Section 4504 - Commodity marketing board
Section 4505 - Provisions of marketing programs
Section 4506 - Effecting marketing programs
Section 4507 - Terminating marketing programs
Section 4508 - Marketing program review and amendments
Section 4509 - Notice of issuance
Section 4510 - Collection of fees
Section 4511 - Rules and regulations for enforcement